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python console in kivy
"""TODO: ctrl + left/right (move past word), ctrl + backspace/del (del word), shift + del (del line)
...: Smart movement through leading indentation.
...: Except for first line, up/down to work normally on multi-line console input.
from code import InteractiveConsole
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain, takewhile
from more_itertools import ilen
import sys
from kivy.uix.codeinput import CodeInput
from pygments.lexers import PythonConsoleLexer
class Key:
# ANY equals everything! -- if you don't care about matching modifiers, set them equal to Key.ANY
ANY = type('ANY', (), { '__eq__': lambda *args: True,
'__repr__': lambda self: 'ANY',
'__hash__': lambda self: -1})()
code: int
shift: bool = False
ctrl: bool = False
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int): return other == self.code
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def iter_similar(self):
"""Return an iterator that yields keys equal to self."""
yield self
yield Key(self.code, self.shift, Key.ANY)
yield Key(self.code, Key.ANY, self.ctrl)
yield Key(self.code, Key.ANY, Key.ANY)
SHIFT, CTRL = (303, 304), (305, 306)
EXACT = map(Key, (13, 9, 275, 276, 278, 279))
ANY_MODS = (Key(code, Key.ANY, Key.ANY) for code in (273, 274, 8, 127))
= tuple(chain(EXACT, ANY_MODS))
del EXACT; del ANY_MODS # Generators exhausted and we don't need them anymore
CUT = Key(120, False, True) # <ctrl + c>
COPY = Key(99 , False, True) # <ctrl + x>
REDO = Key(122, True, True) # <ctrl + shift + z>
SELECT_LEFT = Key(276, True, False) # <shift + left>
SELECT_RIGHT = Key(275, True, False) # <shift + right>
SELECT_HOME = Key(278, True, False) # <shift + home>
SELECT_END = Key(279, True, False) # <shift + end>
class RedirectConsoleOut:
"""Redirect sys.excepthook and sys.stdout in a single context manager.
InteractiveConsole (IC) `write` method won't be used if sys.excepthook isn't sys.__excepthook__,
so we redirect sys.excepthook when pushing to the IC. This redirect probably isn't necessary:
testing was done in IPython which sets sys.excepthook to a crashhandler, but running this file
normally would probably avoid the need for a redirect; still, better safe than sorry.
def __init__(self):
self.stack = deque()
def __enter__(self):
self.old_hook = sys.excepthook
self.old_out = sys.stdout
sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
sys.stdout = StringIO()
def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
sys.stdout = self.old_out
sys.excepthook = self.old_hook
class Console(InteractiveConsole):
def __init__(self, text_input, locals=None, filename="<console>"):
super().__init__(locals, filename)
self.text_input = text_input
self.out_context = RedirectConsoleOut()
def push(self, line):
out = self.out_context
with out: needs_more = super().push(line)
if not needs_more:
self.text_input.text += ''.join(out.stack)
return needs_more
def write(self, data):
class InputHandler:
def __init__(self, text_input):
self.text_input = text_input
self.pre = { COPY: self._copy,
CUT: self._cut,
REDO: self._redo} = { LEFT: self._left,
RIGHT: self._right,
END: self._end,
HOME: self._home,
SELECT_LEFT: self._select_left,
SELECT_RIGHT: self._select_right,
SELECT_END: self._select_end,
SELECT_HOME: self._select_home,
TAB: self._tab,
ENTER: self._enter,
UP: self._up,
DOWN: self._down,
BACKSPACE: self._backspace}
def __call__(self, key, read_only):
if handle := self.pre.get(key): return handle
if read_only: return self._read_only
for key in key.iter_similar():
if handle := return handle
def _copy(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.copy()
def _cut(self, read_only, **kwargs):
self.text_input.copy() if read_only else self.text_input.cut()
def _redo(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.do_redo()
def _left(self, at_home, **kwargs):
if not at_home: self.text_input.move_cursor('left')
def _right(self, at_end, **kwargs):
if not at_end: self.text_input.move_cursor('right')
def _end(self, **kwargs):
def _home(self, **kwargs):
def _select_left(self, at_home, has_selection, _from, _to, **kwargs):
if at_home: return
i = self.text_input.move_cursor('left')
if not has_selection: self.text_input.select_text(i, i + 1)
elif i < _from : self.text_input.select_text(i, _to)
elif i >= _from : self.text_input.select_text(_from, i)
