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Created July 29, 2015 11:57
Show Gist options
  • Save samithaj/af038fd6a927a7da1d4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save samithaj/af038fd6a927a7da1d4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// @import "%fb2k_profile_path%wsh_br3tt\jsplaylist\js\WSHcommon.js"
// @import "%fb2k_profile_path%marc2003\common8.js"
// @name "Thumbs"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
//the track info section displays 3 lines of title formatted text. you can customise that here/////////////////////////////////////////////
function Format_hms(t) {
var hms;
if (t) {
switch (t.length) {
case 4: hms = "0" + t;
case 5: hms = "" + t;
case 7: hms = "0" + t;
default: hms = t;
break }
return hms }
else {
return "00:00" }
//$puts(info2a.color,$if($stricmp(%__mp3_stereo_mode%,JOINT STEREO),$get(active.color),$get(back.color)))
var vX=80;
var vY=140;
var vW=60
var vH=60;
var x = 310; //similer artist panel adjust
var z = 45;//info adjust
var i =0;
var pbx = -55; //plybackbuttons x
var pby = 147;
var obx =90;
var oby = 103;
var artistX =50;
var artistY =10;
var artistW =450;
var artistH=128;
var cX= -37;
var cY=333;
var cW=318;
var cH=318;
var rX =400;
var rY =110;
pls = window.GetProperty("FB Playlist", "YT Radio");
var codec="mp3";
var trackPath = "";
var line1 = {
text: "", //leave this blank
tf: "%artist%", //enter any title formatting
font: gdi.Font("PCDE", 75, 3), //font name, size, style. 1 means bold and 0 is normal.
colour: RGB(240, 240, 240), //colour
y: 0 //change this value to move text up or down.
var line11 = {
text: "", //leave this blank
tf: "%artist%", //enter any title formatting
font: gdi.Font("Cabiri", 13, 0),
colour: colorSchemeText & 0x22ffffff,
y: 85,
var line2 = {
text: "",
tf: "%title%",
font: gdi.Font("PCDE", 60, 3),
fontmin:gdi.Font("PCDE", 40, 3),
colour: RGB(210, 210, 210),
y: -40,
var line3 = {
text: "",
tf: "[$ascii($replace(%album%,/,-))]",
font: gdi.Font("Cabiri", 13, 0),
colour: colorSchemeText & 0x22ffffff,
y: 65,
var line4 = {
text: "",
tf: "[%path%]",
font: gdi.Font("cabiri", 10, 1),
colour: RGB(180, 180, 180),
y: 137
var line5 = {
text: "",
tf: "[%bitrate%]" + " Kbps" ,// + " :: " + "[%codec_profile%]"
font: gdi.Font("Score board",13, 1),
colour: RGB(180, 180, 180),
y: 45,
var line6 = {
text: "",
tf: "$if($strcmp(%__bitspersample%$div($info(samplerate),1000),1644),16bit-44.1kHz)$if($or($strcmp($info(codec),DST64),$strcmp($info(codec),DSD64)),SACD-$info(bitspersample)bit-$div($info(samplerate),1000)kHz,$if($strcmp($info(bitspersample)$max($info(samplerate),45000),$max($info(bitspersample),24)$info(samplerate)),DVD-Audio/LP-$info(bitspersample)bit-$div($info(samplerate),1000)kHz))$if(%__hdcd%,HDCD-20bit-44.1kHz)$if($strcmp($info(encoding),lossy),Lossy-$div($info(samplerate),1000)kHz)" ,// + " :: " + "[%codec_profile%]"
font: gdi.Font("AvantGarde Bk BT",11, 1),
colour: RGB(180, 180, 180),
y: 60,
function DrawPolyStar(gr, x, y, out_radius, in_radius, points, line_thickness, line_color, fill_color, angle, opacity){
if(!opacity && opacity != 0) opacity = 255;
//---> Create points
var point_arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i != points; i++) {
i % 2 ? rad = Math.round((out_radius-line_thickness*4)/2) / in_radius : rad = Math.round((out_radius-line_thickness*4)/2);
