- alias: Tesla Wall Connector connected - turn off charge immediatelly |
description: "When Tesla is connected it starts the charging automatically. Stop chargning unless 'Fastest' is selected. After 15 seconds other automations will take over" |
# todo merge everything into a single automation |
# Other automations (solar/nordpool/offpeak) will trigger 15 seconds after Tesla Wall Connector connected |
trigger: |
- platform: state |
entity_id: |
- binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
to: |
- "on" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
action: |
- service: button.press |
alias: "Force update car state when cable connected" |
target: |
entity_id: button.tesla_model_3_force_data_update |
- if: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: |
# - "Fastest" |
- "Only Solar" |
- "Nordpool" |
- "Offpeak" |
then: |
- service: switch.turn_off |
target: |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
- id: tesla_offpeak_charge |
alias: Tesla Charge mode - Offpeak |
description: During the offpeak hours (utility_meter integration), turn on charging at max current to reach the 70% battery limit |
trigger: |
- platform: homeassistant |
event: start |
- entity_id: utility_meter.daily_house_energy |
platform: state |
to: "offpeak" |
- platform: state |
for: |
seconds: 15 |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
to: "on" |
- platform: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
to: "Offpeak" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Offpeak rate" |
condition: state |
entity_id: utility_meter.daily_house_energy |
state: "offpeak" |
- alias: "Charge Cable plugged in" |
condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "on" |
- alias: "Offpeak charge mode selected" |
condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: "Offpeak" |
action: |
- delay: 00:01:00 |
- service: switch.turn_on |
target: |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
- service: number.set_value |
alias: Set charging amps to max |
data: |
value: '{{ state_attr("number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps", "max") }}' |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps |
- choose: |
- alias: "Set charge limit to 70%, if it is not set to 100%" |
conditions: "{{ (states('number.tesla_model_3_charge_limit') |int(0)) < 100 }}" |
sequence: |
- service: number.set_value |
data: |
value: 70 |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charge_limit |
- alias: Tesla Charge mode - Offpeak (stop) |
id: tesla_stop_peak_charge |
description: Stop charging when offpeak tariff ends and we don't need max range |
trigger: |
- entity_id: utility_meter.daily_house_energy |
platform: state |
from: "offpeak" |
to: "peak" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Charge Cable plugged in" |
condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "on" |
- alias: "Offpeak charge mode selected" |
condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: "Offpeak" |
action: |
- entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
service: switch.turn_off |
- alias: Tesla Charge mode - Offpeak (early stop) |
description: If the predicted solar production is high, stop offpeak charging when reached 60% and continue the charge (60% to 95%) later in the day. |
id: tesla_stop_peak_charge_early |
trigger: |
- entity_id: sensor.tesla_model_3_battery |
platform: numeric_state |
above: 60 |
for: |
minutes: 1 |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Tesla at home" |
condition: state |
entity_id: device_tracker.tesla_location |
state: "home" |
- alias: "Offpeak rate" |
condition: state |
entity_id: utility_meter.daily_house_energy |
state: "offpeak" |
- alias: "Predicted high solar production today" |
condition: numeric_state |
entity_id: sensor.energy_production_today |
above: 50 |
action: |
- entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
service: switch.turn_off |
- alias: Tesla Charge mode - Fastest |
id: tesla_fast_charge |
description: When the "Fastest" is selected, charge immediatelly on max current to 100% |
trigger: |
- platform: homeassistant |
event: start |
- platform: state |
for: |
seconds: 15 |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
to: "on" |
- platform: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
to: "Fastest" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Charge Cable plugged in" |
condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "on" |
- alias: "Fastest charge mode selected" |
condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: "Fastest" |
action: |
- service: switch.turn_on |
target: |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
- service: number.set_value |
alias: "Set charging amps to max available" |
data: |
value: '{{ state_attr("number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps", "max") }}' |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps |
