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Created November 7, 2011 20:47
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Save salex/1346121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A YAML like serializer for Active4D
serialize library
Serialize is beta library that seriailizes deeply nested collection into a blob.
My need is that these collections never moved from a prototype implmentation in collections
versues a table approach. The system is still in use, with hopes of moving off of 4D, but not yet!
The current solution is to convert the collection to an objectTools object. While it works, it is a little.
slow, probably because as my parser. The xml is also bumping up against the 4.5 32k text limit.
I tried to use JSON but it also has the 32K text limit and I didn't feel like parsing a blob.
This approach uses a YAML like structure. The current version will only serialize simple data in the key value pairs
Basically numbers, boolean and text. It does use some of the techniques I used in the JSON parser so
it will hopefully be easy to add dates and maybe even text and number array, but currently restricted to simple
The key/value pairs also use the Ruby concept of a symbol, which allows you to define words without quotes
:a_word is converted to "a_word". It can be used on any string (key or value) that does not contain spaces and
a few special characters.
In my application the YAML like format is basically private, but a test routine at the end of the library
starts with a text version to create a collection.
library "serialize"
Purpose: Create a serial data object. mainly to define the blob that contains the seralized collection.
Require: Nothing
Promise: An object is returned to which values can be added.
Errors: None
Parameters: none
RESULT <- serial object
method "new"
$c := new collection("__class__"; current library name;"level" ; -1)
end method
Purpose: Add a value to a JSON data object.
Require: $self was created with new()
Promise: $inValue will be output in YAML format with unserialize().
Errors: None
$self -> serial object
$inCollection -> Collection - The input collection you want to serialize
RESULT <- serial object in a YAML like blob $self
method "serialize"($self;$inCollection)
for each ($inCollection; $key; $value)
if (_is_a_coll($value))
$out := '$key' + "\n"
text to blob(_set_level($self;$out);$self{"_serial"};Text without length;*)
$val := _set_val($value)
$out := ':$key -> $val' + "\n"
text to blob(_set_level($self;$out);$self{"_serial"};Text without length;*)
end if
end for each
end method
Purpose: Get the values of a YAML like data object and create an A4D collection.
Require: $self was created with new()
Promise: The result is valid A4D collection.
Errors: None
$self -> serial object
RESULT <- Collection
method "unserialize"($serial)
array text($lines;0)
$curr := -1
$c := new collection
$opt := ""
array text($keys;10)
for each ($lines; $line; $index)
if ($line = "")
end if
$tab := 1
while ($line[[$tab]] = "-")
end while
if ($tab > 0)
$line := trim(substring($line;$tab + 1))
$line := trim($line)
end if
case of
:($tab = 0)
if ($opt)
end if
if ($line =~ "/:/")
$c := merge collections($c;rest.options($line))
$key := $line
$keys{$tab} := $key
$c{$key} := new collection
end if
$curr := 0
:($tab = $curr)
if ($line =~ "/:/")
$opt += $line+";"
_make_new_node($tab -1;$tab;$line)
end if
:($tab > $curr)
if ($opt)
_set_opt_node($tab - 1;$opt)
end if
if ($line =~ "/:/")
$opt := $line+";"
end if
$curr := $tab
:($tab < $curr)
if ($opt)
_set_opt_node($curr - 1;$opt)
end if
if ($line =~ "/:/")
$opt := $line+";"
_make_new_node($tab - 1;$tab;$line)
end if
$curr := $tab
end case
end for each
if ($opt) // clean up any options after last line
end if
end method
Purpose: Convert the serial blob, which is the newline delimited text to a text array.
Require: the serial blob and a pointer to the array to store the lines
Promise: The result is updated text array.
Errors: None
$blog -> An uncompressed blob
RESULT <- Text array
method "blob_to_text_array"($blob;&$arr)
$BlobSize:=BLOB size($Blob)
While ($BlobPos<$BlobSize)
$BlobText:=BLOB to text($Blob;Text without length ;$BlobPos;LesserOf (MAXTEXTLEN ;($BlobSize-$BlobPos)))
if ($blobPos < $blobSize)
$last_lf := position("\n";$BlobText;-1;*)
$BlobPos := 0
$BlobText:=BLOB to text($Blob;Text without length ;$BlobPos;$last_lf )
end if
if(size of array($arr) = 0)
$cnt := split string($BlobText;"\n";$arr)
$cnt := split string($BlobText;"\n";$rem_arr)
for each ($rem_arr; $value; $index)
$arr{} := $value
end for each
end if
End while
end method
Purpose: Implements a Ruby like scheme to create a new hash to create a new A4D collectiion.
Require: a string containing the new collection parameter in the form ":key -> value {; :key -> value; ...}"
Promise: The result is ab A4D collection.
