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Created September 29, 2018 00:56
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Just a logger for page layouts and reflows
/* these methods and props are known to cause reflow and layout
see list from
const reflowLogger = function() {
// we don't want to redefine our properties
if (window.__reflow_log__) return;
window.__reflow_log__ = true;
const noop = () => {};
const track = {
funcs: ["getClientRects", "getBoundingClientRect"],
props: [
function log(methodName, el) {
`%c${methodName} triggered by: ${el.nodeName} ${el.classList}`,
"background: #222; color: #bada55"
//run on a different context
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none";
track.props.forEach(prop => {
//get descriptor for both get anf set
const propDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
// get and set || noop
let originalGetter = propDescriptor ? propDescriptor.get : noop;
let originalSetter = propDescriptor ? propDescriptor.set : noop;
// shim in to our prop get & set
Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, prop, {
get: function() {
log(`get ${prop}`, this);
// run original getter
set: function(val) {
log(`set ${prop}`, this);
// run original setter
return, val);
// // shim in to our funcs
track.funcs.forEach(func => {
const originalFunc = HTMLElement.prototype[func];
HTMLElement.prototype[func] = function() {
log(func, this);
// run original func
return originalFunc.apply(this, arguments);
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