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Forked from coordt/
Created January 14, 2014 18:52
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Tasks for managing a test server
import os
from fabric.api import cd, env, prefix, run, sudo, task
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, sed
from fabric.context_managers import hide
from fabric.colors import green, red
def _make_link_cmd(source, link):
Generates the command string to make a link (if it doesn't exist)
return "[ ! -L %s ] && ln -s %s %s" % (link, source, link)
def _process_template(source, instance_name):
Copy a template to a final destination and rename {branchname} to instance_name
if isinstance(source, (list, tuple)):
source = os.path.join(*source)
dest = source.replace('.template', '')
if not exists(dest):
run('cp %s %s' % (source, dest))
sed(dest, '\\{branchname\\}', instance_name)
return dest
def _bootstrap(tag, settings='production'):
Bootstrap a deployment. Sets up a virtualenv, runs, collects
the static files, and sets up the database.
deploy_dir = "%s%s" % (env.site_root, tag)
virtualenv = "%s/virtualenv" % deploy_dir
settings_file = settings
if 'settings' not in settings:
settings_file = 'settings.%s' % settings
# Bootstrap the code
with cd(deploy_dir):
with prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % virtualenv):
run("./ collectstatic --noinput --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % settings_file)
run("./ syncdb --settings %s" % settings_file)
run("./ migrate --delete-ghost-migrations --settings %s" % settings_file)
def _list_test_instances():
with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
output = run('ls -1 %s' % env.site_root)
instances = [x.strip() for x in output.split("\n")]
return instances
def make_test_instance(branchname, instance_name=""):
Make a stand-alone instance using branch <branchname>
Named using <instance_name> or <branchname>
if not instance_name:
instance_name = branchname
instance_dir = env.site_root + instance_name
if not exists(instance_dir):
with cd(env.site_root):
run('git clone %s %s' % (env.repo_url, instance_name))
with cd(instance_dir):
run('git checkout %s' % branchname)
with cd(instance_dir):
run("git pull")
_process_template((instance_dir, 'settings', ''),
run('mkdir -p %s' % os.path.join(instance_dir, 'staticmedia', 'CACHE'))
sudo('chmod -R a+w %s' % os.path.join(instance_dir, 'staticmedia', 'CACHE'))
_bootstrap(instance_name, 'test')
sudo('chgrp -R www-data %s%s/staticmedia' % (env.site_root, instance_name))
sudo('chmod -R g+w %s%s/staticmedia' % (env.site_root, instance_name))
upstart_conf = _process_template((instance_dir, 'conf', 'upstart-test.conf.template'),
upstart_link = "/etc/init/%s.conf" % instance_name
sudo(_make_link_cmd(upstart_conf, upstart_link))
sudo('initctl reload-configuration')
web_conf = _process_template((instance_dir, 'conf', 'nginx-test.conf.template'),
web_link = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s' % instance_name
if not exists(web_link):
sudo(_make_link_cmd(web_conf, web_link))
sudo('nxensite %s' % instance_name)
sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx reload')
def remove_test_instance(instance_name):
Remove a test instance and remove all support scripts and configs
nginx_name = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s' % instance_name
if exists(nginx_name):
sudo('nxdissite %s' % instance_name)
sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx reload')
nginx_name = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s' % instance_name
if exists(nginx_name):
sudo('rm %s' % nginx_name)
upstart_link = "/etc/init/%s.conf" % instance_name
if exists(upstart_link):
sudo('stop %s' % instance_name)
sudo('rm %s' % upstart_link)
sudo('initctl reload-configuration')
instance_dir = env.site_root + instance_name
if exists(instance_dir):
sudo('rm -Rf %s' % instance_dir)
def _instance_mgmt(cmd, instance_name=None):
Executes <cmd> against <instance_name> or every instance
env.warn_only = True
if instance_name is not None:
instances = [instance_name]
instances = _list_test_instances()
for item in instances:
sudo("%s %s" % (cmd, item.strip()))
def stop_test_instance(instance_name=None):
Stop one or all the test instances
_instance_mgmt("stop", instance_name)
def start_test_instance(instance_name=None):
Start one or all the test instances
_instance_mgmt("start", instance_name)
def restart_test_instance(instance_name):
Restart one or all the test instances
_instance_mgmt("restart", instance_name)
def list_test_instances():
List all the test instances on the test server
instances = _list_test_instances()
output = ["", "Instance Name Status", "-------------- -------------"]
with hide('running', 'stdout'):
for instance in instances:
line = run('status %s' % instance)
line = line.replace(",", "")
line = line.split(" ")
if len(line) == 2:
output.append(red(line[0].ljust(15)) + line[1])
elif len(line) == 4:
output.append(green(line[0].ljust(15)) + line[1])
print "\n".join(output)
def update_test_instance(instance_name):
Update the <instance_name>
instance_dir = env.site_root + instance
settings = "settings.test"
with cd(instance_dir):
run("git pull")
with prefix('source virtualenv/bin/activate'):
run("pip install -r requirements.txt")
run("./ collectstatic --noinput --verbosity 0 --settings %s" % settings)
run("./ syncdb --settings %s" % settings)
run("./ migrate --delete-ghost-migrations --settings %s" % settings)
sudo("restart %s" % instance_name)
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