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Last active January 21, 2025 06:15
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Polyfill/code for the signal argument to addEventListener
// This is part of the blog post here:
// ...and can be used to detect/polyfill the `signal` argument to addEventListener.
// Note that at writing, 86%+ of active browsers already support it:
// ...but that 92% of browsers support `AbortController` and signal.
// So there's 6% of total browsers which will fail silently when adding the `signal` argument.
// Eyeballing it, this is mostly Safari 11-15 and Chrome 66-90. These snippets can help with those targets.
// If there's interest in making this a proper library, I may do that. Hit me up on
// Twitter ( or leave a comment.
* Checks whether the current environment supports the `signal` argument to addEventListener.
export function hasEventListenerSignalSupport() {
if (typeof AbortController === 'undefined') {
return false; // doesn't even support AbortController :(
const c = new AbortController();
let signalOnListenerSupport = true;
globalThis.addEventListener('_test', () => {
// If this fires even though the controller is aborted, there's no support
signalOnListenerSupport = false;
}, { signal: c.signal });
globalThis.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('_test'));
return signalOnListenerSupport;
* Adds support for the `signal` argument to addEventListener. Throws error if
* {@link AbortController} is not supported at all.
export function maybeAddEventListenerSignalPolyfill() {
if (typeof AbortController === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(`can't add, AbortController not supported`);
if (hasEventListenerSignalSupport()) {
const orig = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(eventName, fn, options) {
const self = this;
if (options?.signal) {
if (!(options.signal instanceof AbortSignal)) {
throw new Error(`unexpected type (not AbortSignal) for signal arg`);
if (options.signal.aborted) {
return; // do nothing, already aborted
// copy so user can't change us: unlike the fn, the options arg can change, as
// long as it has the same values
const localOptions = {...options};
options.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
self.removeEventListener(eventName, fn, localOptions);
return, eventName, fn, options);
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nuxodin commented Jun 28, 2022

Works great!

I rewrote it a bit and added it to my polyfill-service:

a few possible improvements:

  • easier support check
  • calling typeof AbortControler will fail if not define (i think)
  • self = this There is no need for this as there are arrow-functions
    let supported = false;
    document.createElement('i').addEventListener('click',()=>{}, {
        get signal() { supported = true; },
    if (supported) return;
    if (!window.AbortController) throw new Error(`AbortController not supported`);
    const orig = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
    EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (eventName, fn, options) {
        if (options && options.signal) {
            if (options.signal.aborted) return; // do nothing, already aborted
            options.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => this.removeEventListener(eventName, fn, { ...options }) );
        return, eventName, fn, options);

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samthor commented Jun 28, 2022

@nuxodin great! I'd still copy options though:

const options = { signal };
foo.addEventListener('whatever', fn, options);
options.capture = true;

// later
signal.abort();  // won't work, 'capture' is part of event

You could also:

const localOptions = { capture: !!options.capture };

since that is the important part.

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nuxodin commented Jun 29, 2022

Ok, added it, thanks for your feedback.

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