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Last active September 12, 2019 13:00
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Sliding Window Counters Redis Rate Limiter
import time
import redis
# redis connection
def get_connection(host="", port="6379", db=0):
connection = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db)
return connection
class SlidingWindowCounterRateLimiter(object):
representation of data stored in redis
"userid_metadata": {
"requests": 2,
"window_time": 30
"userid_counts": {
"bucket1": 2,
"bucket2": 3
REQUESTS = "requests" # key in the metadata representing the max number of requests
WINDOW_TIME = "window_time" # key in the metadata representing the window time
METADATA_SUFFIX = "_metadata" # metadata suffix
COUNTS = "_counts" # count buckets suffix
def __init__(self, bucketSize=10):
# bucket size can be coarser than 10 sec based on the window size.
self.bucketSize = bucketSize # in seconds
self.con = get_connection()
# current timestamp in seconds.
def getCurrentTimestampInSec(cls):
return int(round(time.time()))
def getBucket(self, timestamp, windowTimeInSec):
factor = windowTimeInSec / self.bucketSize
return (timestamp // factor) * factor
# Adds a new user's rate of requests to be allowed.
# using redis hashes to store the user metadata.
def addUser(self, userId, requests=100, windowTimeInSec=60):
# TODO: Make sure that the given windowTimeInSec is a multiple of bucketSize
self.con.hmset(userId + self.METADATA_SUFFIX, {
self.REQUESTS: requests,
self.WINDOW_TIME: windowTimeInSec
# Get the user metadata storing the number of requests per window time.
def getRateForUser(self, userId):
val = self.con.hgetall(userId + self.METADATA_SUFFIX)
if val is None:
raise Exception("Un-registered user: " + userId)
return int(val[self.REQUESTS]), int(val[self.WINDOW_TIME])
# Removes a user's metadata and timestamps.
def removeUser(self, userId):
self.con.delete(userId + self.METADATA_SUFFIX, userId + self.COUNTS)
# Atomically increments hash key val by unit and returns. Uses optimistic locking
# over userId + self.COUNTS redis key.
def _incrementAHashKeyValByUnitAmotically(self, userId, bucket, redisPipeline):
# A two element array with first one representing success of updating the
# bucket value and other giving a list of all the values(counts) of the buckets.
count = redisPipeline.hmget(userId + self.COUNTS, bucket)[0]
if count is None:
count = 0
currentBucketCount = int(count)
redisPipeline.hmset(userId + self.COUNTS, {bucket: currentBucketCount + 1})
redisPipeline.hvals(userId + self.COUNTS)
# Deciding if the rate has been crossed.
# we're using redis hashes to store the counts.
def shouldAllowServiceCall(self, userId):
allowedRequests, windowTime = self.getRateForUser(userId)
# evict older entries
allBuckets = map(int, self.con.hkeys(userId + self.COUNTS))
currentTimestamp = self.getCurrentTimestampInSec()
oldestPossibleEntry = currentTimestamp - windowTime
bucketsToBeDeleted = filter(
lambda bucket: bucket < oldestPossibleEntry, allBuckets)
if len(bucketsToBeDeleted) != 0:
self.con.hdel(userId + self.COUNTS, *bucketsToBeDeleted)
currentBucket = self.getBucket(currentTimestamp, windowTime)
# transaction holds an optimistic lock over the redis entries
# userId + self.METADATA_SUFFIX, userId + self.COUNTS.
# The changes in _incrementAHashKeyValByUnitAmotically are committed only
# if none of these entries get changed.
_, requests = self.con.transaction(
lambda pipe: self.
_incrementAHashKeyValByUnitAmotically(userId, currentBucket, pipe),
userId + self.COUNTS, userId + self.METADATA_SUFFIX
if sum(map(int, requests)) > allowedRequests:
return False
return True
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