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Created December 22, 2022 10:53
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 22
object Day22 : Day(2022, 22) {
enum class DIR(val p: Point) { RIGHT(P(1, 0)), DOWN(P(0, 1)), LEFT(P(-1, 0)), UP(P(0, -1));
fun right() = values()[(this.ordinal + 1).mod(values().size)]
fun left() = values()[(this.ordinal - 1).mod(values().size)]
enum class SIDE { A, B, C, D, E, F }
private val map = toMap(input.split("\n\n")[0]).entries.filter { it.value != ' ' }.associate { it.key to it.value }
override fun part1() = solve(input.split("\n\n")[1]) { curr, dir -> planeWrap(curr, dir) }
override fun part2() = solve(input.split("\n\n")[1]) { curr, dir -> cubeWrap(curr, dir) }
private fun solve(fullInstr: String, next: (P<Int, Int>, DIR) -> P<P<Int, Int>, DIR>): Int {
var instr = fullInstr
val startPos = map.entries.filter { it.key.second == 0 }.minByOrNull { it.key.first }!!.key
var currPos = startPos
var currDir = RIGHT
while (instr.isNotEmpty()) {
val firstTurnIdx = instr.indexOfFirst { it == 'R' || it == 'L' }
if (firstTurnIdx > 0 || firstTurnIdx == -1) {
val move = if (firstTurnIdx == -1) instr.toInt() else instr.substring(0, firstTurnIdx).toInt()
instr = if (firstTurnIdx == -1) "" else instr.substring(firstTurnIdx)
for (i in 0 until move) {
val (nextPos, nextDir) =
if (map.containsKey(currPos + currDir.p)) { P(currPos + currDir.p, currDir) } // Normal move
else { next(currPos, currDir) } //Wrap around
if (map[nextPos] == '#') break
else {
currPos = nextPos
currDir = nextDir
} else { // TURNING
currDir = if (instr[0] == 'R') { currDir.right() } else { currDir.left() }
instr = instr.drop(1)
return 1000 * (currPos.second + 1) + 4 * (currPos.first + 1) + currDir.ordinal
private fun planeWrap(curr: P<Int, Int>, dir: DIR): P<P<Int, Int>, DIR> {
return when (dir) {
DOWN -> P(map.entries.filter { it.key.first == curr.first }.minBy { it.key.second }.key, dir)
UP -> P(map.entries.filter { it.key.first == curr.first }.maxBy { it.key.second }.key, dir)
RIGHT -> P(map.entries.filter { it.key.second == curr.second }.minBy { it.key.first }.key, dir)
LEFT -> P(map.entries.filter { it.key.second == curr.second }.maxBy { it.key.first }.key, dir)
fun cubeWrap(curr: P<Int, Int>, currDir: DIR): P<P<Int, Int>, DIR> {
var nextDir = currDir
val currSide = sideOf(curr)
var nextPos = curr
if (currSide == A && currDir == UP) {
nextDir = RIGHT
nextPos = P(0, 3 * 50 + curr.x - 50) // nextSide = F
} else if (currSide == A && currDir == LEFT) {
nextDir = RIGHT
nextPos = P(0, 2 * 50 + (50 - curr.y - 1)) // nextSide = E
} else if (currSide == B && currDir == UP) {
nextDir = UP
nextPos = P(curr.first - 100, 199) // nextSide = F
} else if (currSide == B && currDir == RIGHT) {
nextDir = LEFT
nextPos = P(99, (50 - curr.second) + 2 * 50 - 1) // nextSide = D
} else if (currSide == B && currDir == DOWN) {
nextDir = LEFT
nextPos = P(99, 50 + (curr.x - 2 * 50)) // nextSide = C
} else if (currSide == C && currDir == RIGHT) {
nextDir = UP
nextPos = P((curr.y - 50) + 2 * 50, 49) // nextSide = B
} else if (currSide == C && currDir == LEFT) {
nextDir = DOWN
nextPos = P(curr.y - 50, 100) // nextSide = E
} else if (currSide == E && currDir == LEFT) {
nextDir = RIGHT
nextPos = P(50, 50 - (curr.y - 2 * 50) - 1) // nextSide = A
} else if (currSide == E && currDir == UP) {
nextDir = RIGHT
nextPos = P(50, 50 + curr.x) // nextSide = C
} else if (currSide == D && currDir == DOWN) {
nextDir = LEFT
nextPos = P(49, 3 * 50 + (curr.x - 50)) // nextSide = F
} else if (currSide == D && currDir == RIGHT) {
nextDir = LEFT
nextPos = P(149, 50 - (curr.y - 50 * 2) - 1) // nextSide = B
} else if (currSide == F && currDir == RIGHT) {
nextDir = UP
nextPos = P((curr.y - 3 * 50) + 50, 149) // nextSide = D
} else if (currSide == F && currDir == LEFT) {
nextDir = DOWN
nextPos = P(50 + (curr.y - 3 * 50), 0) // nextSide = A
} else if (currSide == F && currDir == DOWN) {
nextDir = DOWN
nextPos = P(curr.x + 100, 0) // nextSide = B
return P(nextPos, nextDir)
private fun sideOf(pos: Point): SIDE {
if (pos.x in 50..99 && pos.y in 0..49) return A
if (pos.x in 100..149 && pos.y in 0..49) return B
if (pos.x in 50..99 && pos.y in 50..99) return C
if (pos.x in 50..99 && pos.y in 100..149) return D
if (pos.x in 0..49 && pos.y in 100..149) return E
if (pos.x in 0..49 && pos.y in 150..199) return F
throw java.lang.RuntimeException("Side does not exist for $pos")
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