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Created October 7, 2015 01:08
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Matplotlib colormap utility functions: get_cmap, array_cmap, truncate_colormap, stack_colormap, band_colormap .
""" new colormaps from old: stack, truncate builtin cmaps / files / numpy arrays
What's a colormap or cmap in matplotlib ?
Mainly a bar or array of 256 colors, rgb or rgba values 0 .. 1,
used in
pl.imshow( a 2d numpy array, cmap=cmap, ... )
Cmaps can be indexed with () like
cmap( .25 ), cmap( [0, .25, .5] ), cmap( np.linspace( ... ))
to get rgb values.
The functions below return cmaps:
get_cmap(): "Blues" ... builtins / filename / numpy array
array_cmap(): a numpy array, n x 3 or 4 ints 0..255 or floats 0..1
truncate_colormap(): subset
stack_colormap(): A B -> bottom half, A, top half B.
band_colormap(): e.g. 10 bands
See also $matplotlib/ $matplotlib/
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl, cm, colors
__version__ = "2013-12-19 dec denis"
def truncate_colormap( cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=256 ):
""" mycolormap = truncate_colormap(
cmap name or file or ndarray,
minval=0.2, maxval=0.8 ): subset
minval=1, maxval=0 ) : reverse
by unutbu
cmap = get_cmap( cmap )
name = "%s-trunc-%.2g-%.2g" % (, minval, maxval)
return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
name, cmap( np.linspace( minval, maxval, n )))
def stack_colormap( A, B, n=256 ):
""" low half -> A colors, high half -> B colors """
A = get_cmap( A )
B = get_cmap( B )
name = "%s-%s" % (,
lin = np.linspace( 0, 1, n )
return array_cmap( np.vstack(( A(lin), B(lin) )), name, n=n )
def get_cmap( cmap, name=None, n=256 ):
""" in: a name "Blues" "BuGn_r" ... of a builtin cmap (case-sensitive)
or a filename, np.loadtxt() n x 3 or 4 ints 0..255 or floats 0..1
or a cmap already
or a numpy array.
or in IPython,<tab>
if isinstance( cmap, colors.Colormap ):
return cmap
if isinstance( cmap, basestring ):
if cmap in cm.cmap_d:
return pl.get_cmap( cmap ) # "Blues" ...
A = np.loadtxt( cmap, delimiter=None ) # None: white space
name = name or cmap.split("/")[-1] .split(".")[0] # .../xx.csv -> xx
A = cmap # numpy array or array-like
return array_cmap( A, name, n=n )
def array_cmap( A, name=None, n=256 ):
""" numpy array -> a cmap, matplotlib.colors.Colormap
n x 3 or 4 ints 0 .. 255 or floats 0 ..1
A = np.asanyarray( A )
assert A.ndim == 2 and A.shape[1] in (3, 4), \
"array must be n x 3 or 4, not %s" % str(A.shape)
Amin, Amax = A.min(), A.max()
if A.dtype.kind == "i":
assert 0 <= Amin < Amax <= 255, "Amin %d Amax %d must be in 0 .. 255" % (Amin, Amax)
A = A / 255. # not /=
assert 0 <= Amin < Amax <= 1, "Amin %g Amax %g must be in 0 .. 1" % (Amin, Amax)
return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( name or "noname", A, N=n )
def save_cmap( outfile, cmap ):
""" -> a file of 256 x 4 ints 0 .. 255
to load it, np.loadtxt() or get_cmap( filename )
cmap = get_cmap( cmap )
A = cmap( np.linspace( 0, 1, 256 ))
np.savetxt( outfile, A * 255, fmt="%4.0f",
header="colormap %s" % ) # From ...
def band_colormap( cmap, nband=10 ):
""" -> a colormap with e.g. 10 bands """
cmap = get_cmap( cmap )
h = .5 / nband
A = cmap( np.linspace( h, 1 - h, nband ))
name = "%s-band-%d" % (, nband)
return array_cmap( A, name, n=nband )
cmap_brown = truncate_colormap(, minval=.5, maxval=0 ) # left half, flipped
cmap_bluebrown = stack_colormap( "Blues_r", cmap_brown )
cmap_bluebrown10 = band_colormap( cmap_bluebrown, 10 )
# Tufte, Envisioning info p. 91: bathymetric
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
cmap = cmap_bluebrown10
bw = array_cmap( [ [0.,0,0], [1,1,1] ], name="bw", n=2 )
plot = 0
# run a=1 b=None c=[3] 'd = expr' ... in sh or ipython
exec( "\n".join( sys.argv[1:] ))
np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, linewidth=100, suppress=True )
print, "\n", cmap( np.arange( 120, 136 ) / 256 ).T
save_cmap( + ".tmp", cmap )
if plot:
A = np.arange(8**2) .reshape((8,8))
im = pl.imshow( A, cmap=cmap, interpolation="nearest" ) # nearest: big squares
# imshow_mouse_z
pl.colorbar( im )
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