var x_point = Math.floor(rad * Math.cos(Math.PI * i / points * 2 - Math.PI / 2));
var y_point = Math.ceil(rad * Math.sin(Math.PI * i / points * 2 - Math.PI / 2));
point_arr.push(x_point + out_radius/2);
point_arr.push(y_point + out_radius/2);
//---> Crate poligon image
var img = gdi.CreateImage(out_radius, out_radius);
var _gr = img.GetGraphics();
_gr.FillPolygon(fill_color, 1, point_arr);
if(line_thickness > 0)
_gr.DrawPolygon(line_color, line_thickness, point_arr);
//---> Draw image
gr.DrawImage(img, x, y, out_radius, out_radius, 0, 0, out_radius, out_radius, angle, opacity);
// DarkOne volbar
var configPath = fb.FoobarPath + "themes\\DarkOne_v4.0\\";
var imgPath = configPath + "Images\\";
var g_signs = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Signs.png");
var btn_font = gdi.Font("Arial Black", 7, 0);
var ui_type = window.InstanceType;
var g_imgv = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Volume.png");
var v_change = false;
var g_drag = false;
var g_angle = 270;
var v_size = 60;
var i_size = 10;
var pad = 5;
function VolumeKnob(x, y, w, h) {
this.left = x; = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.right = x + w;
this.bottom = y + h;
this.traceMouse = function(x, y) {
return x >= this.left && x <= this.right && y >= && y <= this.bottom;
this.changePos = function(x, y, w, h) {
this.left = x; = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.right = x + w;
this.bottom = y + h;
this.calc_theta = function(x, y) {
x -= this.left + this.w / 2;
y -= + this.h / 2;
theta = Math.atan2(y, x) / Math.PI * 180;
if (theta <= 90 && theta > 45) return g_angle;
if (theta > 90 && theta < 135) return 0;
return theta >= 0 ? theta > 90 ? theta - 135 : theta + 225 : theta + 225
this.draw = function(gr) {
var g_R = Math.min(this.w, this.h) / Math.PI;
gr.GdiDrawText("VOLUME", btn_font, RGB(255,255,255), this.left, - 12, this.w, 16, 33);
g_imgv && gr.DrawImage(g_imgv, this.left,, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, vW, vH);
theta = (Math.pow(10, fb.Volume / 50) - 0.001) / 0.999 * g_angle;
posA = (theta - 45) * Math.PI / 180;
cosinusA = Math.cos(posA);
sinusA = Math.sin(posA);
posX = (this.left + (this.w / 2) - pad) - (cosinusA * g_R);
posY = ( + (this.h / 2) - pad) - (sinusA * g_R);
x_offset = fb.Volume == -100 ? v_size + 2 * i_size : v_change ? v_size + i_size : v_size;
g_imgv && gr.DrawImage(g_imgv, posX, posY, i_size, i_size, x_offset, 0, i_size, i_size);
this.Repaint = function() {
window.RepaintRect(this.left,, this.w, this.h);
this.on_mouse_move = function(x, y) {
if (this.traceMouse(x, y) && g_drag){
n = this.calc_theta(x, y) / g_angle;
v = 50 * Math.log(0.99 * n + 0.01) / Math.LN10;
if (fb.Volume != v) fb.Volume = v;
this.mouseX = x;
this.mouseY = y;
this.on_mouse_lbtn_down = function(x, y) {
g_drag = true;
this.on_mouse_lbtn_up = function(x, y) {
g_drag = false;
this.on_mouse_wheel = function(step) {
if (this.traceMouse(this.mouseX, this.mouseY)) step > 0 ? fb.VolumeUp() : fb.VolumeDown();
this.on_mouse_rbtn_up = function(x, y) {
var m = window.CreatePopupMenu();
var q;
