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Created November 16, 2018 17:22
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============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-3.10.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0 -- /home/conseil/miniconda3/envs/py37/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
Running tests with Astropy version 3.1rc1.
Running tests in astropy/io/votable.
Date: 2018-11-16T18:21:29
Platform: Linux-4.16.0-0.bpo.1-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-9.6
Executable: /home/conseil/miniconda3/envs/py37/bin/python
Full Python Version:
3.7.1 (default, Oct 23 2018, 19:19:42)
[GCC 7.3.0]
encodings: sys: utf-8, locale: UTF-8, filesystem: utf-8
byteorder: little
float info: dig: 15, mant_dig: 15
Numpy: 1.15.4
Scipy: 1.1.0
Matplotlib: 3.0.2
h5py: not available
Pandas: 0.23.4
Cython: 0.29
astropy_helpers: 1.1rc1
Using Astropy options: remote_data: none.
rootdir: /home/conseil/lib/astropy, inifile: setup.cfg
plugins: xdist-1.24.1, remotedata-0.3.1, openfiles-0.3.0, forked-0.2, doctestplus-0.2.0, cov-2.6.0, arraydiff-0.2
collecting ... collected 218 items / 215 deselected
astropy/io/votable/tests/ FAILED [ 33%]
astropy/io/votable/tests/ PASSED [ 66%]
astropy/io/votable/tests/ FAILED [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________________________ test_validate _________________________________
test_path_object = False
def test_validate(test_path_object=False):
test_path_object is needed for test below ``test_validate_path_object``
so that file could be passed as pathlib.Path object.
output = io.StringIO()
fpath = get_pkg_data_filename('data/regression.xml')
if test_path_object:
fpath = pathlib.Path(fpath)
# We can't test xmllint, because we can't rely on it being on the
# user's machine.
with catch_warnings():
result = validate(fpath,
output, xmllint=False)
assert result is False
output = output.readlines()
# Uncomment to generate new groundtruth
# with open('validation.txt', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
# fd.write(u''.join(output))
with open(
'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
truth = fd.readlines()
truth = truth[1:]
output = output[1:-1]
difflib.unified_diff(truth, output, fromfile='truth', tofile='output'))
> assert truth == output
E assert ['\n', '11: W...le of\n', ...] == ['\n', '11: W0...le of\n', ...]
E At index 2 diff: '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n' != '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n'
E Full diff:
E ['\n',
E '11: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '11: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 0, got 2\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '12: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arra...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arrays…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '20: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0...\n',
E ? ^^
E + '<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.0…\n',
E ? ^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "21: W50: Invalid unit string 'foo'\n",
E - '<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="ch…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '22: W11: The gref attribute on LINK is deprecated in VOTable 1.1\n',
E '<LINK href="" gref="DECPRECATED">\n',
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "23: W10: Unknown tag 'DESCRIPTION'. Ignoring\n",
E ' <DESCRIPTION>Really, this link is totally bogus.</DESCRIPTION>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "29: W26: 'INFO' inside 'TABLE' added in VOTable 1.2\n",
E - '<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find s...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find som…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '33: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" array…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '36: W09: ID attribute not capitalized\n',
E - '<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysiz...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysize=…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "39: W13: 'unicodeString' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be\n",
E " 'unicodeChar'\n",
E - '<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicod...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicodeS…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "41: W13: 'string' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be 'char'\n",
E - '<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="st...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="stri…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "44: W51: Value '-32769' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <VALUES null="-32769"/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "50: W48: Unknown attribute 'value' on OPTION\n",
E ' <OPTION name="bogus" value="whatever"/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "52: W10: Unknown tag 'IGNORE_ME'. Ignoring\n",
E ' <IGNORE_ME/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '92: W17: GROUP element contains more than one DESCRIPTION element\n',
E ' This should warn of a second description.\n',
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '99: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - ' <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" a...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + ' <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr…\n',
E ? ^^^
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "37: W32: Duplicate ID 'string_test' renamed to 'string_test_2' to\n",
E ' ensure uniqueness\n',
E - '<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" ar...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" arra…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '107: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>Fixed string long test</TD> <!-- Should truncate -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '109: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E " <TD>Ceçi n'est pas un pipe</TD>\n",
