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I will be slow to respond.

Samantha Demi samdmarshall

I will be slow to respond.
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samdmarshall /
Last active April 1, 2021 20:30
unable to get a list of staged files via pygit2


i am trying to create a prepare-commit-msg hook that will automatically populate and format my commit messages into an org document that has a level 1 heading for each staged file in the commit. so for example, this is one i did by hand, but basically like this: where each staged file has it’s own heading and is tagged according to the status of that staged file. so when i’m finished in my commit editor, the contents of my .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG looks like this:

#+title: [email protected]/somebody/somerepo.git @ develop
#+author: <git.config[""]>
#+email: <git.config[""]>
#+date: <timestamp of running =git commit=>
cutting a new release
# =======
# Imports
# =======
import json
import strformat
import asyncdispatch
import threadproxy
# =======
# Imports
# =======
import json
import strformat
import asyncdispatch
import threadproxy
# =======
# Imports
# =======
import json
import strformat
import asyncdispatch
import threadproxy
// Intention: query a dictionary for a key-value pair, take the value as a path that needs to be expanded (tilde -> abspath)
// and then make it available to use.
let path_value = arguments["path"] ?? "" // the `?? ""` makes this a `String` and not an `Any`
var path = NSString.init(string:"\(keychain_path_value)") // this will accept an `Any` or a `String` as the type to
// subsitute when creating the `NSString` type object
if !path.isEqual(to:"") { // "if the string has contents, then expand the path"
path = path.expandingTildeInPath as NSString // cast `as NSString` is necessary because it returns a `String`

Install Homebrew

Installation instructions: here

Install Tor

$ brew install tor

Enabling the default config file

sudo mv /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc.sample /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc

Setup Automatic SOCKS proxy

+-o repo-root/
+-o android/
+-o core/
| +-o lib/
| +-o json/
| +-o json.cpp
| +-o json.hpp
| +-o test.cpp
+-o ios/
| +-o Podfile
# so instead of doing this:
my_list = list()
for key in dictionary:
if dictionary[key] == 'foo':
# you can use list comprehension to write code like this:
my_list = [key for key in dictionary if dictionary[key] == 'foo']
# both produce the same list of keys, but i think that using list comprehension is a lot more readable.
samdmarshall / # mercurial - 2016-08-16_09-12-46.txt
Created August 16, 2016 13:17
mercurial on Mac OS X 10.11.6 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for mercurial on Mac OS X 10.11.6
Build date: 2016-08-16 09:12:46