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == 0 ? 1 : 0, 1, "Up");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -100 ? 1 : 0, 2, "Down");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -100 ? 8 : 0, 3, "Volume Mute");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == 0 ? 8 : 0, 4, "Set to -0 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -3 ? 8 : 0, 5, "Set to -3 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -6 ? 8 : 0, 6, "Set to -6 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -9 ? 8 : 0, 7, "Set to -9 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -12 ? 8 : 0, 8, "Set to -12 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -15 ? 8 : 0, 9, "Set to -15 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -18 ? 8 : 0, 10, "Set to -18 db");
m.AppendMenuItem(fb.Volume == -21 ? 8 : 0, 11, "Set to -21 db");
q = m.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
switch (true) {
case (q == 1):
case (q == 2):
case (q == 3):
case (q == 4):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -0 db");
case (q == 5):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -3 db");
case (q == 6):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -6 db");
case (q == 7):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -9 db");
case (q == 8):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -12 db");
case (q == 9):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -15 db");
case (q == 10):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -18 db");
case (q == 11):
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback" + "/" + "Volume" + "/" + "Set to -21 db");
// DarkOne volbar enddd
/////////get album main colur
var gRed, gGreen, gBlue, gAlpha;
var colorSchemeBack = -14671840;
var colorSchemeText = -5263441;
var g_colorScheme_array = Array();
function getColorSchemeFromImage(image) {
if(!image) return;
var left_img = gdi.CreateImage(30, 50);
var gb = left_img.GetGraphics();
var colorScheme_array = Array();
gb.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, 7, 7, image.Width-14, image.Height-14, 0, 255);
//var myVBArray = image.Resize(50,50,2).GetColorScheme(1);
var myVBArray = left_img.GetColorScheme(1);
colorScheme_array.splice(0, colorScheme_array.length);
colorScheme_array = myVBArray.toArray();
gRed = getRed(colorScheme_array[0]);
gGreen = getGreen(colorScheme_array[0]);
gBlue = getBlue(colorScheme_array[0]);
gAlpha = getAlpha(colorScheme_array[0]);
colorSchemeBack = RGBA(gRed, gGreen, gBlue, 255) ;
//var tmp_HSL_colour = RGB2HSL(this.colorSchemeBack);
var tmp_HSL_colour = RGB2HSL(colorScheme_array[0]);
var new_H = tmp_HSL_colour.H;
var new_S = tmp_HSL_colour.S > 80 ? (tmp_HSL_colour.L < 40 ? tmp_HSL_colour.S - 60 : tmp_HSL_colour.S) : tmp_HSL_colour.S;
if(tmp_HSL_colour.S > 60) {
var new_L = (tmp_HSL_colour.L > 40 ? tmp_HSL_colour.L - 40 : tmp_HSL_colour.L + 40);
} else {
var new_L = (tmp_HSL_colour.L > 50 ? tmp_HSL_colour.L - 50 : tmp_HSL_colour.L + 40);
var new_L = tmp_HSL_colour.L < 60 ? tmp_HSL_colour.L+50 : tmp_HSL_colour.L-50;
colorSchemeText = HSL2RGB(new_H, new_S, new_L, "RGB");
colorSchemeText = blendColors(colorSchemeText, RGB(255,255,255), 0.15);
/////////get album main colur enddd
var g_image_list = "";
var g_img = null;
var g_valid_tid = 0;
function on_every_5000_seconds(timer_id) {
// After loading image is done in the background, this callback will be invoked
function on_load_image_done(tid, image) {
if (g_valid_tid == tid) {
// Dispose previous image, in order to save memory
g_img && g_img.Dispose();
g_img = image;
window.RepaintRect(artistX, artistY, artistW, artistH);
// Trigger every 5 seconds.