Errors: None
$string -> modified new collection parameters
RESULT <- Collection
method "optToColl"($string;$removelf=true)
if (type($string) = 9 ) // is longint
end if
// TODO date conversion disabled
//$re1 := "~\"?(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)( \\d\\d*, \d{4})\"~"
//$rp1 := "newDate(\"\1\2\")"
//regex replace($re1; $string; $rp1; $string)
regex replace("/(->[^\"'])/";$string;":=";$list)
$replace := "return (char(34)+trim(\"\1\")+char(34))"
regex replace("/:([a-zA-Z_\\.0-9\\-][^:=;\\n]+)/e";$list;$replace;$list)
regex replace("/(:=|=\\>)/";$list;";";$list)
if ($removelf)
$list := replace string($list;"\n";"")
end if
$result := execute('return(new collection($list))')
end method
/********* Private Methods**********/
Putpose- Used at each line to define the nesting level, should probably use tabs.
if level > 0, the "-" is prepended on the YAML like line
method "_set_level"($self;$val)
if ($self{"level"} > 0)
for ($i; 1; $self{"level"})
$val := "-" + $val
end for
end if
end method
alias to "is a collection" to first determine if a "value" in a key,value collection loop is a collection
method "_is_a_coll"($value)
$result := false
if (type($value) = 9)
if (is a collection($value))
$result := true
end if
end if
end method
Purpose: wrap a value in a key/value loop in double quotes if a string
TODO Add date and any other types we want to define
method "_set_val"($val)
$type := type($val)
if(($type = 8) | ($type = 9)| ($type = 1)| ($type = 11)| ($type = 6))
if(($type = 0) | ($type = 24) | ($type = 2))
$val := replace string($val;"\"";"&apos;")
end if
end if
end method
Purpose: create a text version of a collection key ($c{key1}{key2}{key...}) dependant on a tab level in an array of keys
the result is used in execute statements
method "_getKeyedCollection"($tab)
$ck := "$c"
for ($i; 0; $tab)
$ck += '{"$keys{$i}"}'
end for
end method
add a new node/level to a collection (nesting)
method "_make_new_node"($tab;$keyp;$line)
$t := $c
for ($i; 0; $tab)
$t := $t{$keys{$i}}
end for
$key := $line
$keys{$keyp} := $key
$t{$key} := new collection
end method
create new node(s) in a nested collection based on an option string (children)
method "_set_opt_node"($tab;&$opt)
$ck := _getKeyedCollection($tab)
$o := optToColl(substring($opt;1;length($opt) - 1))
execute($ck+" := merge collections("+$ck+";$o)")
$opt := ""
end method
/******** SIMPLE TEST METHOD ************/
method "test"
$YAML_like_text := """
---:id -> "01"
---:name -> :Yes
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Yes"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "02"
---:name -> "No"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "No"
---:value -> "0"
-:critical -> False
-:display -> "list"
-:min -> 0
-:name -> "Ready to Work"
-:score -> "sum"
-:text -> "Do you have an Alabama Certified Worker (ACW) Certificate?"
-:type -> "radio"
-:weight -> 0
---:id -> "01"
---:name -> "Shipfitting"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Shipfitting"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "02"
---:name -> "Aluminum/Copper/Nickel Welding"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Aluminum/Copper/Nickel Welding"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "03"
---:name -> "Shipyard Terminology"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Shipyard Terminology"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "04"
---:name -> "Math with Metrics"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Math with Metrics"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "05"
---:name -> "Craft Tools"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "Craft Tools"
---:value -> "1"
---:id -> "06"
---:name -> "None of the above"
---:other -> ""
---:text -> "None of the above"
---:value -> "0"
-:critical -> False
-:display -> "list"
-:min -> 0
-:name -> ""
-:score -> "sum"
-:text -> "Please check all of the skills below that you have used in your work within the last five years."
-:type -> "checkbox"
-:weight -> 100
$start := milliseconds
// convert text to blob
text to blob($YAML_like_text;$blob;Text without length;*)
writebr("<b>Test YAML</b>")
$start := milliseconds
$inColl := serialize.unserialize($blob)
writebr("milliseconds for process - " + (milliseconds - $start))
writebr("<b>The input collection</b>")
a4d.debug.dump collection($inColl)
// serialize it again
$start := milliseconds
$serialized :=
$outBlob := $serialized->serialize($inColl)
writebr("milliseconds for process - " +( milliseconds - $start))
// serialized results
$BlobText:=BLOB to text($outBlob;Text without length ;$BlobPos)
writebr("<b>the unserialized results</b>")
// one more time
$start := milliseconds
$outColl := serialize.unserialize($outBlob)
writebr("milliseconds for process - " +( milliseconds - $start))
writebr("<b>The output collection</b>")
a4d.debug.dump collection($outColl)
end method
end library
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