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Created December 14, 2014 05:01
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Add contact to address book in swift
func addUserToAddressBook(contact: User){
let stat = ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus()
switch stat {
case .Denied, .Restricted:
println("no access to addressbook")
case .Authorized, .NotDetermined:
var err : Unmanaged<CFError>? = nil
var adbk : ABAddressBook? = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(nil, &err).takeRetainedValue()
if adbk == nil {
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(adbk) {
(granted:Bool, err:CFError!) in
if granted {
var newContact:ABRecordRef! = ABPersonCreate().takeRetainedValue()
var success:Bool = false
//Updated to work in Xcode 6.1
var error: Unmanaged<CFErrorRef>? = nil
//Updated to error to &error so the code builds in Xcode 6.1
success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonFirstNameProperty,, &error)
println("Setting first name was successful? \(success)")
success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonLastNameProperty, "", &error)
println("Setting last name was successful? \(success)")
success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonJobTitleProperty, contact.jobTitle, &error)
println("Setting job title was successful? \(success)")
if(contact.phoneNumber != nil) {
let propertyType: NSNumber = kABMultiStringPropertyType
var phoneNumbers: ABMutableMultiValueRef = createMultiStringRef()
var phone = ((contact.phoneNumber as String).stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "") as NSString)
ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(phoneNumbers, phone, kABPersonPhoneMainLabel, nil)
success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonPhoneProperty, phoneNumbers, &error)
println("Setting phone number was successful? \(success)")
success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonNoteProperty, "added via wildcard -", &error)
success = ABAddressBookAddRecord(adbk, newContact, &error)
println("Contact added successful? \(success)")
success = ABAddressBookSave(adbk, &error)
println("Saving addressbook successful? \(success)")
} else {
func createMultiStringRef() -> ABMutableMultiValueRef {
let propertyType: NSNumber = kABMultiStringPropertyType
return Unmanaged.fromOpaque(ABMultiValueCreateMutable(propertyType.unsignedIntValue).toOpaque()).takeUnretainedValue() as NSObject as ABMultiValueRef
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Thxs You,

Can you explain me - contact: User?

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