var g_timer = window.SetInterval(on_every_5000_seconds, 6000);
function load_random_image_async() {
// Load a random image from the list
var g_image_list = [];
//MY version
g_image_list = utils.Glob("F:\\Music\\fanart\\" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "\\*.png").toArray(), utils.Glob("E:\\Music\\fanart\\" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "\\*.jpg").toArray();
//Public version
//g_image_list = utils.Glob(fb.ProfilePath+"wsh_fanart_musiclogo\\" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "\\*.png").toArray(), utils.Glob("%fb2k_profile_path%"+"wsh_fanart_musiclogo\\" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "\\*.jpg").toArray();
var path = g_image_list[Math.floor(Math.random() * g_image_list.length)];
g_valid_tid = gdi.LoadImageAsync(window.ID, path);
var ForReading = 1;
var ForWriting = 2;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var sdir = fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\settings\\";
function read_option(opt, val) {
var odir = sdir + opt + "\\";
if (!fso.FolderExists(odir)) {
} else {
var e = new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(odir).Files);
var s;
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
s = e.item();
if (utils.PathWildcardMatch("*", s.Name)) {
return s.Name
fso.CreateTextFile(odir + val, ForWriting);
return val
function update_option(opt, val) {
var odir = sdir + opt + "\\";
if (!fso.FolderExists(odir)) {
fso.CreateTextFile(odir + val, ForWriting)
} else {
var e = new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(odir).Files);
var s;
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
s = e.item();
if (utils.PathWildcardMatch("*", s.Name)) {
fso.MoveFile(odir + s.Name, odir + val);
return val
function RefreshBG() {
if (fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused) {
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Play or Pause");
fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Play or Pause");
} else {
var p = new panel("Thumbs", ["remap", "custom_background"]);
//var rY=440;
//p.data_folder = "X:\\PRIVATE\\marc2003\\";
//My version
p.artists_folder = "F:\\Music\\eng\\";
window.SetProperty("2k3.musicbrainz_releases", false);
var th = new thumbs();
th.mode =;
var r = new rating(0, 4, 28);
var b = new buttons("playback");
var bs = 32; //button size
var c = new cd(0, 0, p.w, p.h);
var l = new lastfm();
volknob = new VolumeKnob(vX, vY, vW, vH);
//if you want to change the images, uncomment these lines below and modify the paths accordingly
//do not use fb.FoobarPath here as fb.ProfilePath already points to the same location if using portable mode
b.images.stop = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\stop.png");
b.images.stoph = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\stop_h.png"); = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\play.png");
b.images.playh = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\play_h.png");
b.images.pause = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\pause.png");
b.images.pauseh = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\pause_h.png");
b.images.previous = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\previous.png");
b.images.previoush = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\prev_h.png"); = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\next.png");
b.images.nexth = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\next_h.png");
b.images.album = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\album.png");
b.images.bartist = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\bartist.png");
b.images.artist = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\artist.png");
b.images.similar = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\similar.png");
b.images.sartist = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\sartist.png");
b.images.sartisth = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\sartisth.png");
b.images.tags = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\tags.png");
