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Created December 27, 2024 18:22
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cowsay .zshrc
# Function to get a random quote from a file (same as before)
get_random_quote() {
local quote_file="$HOME/.quotes.txt"
if [[ ! -f "$quote_file" ]]; then
echo "Error: Quotes file '$quote_file' not found." >&2
return 1
local num_lines=$(wc -l < "$quote_file")
local random_line=$((RANDOM % num_lines + 1))
sed -n "${random_line}p" "$quote_file"
# Function to display a cow with a random quote (same as before)
cow_with_quote() {
local quote=$(get_random_quote)
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
cowsay "$quote"
echo "Could not retrieve a quote." >&2
# Run the cow with quote function on every new iTerm2 session/tab
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "" ]]; then
#Optional: Alias for manual use
alias coway="cow_with_quote"
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