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Created May 21, 2019 00:59
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list of laravel mail markdown components
# Introduction
The body of your message.
@component('mail::button', ['url' => ''])
Button Text
This is a panel
## Table component:
| Laravel | Table | Example |
| ------------- |:-------------:| --------:|
| Col 2 is | Centered | $10 |
| Col 3 is | Right-Aligned | $20 |
This is a promotion component
This is a subcopy component
{{ config('') }}
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sam-ngu commented Jan 19, 2021

which laravel version are you using?
Did you modify the default mail components? This to me seems like laravel can't render the markdown mail components correctly, because there are syntax / spacing issues.
I would remove and republish the mail components and start fresh. Or try with a fresh laravel installation.

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@sparkle32817 remove all indentations in markdown blade views

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