You can’t clone a Bitbucket repo using GithHub Desktop directly. Instead you would have to:
- Clone the Bitbucket repo locally via command line.
- Add the cloned repository to your GitHub Desktop app.
You can’t clone a Bitbucket repo using GithHub Desktop directly. Instead you would have to:
Hi guys! Since I started to write Bluebox-ng I've been tracking the different security projects I found written in Node.js. Now we've published the first stable version we think it's the right moment to speak among us (and, of course, everyone interested in it :).
Handlebars.js is a template framework for Javascript environments. It allows the construction of HTML elements using HTML and expressions wrapped in {{ }}
One of the conditional block helpers Handlebars offers is the {{#if}}
For example:
<div class="entry">
As configured in my dotfiles.
start new:
start new with session name: