Suppose you're opening an issue and there's a lot noisey logs that may be useful.
Rather than wrecking readability, wrap it in a <details>
Summary Goes Here
import torch | |
import torchvision | |
class VGGPerceptualLoss(torch.nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, resize=True): | |
super(VGGPerceptualLoss, self).__init__() | |
blocks = [] | |
blocks.append(torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features[:4].eval()) | |
blocks.append(torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features[4:9].eval()) | |
blocks.append(torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).features[9:16].eval()) |
\lstdefinestyle{customc++}{ | |
belowcaptionskip=1\baselineskip, | |
breaklines=true, | |
frame=L, | |
language=C++, | |
showstringspaces=false, | |
basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, | |
keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{OliveGreen}, | |
commentstyle=\itshape\color{black}, | |
identifierstyle=\color{blue}, |
the problem:
subl somefile
zsh: correct 'subl' to 'ul' [nyae]? n
node -v
zsh: correct 'node' to 'od' [nyae]? n
# Find the CUnit headers and libraries | |
# | |
# CUNIT_INCLUDE_DIRS - The CUnit include directory (directory where CUnit/CUnit.h was found) | |
# CUNIT_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use CUnit | |
# CUNIT_FOUND - True if CUnit found in system | |
function [maxtab, mintab]=peakdet(v, delta, x) | |
%PEAKDET Detect peaks in a vector | |
% [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA) finds the local | |
% maxima and minima ("peaks") in the vector V. | |
% MAXTAB and MINTAB consists of two columns. Column 1 | |
% contains indices in V, and column 2 the found values. | |
% | |
% With [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA, X) the indices | |
% in MAXTAB and MINTAB are replaced with the corresponding | |
% X-values. |