b.images.tagsh = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\tagsh.png");
b.images.talbum = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\talbum.png");
b.images.talbumh = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\talbumh.png"); = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\top.png");
b.images.toph = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\toph.png");
b.images.library = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\library.png");
b.images.libraryh = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\libraryh.png");
b.images.nowPlaying = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\nowPlaying.png");
b.images.playlist = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\playlist.png");
b.images.playlisth = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\playlisth.png"); = gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\video.png");
var li = new list("lastfm", 500, p.h + 50, p.w - 30, p.h - 30);
var columns = 0;
li.lastfm_change_mode = function(m) {
this.lastfm_mode = m;
window.SetProperty("2k3.lastfm_mode", this.lastfm_mode);
//store the value so it's remembered on panel reload/foobar restart
this.artist = ""; //the panel won't update if the artist doesn't change so i just clear it
p.item_focus_change(); //this calls the function that refreshes the panel - don't repaint because it's already done for you
//function takes 3 values: x, y, size. see on_size function if you want to update these relative to panel width/height
var ps = new playcount_sync(3, 0, 32);
b.update = function() {
b.buttons.stop = new button((p.w - bs * 6)+pbx, p.h -pby, bs, bs, {
normal: this.images.stop,
hover: this.images.stoph
}, function() {
}, ""); = new button((p.w - bs * 6) + bs * 2 + 5+pbx, p.h - pby - 17, bs+35,bs+35, {
normal: !fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused ? : this.images.pause,
hover: !fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused ? this.images.playh : this.images.pauseh
}, function() {
}, !fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused ? "" : "");
b.buttons.previous = new button((p.w - bs * 6) + bs + 10+pbx, p.h - pby, bs, bs, {
normal: this.images.previous,
hover: this.images.previoush
}, function() {
}, ""); = new button((p.w - bs * 6) + bs * 3 + 35+pbx, p.h -pby, bs, bs, {
hover: this.images.nexth
}, function() {
}, "");
b.buttons.artist = new button(line11.x -30, p.h - line11.y-5, 20, 20, {
normal: this.images.artist
}, function() {
fb.RunContextCommand("Quicksearch for same/Artist")
}, "Same Artist");
b.buttons.album = new button(line3.x -30, p.h - line3.y-5, 20, 20, {
normal: this.images.album
}, function() {
fb.RunContextCommand("Quicksearch for same/Album")
}, "Same Album");
b.buttons.similar = new button((p.w - bs * 6) + bs * 3 - 170+obx, p.h - oby, 30, 30, {
normal: this.images.similar
}, function() {
fb.RunContextCommand(" Track '" + fb.TitleFormat("%title%").Eval() + "' By '" + fb.TitleFormat("%artist%").Eval() + "' Level 0 Similar Tracks")
}, "Similar Tracks");
b.buttons.sartist = new button(x + p.w - 480, i+50, 40, 40, {
normal: 0 == window.GetProperty("2k3.lastfm_mode", 0) ? this.images.sartisth : this.images.sartist,
hover: this.images.sartisth
}, function() {
li.lastfm_change_mode(0);p.console(" clicked__________________sartist");
}, "similar artists");
b.buttons.tags = new button(x + p.w - 480, i+85, 40, 40, {
normal: 1 == window.GetProperty("2k3.lastfm_mode", 0) ? this.images.tagsh : this.images.tags,
hover: this.images.tagsh
}, function() {
li.lastfm_change_mode(1);p.console(" clicked__________________tags");
}, "top tags");
b.buttons.talbum = new button(x + p.w - 480, i+115, 40, 40, {
normal: 3 == window.GetProperty("2k3.lastfm_mode", 0) ? this.images.talbumh : this.images.talbum,
hover: this.images.talbumh
}, function() {
li.lastfm_change_mode(3);p.console(" clicked__________________talbum");
}, "top albums"); = new button(x + p.w - 472, i+145, 25, 25, {
normal: 4 == window.GetProperty("2k3.lastfm_mode", 0) ? this.images.toph :,
hover: this.images.toph
}, function() {
