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Created August 29, 2024 16:36
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fun Modifier.animatePlacement(): Modifier = composed {
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
var targetOffset by remember { mutableStateOf(IntOffset.Zero) }
var animatable by remember {
mutableStateOf<Animatable<IntOffset, AnimationVector2D>?>(null)
// 🔥 onPlaced should be before offset Modifier
.onPlaced {
// Calculate the position in the parent layout
targetOffset = it
.offset {
// Animate to the new target offset when alignment changes.
val anim = animatable ?: Animatable(targetOffset, IntOffset.VectorConverter).also {
animatable = it
if (anim.targetValue != targetOffset) {
scope.launch {
anim.animateTo(targetOffset, spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessMediumLow))
// Offset the child in the opposite direction to the targetOffset, and slowly catch
// up to zero offset via an animation to achieve an overall animated movement.
animatable?.let { it.value - targetOffset } ?: IntOffset.Zero
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