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set scrolloff=5
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PhilipSchmid /
Last active January 4, 2025 04:13
3440x1440 resolution for Windows 10 KVM VM

Configure a Windows 10 KVM Guest to use an ultrawide display resolution (3440x1440)

  1. virsh edit Windows10
  2. Navigate to the <video> section and change it to the following one:
      <model type='qxl' ram='131072' vram='131072' vgamem='32768' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
hyjk2000 / .alacritty.yml
Created February 12, 2020 08:48
Alacritty with Tmux Setup
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.
# Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as
# environment variables. Some entries may override variables
# set by alacritty itself.
# TERM variable
# This value is used to set the `$TERM` environment variable for
# each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will
robertpainsi /
Last active February 27, 2025 20:15
Commit message guidelines

Commit Message Guidelines

Short (72 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text. Wrap it to 72 characters. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely).

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug" or "Fixes bug." This convention matches up with commit messages
troyfontaine /
Last active February 17, 2025 02:36
Resize root partition (or how to remove the default /home partition) on CentOS 7 online

Resize root partition (or how to remove the default /home partition) on CentOS 7 online

This process requires that you are able to ssh OR log in locally using the root user account and that no services be running as users out of /home on the target machine.

The examples are from a default installation with no customization-you NEED to know what you're working with for volumes/partitions to not horribly break things.

By default, CentOS 7 uses XFS for the file system and Logical Volume Manager (LVM), creating 3 partitions: /,/home and swap.

NOTE: If you want to be sure that nothing is writing to /home you can either modify the host to boot into single-user mode OR try to use the systemctl isolate command to switch (not tested! should work).

kimoto / gist:446124
Created June 20, 2010 21:19
Left4Dead2 - userconfig.cfg
// userconfig.cfg
// boot parameter:
// -novid -toconsole -lv -language english -sw -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noipx -nojoy
// note
// t_* -> alias for toggle
// r_* -> alias for repeat
// for 90 fps environment