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# Windows | |
1. Open Windows Command Prompt | |
2. Run command | |
"C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-Adb.exe" shell | |
# Within BlueStacks shell | |
/system/xbin/bstk/su | |
pm disable-user com.bluestacks.s2p | |
# macOS | |
1. Open Terminal | |
2. Run command: | |
/Applications/BlueStacks.app/Contents/MacOS/adb shell | |
# Within BlueStacks shell | |
/system/xbin/bstk/su | |
pm disable-user com.bluestacks.s2p | |
# Error: device not found | |
# Kill the server with ADB | |
# Make sure BlueStacks is running before you try to start ADB and disable the user | |
# Windows | |
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bluestacks\HD-Adb.exe" kill-server | |
#macOS | |
/Applications/BlueStacks.app/Contents/MacOS/adb kill-server |
Hi, i've got error like this when I try it
Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown package: com.bluestacks.s2p
Can you help?
I've got a same issue
My version of Bluestacks does not have HD-Adb.exe. What would be the comparable filename? I don't have anything with Adb as a task.
Whenever I start the daemon, it starts, then after a few seconds it says error: closed
. I'm not sure what to do, and I have even restarted the server a few times. I am running bluestacks 4
Whenever I start the daemon, it starts, then after a few seconds it says
error: closed
. I'm not sure what to do, and I have even restarted the server a few times. I am running bluestacks 4
Same issue. Is there a solution?
Whenever I start the daemon, it starts, then after a few seconds it says
error: closed
. I'm not sure what to do, and I have even restarted the server a few times. I am running bluestacks 4
same issue
Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown package: com.bluestacks.s2p
Whenever I start the daemon, it starts, then after a few seconds it says
error: closed
. I'm not sure what to do, and I have even restarted the server a few times. I am running bluestacks 4
Go to BLuestack's Settings > Preferences > "Enable Android Debug Bridge" (Enable this option.)
Now, when I get into the daemon, I can do cd system/xbin/bstk
and I get into that directory. However, when I type system/xbin/bstk/su
it does not recognize that directory, even though I can run ls
to list the available paths, and I see su
in there. In other words, I cannot get into the su
directory. Don't know what to do, I think that OP should have given more explanation.
Whenever I start the daemon, it starts, then after a few seconds it says . I'm not sure what to do, and I have even restarted the server a few times. I am running bluestacks 4
error: closed
i have this problem too
Maybe get root by this link and try running the above except replacing /system/xbin/bstk/su
to su
Shoot, still does not work because package does not exist, maybe Bluestacks patched this?
we need an updated version..
This is the new method that I used
First, you need to install WSL or Linux VM. I used WSL.
Open WSL in C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks_nxt\Engine\Pie64:
cd /mnt/c/ProgramData/BlueStacks_nxt/Engine/Pie64
sudo modprobe nbd
sudo qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 Root.vhd
sudo debugfs -w /dev/nbd0p1
( If you dont't have qemu-nbd and debugfs, try to install it via apt. )
Now we see, we can edit Root.vhd :
type ls
In debugfs prompt:
cd android
dump ./system/etc/hosts /tmp/hosts
It will dump ./system/etc/hosts of Root.vhd to /tmp/hosts of your Linux machine.
Edit /tmp/hosts: localhost
::1 ip6-localhost coinhive.com adservice.google.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com googleads.g.doubleclick.net cloud.bluestacks.com cloud-api-cdn.bluestacks.com cdn-icon.bluestacks.com cdn-bgp.bluestacks.com bluestacks.com www.bluestacks.com
In debugfs prompt:
unlink ./system/etc/hosts
write /tmp/hosts ./system/etc/hosts
sudo qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
to detach the disk file.
Now we see the ads is removed.
You can disable its own laucher by running:
pm disable-user com.uncube.launcher3
But before doing it, remember to install alternative laucher ( like Nova ).
I recommend this.
Why I know those hosts:
I used Http Toolkit
to hook https requests of Bluestack launcher app:
@robbert1978 thx
Hi, i've got error like this when I try it
Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown package: com.bluestacks.s2p
Can you help?