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Evolving list of Real Estate APIs by Category

Big List of Real Estate APIs

Listings / Property Data

####Rets Rabbit

Rets Rabbit removes the nightmare of importing thousands of real estate listings and photos from RETS or ListHub and gives you an easy to use import and Web API server so you can focus on building your listing search powered website or app.

####Onboard Informatics : Property API

The Property API provides easy access to over 150 million property records from local public records data. This data may be used for building mobile applications, web applications, SEO landing pages, and many other experiences that can help drive revenue for your business.

In addition to property details, the API also provides access to recent home sales, individual property sales history, recent home valuations as well as tax assessment and liabilities information. Using our API makes every property, whether on or off-market, an opportunity to draw consumers in.

The Retsly platform is middleware that helps you access multiple MLS listing datasets and real estate public records. The data is all delivered in a normalized way through an elegant and familiar RESTful API. Retsly also facilitates managing the necessary data licenses for you and data providers with a standardized approval process. At Retsly we're hoping to spur innovation in real estate, by helping developers build the tools for realtors, brokerages, MLSs and consumers that will revolutionize the industry!


SimplyRETS is a platform for developers and agents to build real estate applications and websites with the listing and market data from your MLS.

####Zillow : Property Data Property-level data, including historical sales price and year, taxes, beds/baths, etc.

API calls of interest:

Home Valuations

####Zillow: Home Valuations

Search results list, Zestimate®, Rent Zestimate®, home valuations, home valuation charts, comparable houses, and market trend charts.

API calls of interest:

Neighborhood & Community Data

####Zillow Neighborhood Data

Neighborhood and city affordability statistics: Zillow Home Value Index, Zestimate distribution, median single family home and condo values, average tax rates, and percentage of flips.

Demographic data at the city and neighborhood level

Lists of counties, cities, ZIP codes, and neighborhoods, as well as latitude and longitude data for these areas so you can put them on a map.

####Zillow Neighborhood Boundaries

####Onboard Informatics : Onboard Area API

People commonly define themselves by the places in which they live and work, ranging from a region, state or local neighborhood. The Onboard Area API returns boundary data for many levels of geography, including counties, places, neighborhoods and more. You can use these boundaries to give your users more context and to aggregate data to visualize on a map.

####Onboard Informatics : Points of Interest API

The Onboard Points of Interest (POI) API allows a developer to access Points of Interest that represent 15 categories and over 120 lines of business. Points of interest can let your end users know what it’s like to live in a certain area. By knowing where the local grocery store, gym, or bank is located in proximity to their new home, they’ll get a better sense of the community.

####Onboard Informatics : Onboard Community API

The Onboard Community API provides access to a rich set of local information including; population, education, ancestry, crime, commute times and weather. Websites utilizing this data gain a competitive edge by helping their users understand the nuances of the area.

Mortgage Rates

###Zillow : Mortgage Rates Current mortgage rates from Zillow Mortgage Marketplace broken down by state and loan type (30 year fixed, 15 year fixed, 5/1 ARM).

API calls of interest

Mortgage Calculators

####Zillow : Mortgage Calculators

A full suite of mortgage and real estate calculators so you can add a full calculator section on your website.

API calls of interest

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