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Created May 14, 2020 22:29
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Make Poetry and VSCode play nicely
mkpoetryproj ()
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
poetry new "$1"
cd "$1" || exit
# get gitignore
curl -o .gitignore
echo ""
echo ".vscode/"
} >> .gitignore
mkdir -p .vscode
touch .vscode/settings.json
echo "{"
echo " \"python.pythonPath\": \"$(poetry env info -p)/bin/python\","
echo " \"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux\": [\"poetry shell\"],"
echo " \"files.exclude\": {"
echo " \"**/.git\": true,"
echo " \"**/.DS_Store\": true,"
echo " \"**/*.pyc\": true,"
echo " \"**/__pycache__\": true,"
echo " \"**/.mypy_cache\": true"
echo " },"
echo " \"python.linting.enabled\": true,"
echo " \"python.linting.mypyEnabled\": true,"
echo " \"python.formatting.provider\": \"black\""
echo "}"
} >> .vscode/settings.json
poetry add -D black mypy
git init && git add . && git commit -m "ready to start"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "$(poetry env info -p)/bin/activate" --prompt "poetry env"
code .
echo "usage: mkpoetryproj FOLDER_TO_MAKE"
echo ""
echo "This inits a new project folder with poetry"
echo "It adds the GitHub recommended .gitignore, connects VSCode to the poetry venv,"
echo "and adds black and mypy, and makes sure VSCode knows about them"
echo "it then inits a git repo, adds everything and commits it, then opens VSCode"
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A small wrapper for poetry new that makes it play nicely with VSCode.

I have this in my .bash_profile, so when I make a new poetry project, I can mkpoetryproj project_name and it makes sure that the VS Code Python interpreter, and integrated terminal, are using Poetry's venv.

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This is awesome, thanks for sharing!

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