i am trying to create a prepare-commit-msg
hook that will automatically populate and format my commit messages into an org document that has a level 1 heading for each staged file in the commit. so for example, this is one i did by hand, but basically like this: https://github.com/samdmarshall/dotfiles/commit/6016f773b6e596defe810bded704372672fdfb28 where each staged file has it’s own heading and is tagged according to the status of that staged file. so when i’m finished in my commit editor, the contents of my .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
looks like this:
#+title: [email protected]/somebody/somerepo.git @ develop
#+author: <git.config["user.name"]>
#+email: <git.config["user.email"]>
#+date: <timestamp of running =git commit=>
cutting a new release