li.lastfm_change_mode(4);p.console(" clicked__________________top tracks");
}, "top tracks");
// b.buttons.library = new button(5, 5, 45, 45, {
// normal: this.images.library,hover: this.images.libraryh
// }, function() {
// var libraryView = update_option("panel", 2);
// var sideView = update_option("side", 1);
// RefreshBG();RefreshBG();
// }, "Library");
b.buttons.codec = new button(p.w-397, p.h-90, 80, 50, {normal:trackPath.substr(0,3)=="www" ? gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\Codecs\\stream.png") : gdi.Image(fb.ProfilePath + "sam92\\images\\Codecs\\"+codec+".png") }, function() {var playlist = update_option("panel",3);var np = update_option("libraryView",0); RefreshBG();RefreshBG();b.update();},"Tracks View" );
// = new button(0, 25, 100, 100, {normal:}, function() {
// fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Visualizations/Youtube Video");
// } , "Video");
b.buttons.bartist = new button(artistX, artistY, artistW-70, artistH-30, {
normal: this.images.bartist
}, function() {
fb.RunContextCommand("Quicksearch for same/Artist");
var libraryView = update_option("panel", 2);
var sideView = update_option("side", 1);
}, "Browse Artist");
function on_playback_time(time) {
window.RepaintRect(p.w - 150, p.h - 75, 130, gdi.Font("digital-7", 20, 1).Height + 10);
if (time != 1) return;
p.console("This is the time to determine if images should be automatically downloaded.");
if (th.source != 0) return p.console("Panel is in custom folder mode. Not downloading.");
if (p.metadb.RawPath != fb.GetNowPlaying().RawPath) return p.console("Panel is not focused on the playing track. Not downloading.");
if (th.files.length > 0) return p.console("Folder contains at least one image. Not downloading.");
if (th.auto_download == 0) return p.console("Automatic downloads are switched off. Not downloading");
if (th.auto_download == 1 && !fb.IsMetadbInMediaLibrary(p.metadb)) return p.console("Automatic downloads are enabled for library tracks only and this track is not in the library. Not downloading.");
p.console("All conditions for downloading images have been met. Downloading now...");;
function on_size() {
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = p.h - 15;
r.x =p.w - rX;
r.y = p.h-rY;
c.w = cW;
c.h = cH;
c.x = cX;
c.y = p.h-cY;
ps.x = p.w - 230+obx;
ps.y = p.h - oby;
li.y = 0;
li.x = x + p.w - 440;
li.w = 200;
li.h = p.h-150;
i= (p.h-400)/2;
volknob.changePos(p.w-vX, p.h-vY, vW, vH);
function on_paint(gr) {
p.backcolour = RGB(5, 5, 5);
p.textcolour = colorSchemeText;
// p.textcolour_hl = RGB(255, 255, 254);
// p.backcolour = RGB(45, 45, 45); //dark grey background
th.mode =;
//DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-203, p.h - 210, 50, 40, 3, 5, colorSchemeBack, colorSchemeBack, 290);
//DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-198, p.h - 209, 32, 100, 6, 1, colorSchemeBack, colorSchemeBack, -30);
// DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-193, p.h - 208, 24, 100, 6, 1, colorSchemeBack, colorSchemeBack, -30);
// DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-188, p.h - 207, 20, 100, 6, 1, colorSchemeBack, colorSchemeBack, -30);
// DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-183, p.h - 206, 10, 100, 6, 1, colorSchemeBack, colorSchemeBack, -30);
gr.FillGradRect(0, 0, p.w, 5, 100, blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0));
//mid bar
gr.FillGradRect(0,p.h -175, p.w, 10, 100, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0),colorSchemeBack & RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255 - 40));
//gr.FillGradRect(0,p.h -90, p.w-174, 10, 100,colorSchemeBack & RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255 - 40), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0));
gr.FillGradRect(0, p.h - 165, p.w, 60,30,colorSchemeBack & RGBA(240, 240, 240, 255 - 60),blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125));
gr.FillGradRect(0, p.h - 105, p.w, 60,-30,colorSchemeBack & RGBA(240, 240, 240, 255 - 60),blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125));
DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-330, p.h - 175, 140, 30, 4, 0, RGB(0,0,0), colorSchemeBack, -30);
DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-320, p.h - 175, 140, 30, 4, 0, colorSchemeText, colorSchemeBack, -30);
DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-310, p.h - 175, 140, 30, 4, 0, colorSchemeText, colorSchemeBack, -30);
// lyrics background
// gr.FillSolidRect(0, p.h - 40, p.w, 45,blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125));
// gr.FillGradRect(0,p.h - 50, p.w, 10, 100, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0), blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125));
//gr.FillGradRect(220, p.h - 222, 10, 222,10,blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125), RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0));
//gr.FillGradRect(0, p.h - 226, 222, 10, 80, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0),blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125));
//gr.FillGradRect(0, p.h - 5, p.w, 5, 100, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0), RGB(19, 87, 202));
var g_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 22, 1);
var g_drag = false;
var g_textrender = gdi.CreateStyleTextRender();
var ww = window.Width;
var wh = window.Height;
g_textrender.GlowText( blendColors(RGB(255, 255, 255),colorSchemeBack,0.3125) , blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125) & RGBA(255, 255, 255, 40) , 12);
// Clear previous shadow setting
var len = gr.CalcTextWidth(line2.text, line2.font);
//fb.trace("length string : "+len);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line2.text, len<p.w-550? line2.font : line2.fontmin, z + 240+line2.x, len<p.w-550 ? p.h - 150 + line2.y -10:p.h - 150 + line2.y,p.w-550,line2.font.Height*2, 0x01008000);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line3.text, line3.font,line3.x, p.h - line3.y,500,line3.font.Height, DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line1.text, line11.font,line11.x, p.h - line11.y,500,line11.font.Height, DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX);
//p.left_text(gr, line2.text, line2.font, colorSchemeText, z + 240, p.h - 150 + line2.y, 500, line2.font.Height);
//p.left_text(gr, line3.text, line3.font, colorSchemeText, z + 240, p.h - 150 + line3.y, 500, line3.font.Height);
// p.left_text(gr, line4.text, line4.font, line4.colour, 0, p.h - 150 + line4.y, 900, line4.font.Height);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line5.text, line5.font, p.w-line5.x, p.h - 125 + line5.y,300,line5.font.Height, DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line6.text, line6.font, p.w-line6.x, p.h - 125 + line6.y,500,line6.font.Height, DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX);
//p.left_text(gr, line5.text, line5.font, colorSchemeText & negative(colorSchemeBack) , p.w-line5.x, p.h - 125 + line5.y, 900, line5.font.Height);
//p.left_text(gr, line6.text, line6.font, colorSchemeText , p.w-line6.x, p.h - 125 + line6.y, 900, line6.font.Height);
//if(!fb.IsPlaying) {
// p.left_text(gr, p.eval("%length%"), font, color,x, y, w, h);
// }
//similer background
gr.FillSolidRect(p.w - 165, 0,175, p.h-165, colorSchemeBack & RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255 - 40));
//DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-200, p.h - 215, 70, 30, 4, 0, RGB(0,0,0), negative(colorSchemeBack), -30);
//DrawPolyStar(gr, p.w-200, p.h - 150, 70, 30, 4, 0, RGB(0,0,0), negative(colorSchemeBack), 30);
// gr.GdiDrawText("88:88/88:88", gdi.Font("Digital", 31, 0), colorSchemeBack & RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0), p.w- 149, p.h - 75, 140, gdi.Font("digital", 30, 0).Height + 10, 0x00000002);
gr.GdiDrawText(Format_hms(fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time%").Eval())+"/"+Format_hms(fb.TitleFormat("[%length%]").Eval()), gdi.Font("Digital", 30, 0), blendColors( -16777216,colorSchemeBack,0.3125), p.w- 151, p.h - 74, 140, gdi.Font("digital", 30, 0).Height + 10, 0x00000002);
// todo time
gr.FillGradRect(p.w - 7, 0, 7, p.h, 180, colorSchemeBack, RGBA(255, 255, 255, 10));
