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Last active December 2, 2016 13:09
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Ember Engines (17-11-2016)

Ember Engines Migration Tutorial

Follow the steps below to complete this tutorial about migrating your app into some engines.
Checkout the live coding session on 17 November 2016 @ ShowMyHomework headquarters.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • clone this repository: git clone
  • cd smhw-ember-engines-demo
  • npm install
  • bower install


Now you are all set to start this tutorial 🎉


Install latest Ember-engines (Beta version to allow lazy loading) $ ember install [email protected]

Tutorial steps:

Lets start with running the app: $ ember s and have a browse through the small 'Blog' app. We will start with the teachers engine.

  • Generate the parents engine: $ ember g in-repo-engine teachers-engine

  • Restart your server: $ ember s

  • Rewrite app/router.js:

    • Copy line 11 to line 13 and paste it in lib/teachers-engine/addon/routes.js.
      this.route('teacher', { path: '/:teacher_id' }, function() {
        this.route('class', { path: '/class/:class_group_id' });
    • Now remove line 10 to 14.
    • You will notice a line added this.mount('teachers-engine'); if not, add it.
    • We will alias the mounted route like this this.mount('teachers-engine', { as: 'teachers'});.
  • Copy the content of app/templates/teachers.hbs and paste it in lib/teachers-engine/addon/templates/application.hbs, overriding the current content.

  • Delete app/templates/teachers.hbs.

  • Move all files in app/templates/teachers to lib/teachers-engine/addon/templates.

  • Delete this folder app/templates/teachers.

  • Move the routes folder app/routes/teachers to the new engine's addon folder and rename the folder from teachers to routes and delete the original folder.

  • Now when you try to go into the teachers section of the 'blog', you will see an error, something like: Error while processing route: teachers.index is not a function TypeError: is not a function

  • This error appears because we are using the store in the engine and it has no notice of this. To resolve this, we need to pass the service to the engine.

    • The engine should expect the service, in engine.js, add the following inside Engine.extend({})


      dependencies: {
        services: ['store']
    • The application should explicitly fulfil these dependencies, in app.js, add the following inside Ember.Application.extend({})


      engines: {
        teachersEngine: {
          dependencies: {
            services: ['store']
  • Restart the server.

  • Now the service is available, but there is still an error, because we need to inject the store in places where we need to use it:


    import Ember from 'ember';
    const { inject: { service } } = Ember;
    export default Ember.Route.extend({
      store: service(),
      model() {
        // use store as this.get('store')
        return this.get('store').findAll('teacher');
    • Do the same for lib/teachers-engine/addon/routes/teachers/teacher.js and lib/teachers-engine/addon/routes/teachers/teacher/class.js
  • Now you will receive an error, because the addon ember-power-select is used in the engine but not specified

  • Copy the addon dependency to the lib/parents/package.json from the engine and restart the server:


        "name": "teachers-engine",
        "keywords": [
        "dependencies": {
          "ember-cli-htmlbars": "*",
          "ember-power-select": "1.0.0-beta.29"
  • The next error will be regarding links, as the routes have changed, we need to replace the links pointing to those as well, replace {{#link-to 'teachers.teacher' ... with {{#link-to 'teacher' ... as teachers is now the route of the engine.

  • Now the errors are resolved, you should notice that the dropdown is there, but its empty.

  • Move the controllers folder app/controllers/teachers to the new engine's addon folder and rename the folder from teachers to controllers and delete the original folder.

  • Now the teachers page should fully working and the dropdown is filled.

  • Repeat these steps for Students and Parents sections.

  • When all your engines are setup, you will notice that when you go to /parents and try to click Show meetings, you will have an error (http://localhost:4200/parents/1).

  • We are linking from the engine to the route outside the engine. You attempted to define a {{link-to "parents.teacher"}} but did not pass the parameters...

    • We need to make the main app.js know what routes are available for each engine. We do that by aliasing the externalRoutes per engine:


        parentsEngine: {
          dependencies: {
            services: ['store'],
            externalRoutes: {
              'teacher-details': 'teachers.teacher',
              'teacher-details.class': 'teachers.teacher.class'
    • We need to make the engines aware of the routes as well:


        dependencies: {
          services: ['store'],
          externalRoutes: [
    • We need to replace the {{link-to}} helper with {{link-to-external}} whenever you will link to an external route.


        <div class="boxes-list">
          {{#each model.meetings as |meeting|}}
            <div class="boxes-list-item red-box">
              <strong>{{}}</strong> with
                {{#link-to-extrenal 'teacher' meeting.teacher}}{{}}{{/link-to-extrenal}}
                {{#link-to-extrenal 'teacher.class' meeting.teacher meeting.classGroup}}{{}}{{/link-to-extrenal}}
    • Now the page should load fine and you can navigate to the teacher or the class from the parents engine.

  • Last step, make the engines load lazy.

  • Per engine we will need to enable the lazy flag lazyEnabled: true in the engines index.js:


      /*jshint node:true*/
      var EngineAddon = require('ember-engines/lib/engine-addon');
      module.exports = EngineAddon.extend({
        name: 'parents-engine',
        lazyLoading: true,
        isDevelopingAddon: function() {
          return true;
  • Go in the browser to the index page http://localhost:4200.

  • Restart the server

  • Open the inspector and on network, filter by JS and now, when you navigate to the teacher, parents or students part of the site, you will see that you load those parts on demand.

  • That's it folks!

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