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Created June 1, 2015 16:31
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Linking to videos example
* Module Title
* Module description
* @author Andrew Womersley
* @category Module
* @package STAN
* @link //stan:4000/stan/api/modules
$heading = $this->view->text->resource_heading2;
$Items = $this->view->data('video_links',array(
'order'=>'sadord ASC',
if(count($Items) && is_array($Items)){
$this->flags['title'] = 'Downloads';
print("<ul class='icon col-sm-5'>");
foreach($Items as $item){
$host = $item->host;
$video_id = $item->video_id;
$url = "https://";
$url .= $host;
$url .= ".com/";
if($host === "youtube")
$url .= "watch?v=";
$url .= $video_id;
if($host === "vimeo")
$url .= $video_id;
<i class='fa fa-video-camera'></i>
<a href='".$url."'>".$item->title."</a>
<span>".$item->duration." - ".ucfirst($item->host)."</span>
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