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Last active February 9, 2025 09:04
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skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam roundCorner 20
skinparam maxMessageSize 80
skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
skinparam backgroundColor #ffffff
title Block Proposal
participant "Consensus" as Consensus #ADD1B2
participant "MEV-Boost" as MEVBoost #90EE90
participant "Execution" as Execution #87CEFA
participant "Relays" as Relays #F08080
note over Consensus: wait for allocated slot
Consensus -> MEVBoost: engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1
activate MEVBoost #LightGreen
MEVBoost -> Execution: engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1
activate Execution #LightBlue
MEVBoost -> Relays: engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1
activate Relays #LightCoral
note over MEVBoost: begin polling
MEVBoost -> Relays: relay_getPayloadHeaderV1
MEVBoost -> Consensus: builder_getPayloadHeaderV1
Consensus -> MEVBoost: builder_getPayloadHeaderV1
MEVBoost -> Execution: engine_getPayloadV1
deactivate Execution
note over MEVBoost: select best payload
MEVBoost --> Consensus: builder_getPayloadHeaderV1 response
deactivate MEVBoost
note over Consensus: sign the block
Consensus -> MEVBoost: builder_proposeBlindedBlockV1
activate MEVBoost #LightGreen
note over MEVBoost: identify payload source
MEVBoost -> Relays: relay_proposeBlindedBlockV1
activate Relays #LightCoral
note over Relays: validate signature
Relays --> MEVBoost: relay_proposeBlindedBlockV1 response
deactivate Relays
MEVBoost --> Consensus: builder_proposeBlindedBlockV1 response
deactivate MEVBoost
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