def _select_right(self, at_end, has_selection, _from, _to, **kwargs):
if at_end: return
i = self.text_input.move_cursor('right')
if not has_selection: self.text_input.select_text(i - 1, i)
elif i > _to : self.text_input.select_text(_from, i)
elif i <= _to : self.text_input.select_text(i, _to)
def _select_end(self, has_selection, _to, _from, i, end, **kwargs):
if not has_selection: start = i
elif _to == i : start = _from
else : start = _to
self.text_input.select_text(start, end)
def _select_home(self, has_selection, _to, _from, i, home, **kwargs):
if not has_selection: fin = i
elif _from == i : fin = _to
else : fin = _from
self.text_input.select_text(home, fin)
def _tab(self, has_selection, at_home, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if not has_selection and at_home: ti.insert_text(' ' * ti.tab_width)
def _enter(self, home, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
text = ti.text[home:].rstrip()
if text and (len(ti.history) == 1 or ti.history[1] != text):
ti._history_index = 0
needs_more = ti.console.push(text)
def _up(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.input_from_history()
def _down(self, **kwargs): self.text_input.input_from_history(reverse=True)
def _backspace(self, at_home, has_selection, window, keycode, text, modifiers, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if not at_home or has_selection:
super(KivyConsole, ti).keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
def _read_only(self, key, window, keycode, text, modifiers, **kwargs):
ti = self.text_input
if key.code not in KEYS:
super(KivyConsole, ti).keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
class KivyConsole(CodeInput):
prompt_1 = '\n>>> '
prompt_2 = '\n... '
_home_pos = 0
_indent_level = 0
_history_index = 0
def __init__(self, *args, locals=None, banner=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.lexer = PythonConsoleLexer()
self.history = deque([''])
self.console = Console(self, locals)
self.input_handler = InputHandler(self)
if banner is None:
self.text = (f'Python {sys.version.splitlines()[0]}\n'
'Welcome to the KivyConsole -- A Python interpreter widget for Kivy!\n')
else: self.text = banner
def prompt(self, needs_more=False):
if needs_more:
prompt = self.prompt_2
self._indent_level = self.count_indents()
if self.text.rstrip().endswith(':'): self._indent_level += 1
prompt = self.prompt_1
self._indent_level = 0
indent = self.tab_width * self._indent_level
self.text += prompt + ' ' * indent
self._home_pos = self.cursor_index() - indent
def count_indents(self):
return ilen(takewhile(str.isspace, self.history[1])) // self.tab_width
def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers):
"""Emulate a python console: disallow editing of previous console output."""
if keycode[0] in CTRL or keycode[0] in SHIFT and 'ctrl' in modifiers: return
key = Key(keycode[0], 'shift' in modifiers, 'ctrl' in modifiers)
# force `selection_from` <= `selection_to` (mouse selections can reverse the order):
_from, _to = sorted((self.selection_from, self.selection_to))
has_selection = bool(self.selection_text)
i, home, end = self.cursor_index(), self._home_pos, len(self.text)
read_only = i < home or has_selection and _from < home
at_home = i == home
at_end = i == end
kwargs = locals(); del kwargs['self']
if handle := self.input_handler(key, read_only): return handle(**kwargs)
return super().keyboard_on_key_down(window, keycode, text, modifiers)
def move_cursor(self, pos):
"""Similar to `do_cursor_movement` but we account for `_home_pos` and we return the new cursor index."""
if pos == 'end' : index = len(self.text)
elif pos == 'home' : index = self._home_pos
elif pos == 'left' : index = self.cursor_index() - 1
elif pos == 'right': index = self.cursor_index() + 1
self.cursor = self.get_cursor_from_index(index)
return index
def input_from_history(self, reverse=False):
self._history_index += -1 if reverse else 1
self._history_index = min(max(0, self._history_index), len(self.history) - 1)
self.text = self.text[: self._home_pos] + self.history[self._history_index]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from textwrap import dedent
from import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
KV = """
font_name : './UbuntuMono-R.ttf'
style_name: 'monokai'
class KivyInterpreter(App):
def build(self): return Builder.load_string(dedent(KV))
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