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Márk Sági-Kazár sagikazarmark

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ctrlcctrlv /
Last active February 17, 2025 01:17
Rust maintainer perfectionism

Rust maintainer perfectionism, or, the tragedy of Alacritty

I did not submit this to Hacker News and did not intend that this post would have high circulation but have no real problem with it being there or with it having such. I have more recent comments below. This post is from January 2020 and predates the Modular Font Editor K (MFEK) project.

I have not worked on Rust projects in quite a while, and don't know if I ever will again. I feel many crate maintainers are way too perfectionist, for example, despite all the developer hours that went into this PR, it took the effort within years to be (halfway) merged.

There's always a reason not to merge, isn't there? It would be better done with a new nightly language feature, or the function signature should have a where clause, or the documentation is not perfect. There's always a new nit to pick in the world of Ru

nim-nim / go
Last active July 20, 2020 09:35
Integration workflows and Go

The current Go module design and implementation targets small Go projects.

Small project direct integration pipeline

Those projects consume raw unchanged third party projects, and rely blindly on the QA done by those other projects. Their only needs are to download those projects, check they’ve not been tampered with (via notaries), regularly check for updates.

Small project code supply chain:

third party code
laggardkernel /
Last active February 22, 2025 23:35
Comparison of ZSH frameworks and plugin managers

Comparison of ZSH frameworks and plugin managers


  • update 1: add a FAQ section
  • update 2: benchmark chart and feature comparison table
  • update 3:
    • improve the table with missing features for antigen
    • new zplg times result


bwplotka / ttest.go
Created January 7, 2019 14:38
Table test initial boilerplate
for _, tcase := range []struct{
if ok := t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
}); !ok {
tlc / humble_bundle_file_downloader.js
Last active March 25, 2020 08:58 — forked from Woody2143/humble_bundle_file_downloader.js
Download HumbleBundle book bundles easier. Puts 'curl' statements on the page for you to copy.
/* 11/27/2017 - Tweaked for a page redesign.
* 1/6/2018 - Handle videos in book bundle.
var pattern = /(MOBI|EPUB|PDF( ?\(H.\))?|CBZ)$/i;
var pattern2 = /(Download)$/;
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var downloadCmd = '';
for (i in nodes) {
var a = nodes[i];
if (a && a.text && pattern.test(a.text.trim())) {
posener /
Last active February 12, 2024 05:32
Function Failure reporting: Error or OK

Function Failure Reporting: Error or OK

Go's "multiple return values" feature, can be used for several purposes. Among them for failure reporting to the function caller. Go has two conventions for failure reporting, but currently, no clear convention for which to use when. I've encountered different programmers that prefer different choices in different cases. In this article, we will discuss the two, and try to make the process of choosing our next function signature more conscious.

The Basics

adilsoncarvalho / bitbucket-pipelines.yml
Last active April 16, 2024 12:03
Bitbucket Pipelines deployment to a Google Container Engine configuration
docker: true
- step:
image: google/cloud-sdk:latest
name: Deploy to production
deployment: production
from locust.stats import RequestStats
from locust import Locust, TaskSet, task, events
import os
import sys, getopt, argparse
from random import randint,random
import json
from import EventHook
import requests
import re
import grpc
QuingKhaos / _section.html
Last active November 2, 2016 11:30
Section template for which allows multiple slides in one markdown file
<% if (!_.isString(slide) && !_.isArray(slide) && _.isObject(slide)) { %>
<section <%=, function (val, attr) {return attr + '="' + val + '"'}).join(' ')%> <% if (_.isString(slide.filename)) { %>data-<% if (slide.filename.indexOf('.html') !== -1) { %>html<% } else { %>markdown<% }%>="slides/<%= slide.filename %>"<% } %>
<% } %><% if (_.isString(slide)) { %>
<section data-<% if (slide.indexOf('.html') !== -1) { %>html<% } else { %>markdown<% }%>="slides/<%= slide %>"
<% } %>