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Created April 19, 2018 23:38
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webpack code to string loader with child compiler
import loaderUtils from 'loader-utils';
import SingleEntryPlugin from 'webpack/lib/SingleEntryPlugin';
/** StringLoader */
export default function loader() {}
export function pitch(request) {
const options = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {};
if (!this.webpack) {
throw new Error('This loader is only usable with webpack');
const cb = this.async();
const filename = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this, || '[hash].inline.js', {
context: options.context || this.rootContext || this.options.context,
regExp: options.regExp,
const worker = {};
worker.options = {
chunkFilename: `[id].${filename}`,
namedChunkFilename: null,
worker.compiler = this._compilation
.createChildCompiler('inline', worker.options);
worker.compiler.apply(new SingleEntryPlugin(this.context, `!!${request}`, 'main'));
const subCache = `subcache ${__dirname} ${request}`;
worker.compilation = (compilation) => {
if (compilation.cache) {
if (!compilation.cache[subCache]) {
compilation.cache[subCache] = {};
compilation.cache = compilation.cache[subCache];
if (worker.compiler.hooks) {
const plugin = { name: 'StringLoader' };
worker.compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(plugin, worker.compilation);
} else {
worker.compiler.plugin('compilation', worker.compilation);
worker.compiler.runAsChild((err, entries, compilation) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (entries[0]) {
worker.file = entries[0].files[0];
const source = compilation.assets[worker.file].source()
delete this._compilation.assets[worker.file];
// see raw-loader
const json = JSON.stringify(source)
.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028')
.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029');
return cb(null, `module.exports = ${json}`);
return cb(null, null);
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