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samholst / rails_sql_case_example.rb
Created January 10, 2021 00:00 — forked from zoltan-nz/rails_sql_case_example.rb
UPDATE more record with one query using CASE sql statement in Ruby on Rails. In this example update sort_order integer based on the sort order of products.
#List of product ids in sorted order. Get from jqueryui sortable plugin.
#product_ids = [3,1,2,4,7,6,5]
#product_ids.each_with_index do |id, index|
# Product.where(id: id).update_all(sort_order: index+1)
##CASE syntax example:
##Product.where(id: product_ids).update_all("sort_order = CASE id WHEN 539 THEN 1 WHEN 540 THEN 2 WHEN 542 THEN 3 END")
samholst /
Created December 16, 2019 04:15 — forked from robhrt7/
Install MySQL 5.7 on macOS using Homebrew

This is a fork of original gist, with slight changes on pointing to 5.7 version branch, instead of 8 (latest default of MySQL in Hombrew).

Install MySQL 5.7 on macOS

This procedure explains how to install MySQL using Homebrew on macOS (Sierra 10.12 and up)

Install Homebrew

  • Installing Homebrew is effortless, open Terminal and enter :
    $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Note: Homebrew will download and install Command Line Tools for Xcode 8.0 as part of the installation process.
samholst /
Created July 27, 2019 02:21 — forked from lmartins/
Debounce function execution in CoffeeScript
# Based on:
debounce = (func, threshold, execAsap) ->
timeout = null
(args...) ->
obj = this
delayed = ->
func.apply(obj, args) unless execAsap
timeout = null
// First make sure the wrapper app is loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// Then get its webviews
let webviews = document.querySelectorAll(".TeamView webview");
// Fetch our CSS in parallel ahead of time
//const cssPath = '';
const cssPath = '';
let cssPromise = fetch(cssPath).then(response => response.text());
samholst / slack_dark_theme.css
Created June 2, 2019 01:59
Custom css for slack dark theme copied from mallowigi
@import url("|Rajdhani");
:root {
/* Modify these to change your theme colors: */
--primary: #E5C17C;
--accent: #568AF2;
--text: #ABB2BF;
--background: #282C34;
--background-elevated: #3B4048;
/* These should be less important: */
--background-hover: #525964;
samholst /
Created May 9, 2019 23:46 — forked from bnbry/
ruby 'ghost' methods

Ruby 'Ghost' Methods

Ghosts are spooooky!

But really this is just a goofy name for one of many options of dynamically creating methods in ruby which is part of that fancy business known as Metaprogramming. Which is a fancy name for the concept of writing code that 'writes' code. It's bananas and great and the best thing you will ever see in your career also it is terrible, horrible, no good and the worst thing you will ever see in your career. We are just going to go over what has been dubbed 'ghost' methods by someone who likes to have cool names for things, there is a lot more to metaprogramming in general than just this technique but it is a pretty good entry point.

samholst /
Created March 15, 2019 22:52 — forked from ibraheem4/
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX)

Installing Postgres via Brew


Brew Package Manager

In your command-line run the following commands:

  1. brew doctor
  2. brew update
# config/initializers/activestorage.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
# Provides the class-level DSL for declaring that an Active Record model has attached blobs.
ActiveStorage::Attached::Macros.module_eval do
def has_one_attached(name, dependent: :purge_later, acl: :private)
class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{name}
@active_storage_attached_#{name} ||="#{name}", self, dependent: #{dependent == :purge_later ? ":purge_later" : "false"}, acl: "#{acl}")
samholst /
Created February 20, 2019 03:56 — forked from fernandoaleman/
Install mysql2 on MacOS Mojave


Installing mysql2 gem errors on MacOS Mojave.


Make sure openssl is installed on Mac via Homebrew.

brew install openssl
# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`