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Created January 4, 2023 15:38
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# after this we are not working a a dataframe but a "styler" object
.format({'cost': '${:,.2f}', 'datetime': '{:%Y/%m}/01',
'percent_quarterly flow': '{:.1%}',
'off_goal': '{:+.1%}',
**{col: '{:.1f}' for col in ['cfs', 'total_flow', 'quarterly_flow']}},
.bar(subset='cfs', color='#cO7fef', vmax=agg flow.cfs.quantile(.95))
.bar(subset='off_goal', color=['red', 'green'], align='mid')
.highlight_null(null_color='#fef78c') # wish this was highlight_na
.highlight_max(axis=0, color='green')
.background_gradient(axis=0, cmap='Reds', subset='cost', vmin=1_000, vmax=25_008)
.set_caption('Dirty Devil Summary’)
.set_properties(**{'background-color': '#999'}, subset='datetime')
.applymap(lambda val: f'color: "grey"; opacity: 80%; background-color: {"#4589ae" if val > 0 else "#cO7fef"}' ,
# .set_table_ styles breaks stick headers if it is after
.set_table_styles([{'selector': 'td:hover', 'props': 'background-color: pink; font-size: 14pt;'}])
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