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Last active April 12, 2023 01:12
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Relume Tooltip Powerup

Relume Tooltips Script

This script is included in all of the tooltip components from Relume Library's UI Elements. It adds 2 features:

  1. Flip the tooltip to the opposite direction, to keep it within the viewport:
  1. Slide the tooltip along the perpendicular axis, to keep it within the viewport:

Below is the code snippet to implement those behaviours. You don't need to add the code manually; Relume Library uses a minified version of the code to improve page load performance. If you need to make changes, you can use the original code below:

// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @output_file_name default.js
// @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
// @js_externs var iconWrapperClass
// @js_externs var tooltipWrapperClass
// @js_externs var arrowClass
// @language_out ECMASCRIPT_2015
// ==/ClosureCompiler==
// Use
// Move the *Class variables inside the IIFE. They're outside so the names are not
// mangled by ClosureCompiler:
iconWrapperClass = "tooltip2_element-wrapper";
tooltipWrapperClass = "tooltip2_tooltip-wrapper";
arrowClass = "tooltip2_arrow";
(() => {
// Helper functions //
function titleCase(d) {
return d[0].toUpperCase() + d.slice(1);
function paddingPropertyName(d) {
return "padding" + titleCase(d);
/** The opposite direction of each direction */
const oppositeOf = {
["bottom"]: "top",
["left"]: "right",
["right"]: "left",
["top"]: "bottom",
const arrowRotation = {
["bottom"]: 180,
["left"]: -90,
["right"]: 90,
["top"]: 0,
/* The css property names for the horizontal axis */
const horizontalAxis = {
start: "left",
end: "right",
len: "width",
translate: "translateX",
/* The css property names for the vertical axis */
const verticalAxis = {
start: "top",
end: "bottom",
len: "height",
translate: "translateY",
/** The axis perpendicular to each direction */
const perpendicularAxisTo = {
["bottom"]: horizontalAxis,
["left"]: verticalAxis,
["right"]: verticalAxis,
["top"]: horizontalAxis,
/** Returns the style properties of the tooltip. Users might customize padding values in Webflow */
function getTooltipPadding(tooltip) {
const tooltipStyle = window.getComputedStyle(tooltip);
return (
parseInt(tooltipStyle.paddingTop, 10) ||
parseInt(tooltipStyle.paddingBottom, 10) ||
parseInt(tooltipStyle.paddingLeft, 10) ||
parseInt(tooltipStyle.paddingRight, 10) ||
function setupTooltip(icon) {
// Ensure setupTooltip is idempotent:
const isSetupKey = "relumeTooltipSetup";
if (icon.dataset[isSetupKey]) return;
icon.dataset[isSetupKey] = 1;
const tooltip = icon.parentElement.querySelector("." + tooltipWrapperClass);
const arrow = icon.parentElement.querySelector("." + arrowClass);
const naturalDirection = arrow.classList.contains("is-left")
? "left"
: arrow.classList.contains("is-right")
? "right"
: arrow.classList.contains("is-bottom")
? "bottom"
: "top";
const oppositeDirection = oppositeOf[naturalDirection];
const tooltipPadding = getTooltipPadding(tooltip);
/** Updates the tooltip's style to position it in direction `d` */
function updateTooltipStyle(d, slideAxis, slidePx) {
const o = oppositeOf[d];[o] = "100%";[d] = "auto";[paddingPropertyName(o)] = tooltipPadding + "px";[paddingPropertyName(d)] = "0"; = slideAxis.translate + "(" + slidePx + "px)"; =
slideAxis.translate +
"(" +
-slidePx +
"px) " +
"rotate(" +
arrowRotation[d] +
"deg) ";[d] = "auto";[o] = d === "top" || d === "bottom" ? "0.25rem" : "0";
let open = false;
/** Runs every frame that the tooltip is open */
function keepInViewport() {
if (!open) return;
const iconBox = icon.getBoundingClientRect();
const tooltipBox = tooltip.getBoundingClientRect();
// Step 1 - on the perpendicular axis to naturalDirection, slide the
// tooltip to keep it in the viewport.
const slideAxis = perpendicularAxisTo[naturalDirection];
const desiredStart =
(iconBox[slideAxis.start] +
iconBox[slideAxis.end] -
tooltipBox[slideAxis.len]) /
const desiredEnd =
(iconBox[slideAxis.start] +
iconBox[slideAxis.end] +
tooltipBox[slideAxis.len]) /
let slidePx = 0;
const windowEnd = window["inner" + titleCase(slideAxis.len)];
if (desiredStart < 0) {
slidePx = -desiredStart;
} else if (desiredEnd > windowEnd) {
slidePx = windowEnd - desiredEnd;
// Step 2 - set the direction of the tooltip to either naturalDirection or
// oppositeDirection direction, whichever fits best.
const fits = {
["bottom"]: iconBox.bottom + tooltipBox.height < window.innerHeight,
["left"]: iconBox.left - tooltipBox.width > 0,
["right"]: iconBox.right + tooltipBox.width < window.innerWidth,
["top"]: - tooltipBox.height > 0,
const newDirection =
fits[naturalDirection] || !fits[oppositeDirection]
? naturalDirection
: oppositeDirection;
updateTooltipStyle(newDirection, slideAxis, slidePx);
icon.parentElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
open = true;
icon.parentElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
open = false;
function setupAllTooltips() {
document.querySelectorAll("." + iconWrapperClass).forEach(setupTooltip);
// Setup tooltips when the DOM loads:
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setupAllTooltips);
// Also setup the tooltips now, in case the dom has already loaded. Setting
// up a tooltip is idempotent so this is safe:
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