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Created February 4, 2025 19:08
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Scheme to C function translation

Fixed Arity Definition

(define (foo x) body ...)


SCM foo(int nr, SCM k, SCM x)
  if (nr != 1) arity_error();

  body ...

Varying Arity Definition

(define (foo* . x) body ...)


SCM foo_star(int nr, SCM k, SCM a, SCM b, SCM c, SCM d, SCM rest)
  SCM x;
  switch (nr) {
      case 0:
        x = NIL;
      case 1:
        x = SCM_cons(a, NIL);
      case 2:
        x = SCM_cons(a, SCM_cons(b, NIL));
      case 3:
        x = SCM_cons(a, SCM_cons(b, SCM_cons(c, NIL)));
      case 4:
        x = SCM_cons(a, SCM_cons(b, SCM_cons(c, SCM_cons(d, NIL))));
        x = SCM_cons(a, SCM_cons(b, SCM_cons(c, SCM_cons(d, rest))));

  body ...

Direct Call

global or some other "known" function

(foo x)


foo(1, k, x);

Indirect call

f is a SCM value unknown what it calls.

(f x)


// SCM_PROC_UNWRAP checks that f is an SCM procedure and extracts the function
// pointer.
SCM (*fun1)(int, SCM, SCM) = SCM_PROC_UNWRAP(f);
fun1(1, k, x);
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