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Created March 31, 2023 16:31
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Abstract Controller
import * as Immer from "immer";
import * as React from "react";
import * as XS from "xstate";
import * as Custom from "@eden/library.abstract/custom";
import * as Primitives from "@eden/library.abstract/primitives";
import * as TS from "@eden/library.abstract/ts";
import * as Utils from "@eden/library.abstract/utils";
export abstract class Controller<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
TProps extends Controller.Props<TMachines>,
TState extends Controller.State<TMachines>,
TContext extends Controller.Context<TMachines> = Controller.Context<TMachines>,
> extends Primitives.PureComponent<TProps, TState, TContext> {
constructor(props: TProps, state: TState, context: TContext) {
super(props, state, context);
this.state = {
machines: Object.entries(this.props.machines).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const [m, { machine }] = entry;
acc[m] = machine.initialState as Custom.Machine.StateFrom<
typeof machine
return acc;
}, {} as Controller.Machine.States<TMachines>),
} as TState;
this.service = Object.entries(this.props.machines).reduce((acc, entry) => {
// const [m, { machine }] = entry;
const [m, machine] = entry;
const service = XS.interpret(machine, {
devTools: true,
}).onTransition((state) => {
state as Custom.Machine.StateFrom<typeof machine>,
acc[m] = service as Custom.Machine.InterpreterFrom<typeof machine>;
return acc;
}, {} as Controller.Machine.Services<TMachines>);
this.dispatch = Object.entries(this.props.machines).reduce((acc, entry) => {
// const [m, { machine }] = entry;
const [m, machine] = entry;
const dispatcher: XS.PayloadSender<
Custom.Machine.EventsFrom<typeof machine>
> = this.service[m].send;
acc[m] = dispatcher;
return acc;
}, {} as Controller.Machine.Dispatchers<TMachines>);
/* --=[Lifecycle]=-- */
public render(): React.ReactNode {
const { children } = this.props;
return (
<Controller.Context.Provider value={this.ctx}>
public componentDidMount(): void {
public componentWillUnmount(): void {
/* --=[Context]=-- */
public static Context = Controller.createContext(Controller);
public static useContext = Controller.createContextHook(Controller.Context);
protected get ctx(): TContext {
const { data, dispatch } = this;
return { data, dispatch } as TContext;
/* --=[Collections]=-- */
protected get data(): Controller.Machine.Data<TMachines> {
return Object.entries(this.state.machines).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const [m, machine] = entry;
type context = Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[typeof m]>;
acc[m] = Object.entries(machine.context).reduce((acc, entry) => {
const [v, value] = entry;
acc[v] = {
update: (value: context[typeof v]) =>
return acc;
}, {} as Controller.Machine.Data<TMachines>[typeof m]);
return acc;
}, {} as Controller.Machine.Data<TMachines>);
protected service: Controller.Machine.Services<TMachines>;
protected dispatch: Controller.Machine.Dispatchers<TMachines>;
/* --=[Methods]=-- */
private bindServices(): void {
Object.values(this.service).forEach((service) => {
private unbindServices(): void {
Object.values(this.service).forEach((service) => {
* Set the instance of a bound state machine. Invoked by a service when a
* state machine transitions to a new state.
private setMachineState<
TName extends keyof TMachines,
TMachine extends TMachines[TName],
>(name: TName, value: Custom.Machine.StateFrom<TMachine>): void {
Immer.produce((draft: TState) => {
draft.machines[name] = value;
export namespace Controller {
export interface Props<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> {
machines: TMachines;
export interface State<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> {
machines: Controller.Machine.States<TMachines>;
export type Machines<TMachines> = Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>;
export interface Context<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> {
data: Controller.Machine.Data<TMachines>;
dispatch: Controller.Machine.Dispatchers<TMachines>;
export namespace Machine {
export type AnyMachines<TMachines> = Record<
keyof TMachines,
/* --=[Collections]=-- */
export type Data<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: {
[C in keyof Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>]: {
value: Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>[C];
update: (value: Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>[C]) => void;
export type Contexts<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>;
export type Events<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: {
[C in keyof Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>]: {
set: Setter<Custom.Machine.ContextFrom<TMachines[M]>[C]>;
export type Dispatchers<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: XS.PayloadSender<
export type Services<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: Custom.Machine.InterpreterFrom<TMachines[M]>;
export type States<
TMachines extends Controller.Machine.AnyMachines<TMachines>,
> = {
[M in keyof TMachines]: Custom.Machine.StateFrom<TMachines[M]>;
/* --=[Actors]=-- */
export type Dispatcher<TEvent extends XS.EventObject> =
export type Setter<TPayload> = (payload: TPayload) => void;
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