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Created April 19, 2021 19:03
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$ cat scribe-config.yaml
dest-access-mode: ReadWriteOnce
dest-namespace: dest
dest-copy-method: Snapshot
source-pvc: mysql-pv-claim
source-copy-method: Snapshot
source-namespace: source
dest-service-type: LoadBalancer
source-service-type: LoadBalancer
source-cron-spec: '*/2 * * * *'
dest-kube-context: destuser
dest-kube-clustername: destination123
source-kube-context: sourceuser
source-kube-clustername: api-source-com:6443
(If not multi-cluster, you can omit Lines 11-14)
You might want:
dest-storage-class: something (it will default to whatever the default sc is for the cluster)
To get the values for clustername and kube-context:
0) login to each cluster as a user (kubeadmin)
0) rename contexts for each of those kubeadmin contexts (or keep them, that's fine ex:'kubectl config rename-context long-string destuser')
1) first export multiple kubeconfigs "export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig1:~/kubeconfig2
2) run 'kubectl config get-contexts' to find context & clustername for source, dest
3) add the above Lines 11-14 w/ your cluster values.
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