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '110: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>ab cd</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '129: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '129: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '137: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '140: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "141: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>256</TD> <!-- should overflow to 0 -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "142: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>65536</TD> <!-- should overflow to 0-->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '144: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD></TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '147: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>42 32, 12 32</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. (suppressing further\n',
E ' warnings of this type...)\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '169: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "171: W51: Value '-23' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>-23</TD> <!-- negative, should wrap around to positive -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '193: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "202: W51: Value '65535' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>0xffff</TD> <!-- hex - negative value -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '207: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>NaN, 23</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '209: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 6, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '217: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '223: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "231: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>0x100</TD> <!-- hex, overflow -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "232: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>0x10000</TD> <!-- hex, overflow -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '237: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>31, -1</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '239: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 6, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '247: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '249: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1 (suppressing further warnings of this type...)\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '267: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>Fixed string long test</TD> <!-- Should truncate -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '269: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E " <TD>Ceçi n'est pas un pipe</TD>\n",
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '270: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>ab cd</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n']
astropy/io/votable/tests/ AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
--- truth
+++ output
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
11: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…
11: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of
0, got 2
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…
12: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arra...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arrays…
20: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0...
+<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.0…
21: W50: Invalid unit string 'foo'
-<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="...
+<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="ch…
22: W11: The gref attribute on LINK is deprecated in VOTable 1.1
@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@
29: W26: 'INFO' inside 'TABLE' added in VOTable 1.2
-<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find s...
+<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find som…
33: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" array…
36: W09: ID attribute not capitalized
-<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysiz...
+<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysize=…
39: W13: 'unicodeString' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be
-<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicod...
+<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicodeS…
41: W13: 'string' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be 'char'
-<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="st...
+<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="stri…
44: W51: Value '-32769' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@
99: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
- <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" a...
+ <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr…
37: W32: Duplicate ID 'string_test' renamed to 'string_test_2' to
ensure uniqueness
-<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" ar...
+<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" arra…
107: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10
__________________________ test_validate_path_object ___________________________
def test_validate_path_object():
Validating when source is passed as path object. (#4412)
> test_validate(test_path_object=True)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
test_path_object = True
def test_validate(test_path_object=False):
test_path_object is needed for test below ``test_validate_path_object``
so that file could be passed as pathlib.Path object.
output = io.StringIO()
fpath = get_pkg_data_filename('data/regression.xml')
if test_path_object:
fpath = pathlib.Path(fpath)
# We can't test xmllint, because we can't rely on it being on the
# user's machine.
with catch_warnings():
result = validate(fpath,
output, xmllint=False)
assert result is False
output = output.readlines()
# Uncomment to generate new groundtruth
# with open('validation.txt', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
# fd.write(u''.join(output))
with open(
'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
truth = fd.readlines()
truth = truth[1:]
output = output[1:-1]
difflib.unified_diff(truth, output, fromfile='truth', tofile='output'))
> assert truth == output
E assert ['\n', '11: W...le of\n', ...] == ['\n', '11: W0...le of\n', ...]
