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Created April 18, 2019 22:36
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fzf configuration snippet
# Exclude those directories even if not listed in .gitignore, or if .gitignore is missing
FD_OPTIONS="--follow --exclude .git --exclude node_modules"
# Change behavior of fzf dialogue
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--no-mouse --height 50% -1 --reverse --multi --inline-info --preview='[[ \$(file --mime {}) =~ binary ]] && echo {} is a binary file || (bat --style=numbers --color=always {} || cat {}) 2> /dev/null | head -300' --preview-window='right:hidden:wrap' --bind='f3:execute(bat --style=numbers {} || less -f {}),f2:toggle-preview,ctrl-d:half-page-down,ctrl-u:half-page-up,ctrl-a:select-all+accept,ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo {+} | pbcopy)'"
# Change find backend
# Use 'git ls-files' when inside GIT repo, or fd otherwise
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="git ls-files --cached --others --exclude-standard | fd --type f --type l $FD_OPTIONS"
# Find commands for "Ctrl+T" and "Opt+C" shortcuts
export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="fd --type d $FD_OPTIONS"
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