- alias: "Set charge limit to 100%" |
service: number.set_value |
data: |
value: 100 |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charge_limit |
- alias: Tesla Charge mode - Nordpool |
description: "Will charge based on EV Smart Charging integration (Nordpool)" |
trigger: |
- platform: state |
for: |
seconds: 15 |
entity_id: |
- binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
to: |
- "on" |
- "off" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Nordpool charge mode selected" |
condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: "Nordpool" |
action: |
- service: button.press |
target: |
entity_id: button.tesla_model_3_force_data_update |
- delay: 00:00:05 |
- if: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "on" |
then: |
- if: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging |
state: "off" |
then: |
- service: switch.turn_off |
target: |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
else: |
- service: switch.turn_on |
target: |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
- service: switch.turn_on |
data: {} |
target: |
entity_id: switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected |
else: |
- if: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "off" |
then: |
- service: switch.turn_off |
data: {} |
target: |
entity_id: switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected |
mode: single |
- alias: Tesla Charge mode - Only Solar |
id: smart_solar_charge_tesla |
description: "To only use excess power from solar, limit the number of Amps Tesla charger use. We'll stop charging if it drops below 5A" |
trigger: |
- platform: time_pattern |
minutes: "/1" |
# This will run automation every minute |
- platform: state |
for: |
seconds: 15 |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
to: "on" |
- platform: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
to: "Only Solar" |
condition: |
- condition: state |
alias: "If not vacation" |
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode |
state: "off" |
- alias: "Is plugged in" |
condition: state |
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_wall_connector_vehicle_connected |
state: "on" |
- alias: "Sun is shining" |
condition: numeric_state |
entity_id: sensor.elevation |
above: 5 |
- alias: "Charge mode 'Only Solar' selected" |
condition: state |
entity_id: input_select.tesla_charger_speed |
state: "Only Solar" |
variables: |
# Calculate ideal charging amps, so it would only use electricity from solar, we should set the Tesla charger to |
# AMPS = (current power usage (i.e. -2000W) + 200W overhead, converted to amps) |
amps: '{{ [[((states("sensor.tesla_charger_actual_current")|int(0)) - ((max([states("sensor.shelly_channel_b_power")|float(0), states("sensor.shelly_channel_c_power")|float(0), states("sensor.shelly_channel_a_power")|float(0)]) + 200) / (states("sensor.shelly_channel_a_voltage")|int(0)))|int(0)),0]|max, state_attr("number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps", "max") | int(0) ]|min }}' |
# Above is for three phase charging. Optimal current is calculated from the phase which is most loaded. |
# For single phase chargers, only a single phase needs to be measured - in my case Channel B |
# '{{ [[((states("sensor.tesla_charger_actual_current")|int(0)) - ((states("sensor.shelly_channel_b_power")|float(0) + 200) / (states("sensor.shelly_channel_b_voltage")|int(0)))|int(0)),0]|max, state_attr("sensor.tesla_model_3_charging_rate_sensor", "charge_current_request_max") | int(0) ]|min }}' |
# todo: More optimal calculation may be possible? |
action: |
- choose: |
- alias: "Enough energy to charge" |
conditions: "{{ amps >= 3 }}" |
sequence: |
- choose: |
- alias: "Turn on charger if off" |
conditions: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
state: "off" |
sequence: |
- entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
service: switch.turn_on |
- choose: |
- alias: "Update Current if changed" |
conditions: |
- "{{ amps >= 3 and amps != (states('sensor.tesla_charger_actual_current')|int(0)) }}" |
sequence: |
- service: number.set_value |
data: |
value: "{{ amps }}" |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charging_amps |
# ELSE (Turn off charging charging - it seems to be too slow below 3A (5A for single phase)) |
default: |
- choose: |
- alias: "Turn off charger if on" |
conditions: |
- condition: state |
entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
state: "on" |
sequence: |
- entity_id: switch.tesla_model_3_charger |
service: switch.turn_off |
- choose: |
- alias: "Set charging limit to 100%" # For SR+, 100% is optimal |
conditions: "{{ (states('number.tesla_model_3_charge_limit') |int(0)) < 95 }}" |
sequence: |
- service: number.set_value |
data: |
value: 100 |
target: |
entity_id: number.tesla_model_3_charge_limit |