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Last active November 2, 2023 06:10
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  • Save samlaf/f7ebf03e95214ff6b31fc5e6534d6245 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// _ _____ ______ _____ _
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// / /\ \ \ \/ / |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| _ /| __| | ___/| |
// / ____ \ > <| | (_) | | | | | | | \ \| |____| | | |____
// /_/ \_\/_/\_\_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_| \_\______|_| |______|
// BLSPubkeyRegistry contract stores the apk of registered operators, for each quorum (we only look at quorum 0 for now)
const quorumG1ApkXMapping = getSolidityMapping(taskCreatedBlock, blsPubkeyRegistryAddr, quorumG1ApkXSlot)
const quorumG1ApkYMapping = getSolidityMapping(taskCreatedBlock, blsPubkeyRegistryAddr, quorumG1ApkYSlot)
const allOperatorsCircuitG1Apk = { x: quorumG1ApkXMapping.key(0), y: quorumG1ApkYMapping.key(0) }
// BLSPubkeyCompendium contract contains the following mappings (at slots 0 and 1):
// mapping(address => uint256) public operatorToG1PubkeyX;
// mapping(address => uint256) public operatorToG1PubkeyY;
const operatorToG1PubkeyXMapping = getSolidityMapping(taskCreatedBlock, blsPubkeyCompendiumAddr, operatorToG1PubkeyXSlot)
const operatorToG1PubkeyYMapping = getSolidityMapping(taskCreatedBlock, blsPubkeyCompendiumAddr, operatorToG1PubkeyYSlot)
const nonsignersCircuitPubkeys = => {
const nonsignerG1PubkeyX = operatorToG1PubkeyXMapping.key(nonsignerAddr)
const nonsignerG1PubkeyY = operatorToG1PubkeyYMapping.key(nonsignerAddr)
return { x: nonsignerG1PubkeyX, y: nonsignerG1PubkeyY }
let signersG1Apk;
if (nonsignersCircuitPubkeys.length > 0) {
const nonsignersG1Apk = bn254G1Sum(nonsignersCircuitPubkeys)
// we subtract all nonsigners pubkeys from the apk to get the signersApk
signersG1Apk = bn254G1SubUnequal(allOperatorsCircuitG1Apk, bn254G1AffinePointToCircuitBn254G1Affine(nonsignersG1Apk))
} else {
signersG1Apk = loadBn254G1(allOperatorsCircuitG1Apk)
// // bls sig check function is still tbd
// // halo2-lib one is here:
// // might look something like:
let g1Generator = loadBn254G1({ x: newCircuitValue256(constant(0), constant(1)), y: newCircuitValue256(constant(0), constant(2)) })
const taskResponseDigestBn254G2 = loadBn254G2FromCircuitValue256(
taskResponseDigestG2Coords[0], taskResponseDigestG2Coords[1],
taskResponseDigestG2Coords[2], taskResponseDigestG2Coords[3]
const aggSigG2 = loadBn254G2FromCircuitValue256(aggSigG2Coords[0], aggSigG2Coords[1], aggSigG2Coords[2], aggSigG2Coords[3])
bn254PairingCheck(signersG1Apk, taskResponseDigestBn254G2, g1Generator, aggSigG2)
// TODO: we also need to check that number of signers > threshold
// // we also need to make sure that the blspubkeyregistry points to the blspubkeycompendium
// TODO (in ts code): make sure to add task and taskResponse as extraData
// helper functions
function bn254G1AffinePointToCircuitBn254G1Affine(p) {
return {
x: convertBn254FqToCircuitValue256(p.x()),
y: convertBn254FqToCircuitValue256(p.y())
function loadBn254G1FromCircuitValue256(x, y) {
return loadBn254G1({ x: x, y: y })
function loadBn254G2FromCircuitValue256(x_c0, x_c1, y_c0, y_c1) {
let circuitBn254Fq2X = { c0: x_c0, c1: x_c1 };
let circuitBn254Fq2Y = { c0: y_c0, c1: y_c1 };
return loadBn254G2({ x: circuitBn254Fq2X, y: circuitBn254Fq2Y })
function loadBn254G2FromBigInts(x_c0, x_c1, y_c0, y_c1) {
const { hi: high128xC0, lo: low128xC0 } = splitBigInt(x_c0);
const { hi: high128xC1, lo: low128xC1 } = splitBigInt(x_c1);
const { hi: high128yC0, lo: low128yC0 } = splitBigInt(y_c0);
const { hi: high128yC1, lo: low128yC1 } = splitBigInt(y_c1);
const circuitValue256XC0 = newCircuitValue256(witness(high128xC0), witness(low128xC0));
const circuitValue256XC1 = newCircuitValue256(witness(high128xC1), witness(low128xC1));
const circuitValue256YC0 = newCircuitValue256(witness(high128yC0), witness(low128yC0));
const circuitValue256YC1 = newCircuitValue256(witness(high128yC1), witness(low128yC1));
let circuitBn254Fq2X = { c0: circuitValue256XC0, c1: circuitValue256XC1 };
let circuitBn254Fq2Y = { c0: circuitValue256YC0, c1: circuitValue256YC1 };
return loadBn254G2({ x: circuitBn254Fq2X, y: circuitBn254Fq2Y })
function splitBigInt(bigIntValue) {
const mask128 = BigInt("0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"); // 128-bit mask
const lo = bigIntValue & mask128; // Low 128 bits
const hi = (bigIntValue >> BigInt(128)) & mask128; // High 128 bits
return { hi, lo };
"taskResponseDigestG2Coords": [
"aggSigG2Coords": [
"taskCreatedBlock": 9961355,
"blsPubkeyRegistryAddr": "0x7c46B99d6182dACCbeb3D82Eaff2Dc3266da7B02",
"quorumG1ApkXSlot": 3,
"quorumG1ApkYSlot": 4,
"blsPubkeyCompendiumAddr": "0x40971B1c11c71D60e0e18E0B400a4ADD2485961F",
"operatorToG1PubkeyXSlot": 0,
"operatorToG1PubkeyYSlot": 1,
"nonsignersAddrs": []
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