E At index 2 diff: '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n' != '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n'
E Full diff:
E ['\n',
E '11: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '11: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 0, got 2\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '12: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arra...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arrays…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '20: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0...\n',
E ? ^^
E + '<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.0…\n',
E ? ^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "21: W50: Invalid unit string 'foo'\n",
E - '<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="ch…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '22: W11: The gref attribute on LINK is deprecated in VOTable 1.1\n',
E '<LINK href="" gref="DECPRECATED">\n',
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "23: W10: Unknown tag 'DESCRIPTION'. Ignoring\n",
E ' <DESCRIPTION>Really, this link is totally bogus.</DESCRIPTION>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "29: W26: 'INFO' inside 'TABLE' added in VOTable 1.2\n",
E - '<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find s...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find som…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '33: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" array…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '36: W09: ID attribute not capitalized\n',
E - '<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysiz...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysize=…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "39: W13: 'unicodeString' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be\n",
E " 'unicodeChar'\n",
E - '<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicod...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicodeS…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "41: W13: 'string' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be 'char'\n",
E - '<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="st...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="stri…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E "44: W51: Value '-32769' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <VALUES null="-32769"/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "50: W48: Unknown attribute 'value' on OPTION\n",
E ' <OPTION name="bogus" value="whatever"/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "52: W10: Unknown tag 'IGNORE_ME'. Ignoring\n",
E ' <IGNORE_ME/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '92: W17: GROUP element contains more than one DESCRIPTION element\n',
E ' This should warn of a second description.\n',
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '99: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E - ' <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" a...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + ' <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr…\n',
E ? ^^^
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "37: W32: Duplicate ID 'string_test' renamed to 'string_test_2' to\n",
E ' ensure uniqueness\n',
E - '<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" ar...\n',
E ? ^^^
E + '<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" arra…\n',
E ? ^^^
E '^\n',
E '\n',
E '107: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>Fixed string long test</TD> <!-- Should truncate -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '109: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E " <TD>Ceçi n'est pas un pipe</TD>\n",
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '110: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>ab cd</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '129: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '129: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '137: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '140: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "141: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>256</TD> <!-- should overflow to 0 -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "142: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>65536</TD> <!-- should overflow to 0-->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '144: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD></TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '147: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>42 32, 12 32</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields.\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '163: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. (suppressing further\n',
E ' warnings of this type...)\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '169: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>0123456789A</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "171: W51: Value '-23' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>-23</TD> <!-- negative, should wrap around to positive -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '193: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "202: W51: Value '65535' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>0xffff</TD> <!-- hex - negative value -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '207: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>NaN, 23</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '209: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 6, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '217: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '223: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 16, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "231: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer\n",
E ' field\n',
E ' <TD>0x100</TD> <!-- hex, overflow -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E "232: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field\n",
E ' <TD>0x10000</TD> <!-- hex, overflow -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '237: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace\n',
E ' <TD>31, -1</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '239: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 6, got 0\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '247: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '249: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of\n',
E ' 4, got 1 (suppressing further warnings of this type...)\n',
E ' <TD/>\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '267: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E ' <TD>Fixed string long test</TD> <!-- Should truncate -->\n',
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '269: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10\n',
E " <TD>Ceçi n'est pas un pipe</TD>\n",
E ' ^\n',
E '\n',
E '270: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4\n',
E ' <TD>ab cd</TD>\n',
E ' ^\n']
astropy/io/votable/tests/ AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
--- truth
+++ output
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
11: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…
11: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of
0, got 2
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.00...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="wrong_arraysize" value="0.000000,0.0000…
12: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arra...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.000000" arrays…
20: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0...
+<PARAM ID="awesome" datatype="float" name="INPUT" value="0.000000,0.0…
21: W50: Invalid unit string 'foo'
-<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="...
+<PARAM ID="empty_value" name="empty_value" arraysize="*" datatype="ch…
22: W11: The gref attribute on LINK is deprecated in VOTable 1.1
@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@
29: W26: 'INFO' inside 'TABLE' added in VOTable 1.2
-<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find s...
+<INFO name="Error" ID="ErrorInfo" value="One might expect to find som…
33: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
-<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr...
+<PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT2" value="0.000000,0.000000" array…
36: W09: ID attribute not capitalized
-<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysiz...
+<FIELD id="string_test" name="string test" datatype="char" arraysize=…
39: W13: 'unicodeString' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be
-<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicod...
+<FIELD ID="fixed_unicode_test" name="unicode test" datatype="unicodeS…
41: W13: 'string' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be 'char'
-<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="st...
+<FIELD ID="string_array_test" name="string array test" datatype="stri…
44: W51: Value '-32769' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@
99: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace
- <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" a...
+ <PARAM datatype="float" name="INPUT3" value="0.000000,0.000000" arr…
37: W32: Duplicate ID 'string_test' renamed to 'string_test_2' to
ensure uniqueness
-<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" ar...
+<FIELD ID="string_test" name="fixed string test" datatype="char" arra…
107: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10
============== 2 failed, 1 passed, 215 deselected in 0.66 seconds ==============
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