if (g_img) {
var ww = artistW,
wh = artistH;
var x = 0,
y = 0;
var scale = 0;
var scale_w = ww / g_img.Width;
var scale_h = wh / g_img.Height;
if (scale_w <= scale_h) {
scale = scale_w;
y = (wh - g_img.Height * scale) / 2;
} else {
scale = scale_h;
x = (ww - g_img.Width * scale) / 2;
gr.DrawImage(g_img, artistX+(x/2), artistY+y, g_img.Width * scale, g_img.Height * scale, 0, 0, g_img.Width, g_img.Height);
} else {
// p.left_text(gr, line1.text, line1.font, colorSchemeText, z + 240, p.h - 170, 500, line1.font.Height);
g_textrender.RenderStringRect(gr, line1.text, line1.font, artistX, artistY,900,line1.font.Height, DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX);
// gr.GdiDrawText(line2.text, line2.font, RGB(255,255,255),260, 380,600, line2.font.Height, format = 0);
function on_playback_stop() {
function on_playback_pause() {
function on_playback_starting() {
function on_metadb_changed() {
// fb.trace( "colorSchemeBack: "+colorSchemeBack);
// fb.trace( "colorSchemeText: "+colorSchemeText);
// fb.trace( "rgb colorSchemeBack: "+ toRGB(colorSchemeBack));
// fb.trace( "rgb colorSchemeText: "+toRGB(colorSchemeText) );
var rgbBack = toRGB(colorSchemeBack);
// var redb =;
var backColorText = getRed(colorSchemeBack)+"-"+getGreen(colorSchemeBack)+"-"+getBlue(colorSchemeBack);
var textColorText = getRed(colorSchemeText)+"-"+getGreen(colorSchemeText)+"-"+getBlue(colorSchemeText);
var wshbackColorText = getRed(colorSchemeBack)+","+getGreen(colorSchemeBack)+","+getBlue(colorSchemeBack);
var wshtextColorText = getRed(colorSchemeText)+","+getGreen(colorSchemeText)+","+getBlue(colorSchemeText);
// fb.trace( "rgb backColorText: "+ backColorText);
// fb.trace( "1111: "+ getRed(colorSchemeBack));
var ColorScheme = update_option("ColorScheme", backColorText);
var textColorScheme = update_option("textColorScheme", textColorText);
var wshColorScheme = update_option("wshColorScheme", wshbackColorText);
var wshtextColorScheme = update_option("wshtextColorScheme", wshtextColorText);
window.NotifyOthers(wshColorScheme, colorSchemeBack)
//window.NotifyOthers(wshtextColorScheme, wshtextColorText)
line1.text = p.eval(;
line2.text = p.eval(;
line3.text = p.eval(;
line4.text = p.eval(;
line5.text = p.eval(;
line6.text = p.eval(;
// var my_font = gdi.Font("PCDE", 55, 3);
// fb.trace(CalcTextWidth("abcd", gdi.Font("PCDE", 55, 3)));
codec = p.eval("[%codec%]");
trackPath = p.eval("[%path%]");
function on_playback_new_track() {
function on_playback_edited() {
function on_get_album_art_done(metadb, art_id, im, ip) {
function on_mouse_wheel(step) {
//if(th.wheel(step)) return;
// if(li.wheel(step)) return;
if(volknob.on_mouse_wheel(step)) return;
function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
if (p.move(x, y)) return;
if (b.move(x, y)) return;
if (r.move(x, y)) return;
if (c.move(x, y)) return;
if (b.move(x, y)) return;
if (li.move(x, y)) return;
//if (li2.move(x, y)) return;
//if (volknob.on_mouse_move(x, y)) return;
function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {
//if (c.lbtn_up(x, y)) fb.RunContextCommand("Quicksearch for same/Album");
if (b.lbtn_up(x, y)) return;
if (r.lbtn_up(x, y)) return;
if (th.lbtn_up(x, y)) return;
if (li.lbtn_up(x, y)) return;
if (volknob.on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y)) return;
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y){
if(volknob.on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y)) return;
function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y) {
if (c.lbtn_dblclk(x, y)) return;
th.lbtn_dblclk(x, y);
var v_timer = null;
function on_volume_change(val) {
if (v_timer) {
v_timer = null;
v_timer = window.SetTimeout(
function () {
v_timer = null;
v_change = false;
}, 3000);
v_change = true;
function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) {
if (volknob.traceMouse(x, y)) {
volknob.on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y);
return true;
if (utils.IsKeyPressed(0x10)) return false;
p.rbtn_up(x, y);
return true;
// todo
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