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Created February 7, 2011 22:29
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Latest from Count Erik J. Young III
Received: from by with HTTP
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 21:54:15 +0000
From: "Erik Young" <[email protected]>
Subject: Protocol Protocol Protocol
To: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
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Would it be possible for the World's diplomats and foreign office
staff to cut out the bloody protocol and get on with protecting
and saving lives. Protocol is mainly an obstruction created for
the diplomatic world by gestapo people during the past few
centuries in order to ma ke sure nothing happens for as long as
possible. "Mr Young I'm a Diplomat, I can't get involved with
politics it isn't protocol" is a typical mind set of many
diplomatic/embassy staff around the World." "Harry, thanks for
the advice, I'll go back and let them know that NOBODY is going
to stop them killing another 10,000 Thai children because it
isn't protocol to interfere" and I don't mean "Harry" Lee Kuan
Yew because he agrees with Erik Young, what is the matter with
all of you ??? are you ID thieves ???? I am terrified of the
final true figure of killings in Thailand and recently Cambodia
that will surface when we have worked out how many were hidden by
black market ID sales. I estimate it will be millions of lives.
Erik J C Young on Feb 6, 2:39 AM said: Dear President Obama FYI
Regards Erik J C Young Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office, It
is your duty to search out British Citizens in Thailand hiding
behind the IDs of other people, in particularly when they have
purchased the IDs of Thais that have been unlawfully killed by
people including the local police. Would Mr Jeff Mitchell of The
British Embassy Bangkok like to confirm whether or not he is
related to "Micky Mitchell" formerly of Woking Surrey UK who was
involved in a land and property fraud concerning a large house in
Brookwood Surrey UK together with the son of Harry Wright of
Knaphill Woking ? If you are then you've been aware of who has
terrorised me, framed me and been stealing my families land and
property interests in Thailand and elsewhere. About Irwin
Mitchell solicitors
I have been in cont act with The Israeli Intelligence Service
about these problems and they are killing people involved in this
scam who have committed acts deemed to be satanic. President
Mubarak of Egypt was trained to fly planes by my father Mervyn F
S Young many years ago. Muburak has the same problem in Egypt
presently, caused by former Gestapo families and associates such
as the Mitchell family. I am returning to Thailand with more
Mosaad (Israeli Intelligence Officers) to remove the
problem "former Gestapo families living on other people's IDs. It
seems The British Embassy in Bangkok are going to have problems
with Mosaad, since it is obvious you have helped former Gestapo
families instead of protecting a genuine British citizen. How
loyal are The Gurkhas to former Gestapo families in or outside
The British Embassy in Bangkok? My guess is they will assist
Mosaad. Do you suppose the word PROTOCOL is an anagram of PR
Occult ? The former Gestapo families of Woking Surrey UK called
themselve s The Occult - proting Satanic Games in Thailand that
have killed more than 1 million Thais. Erik J C Young Landlord cc
Mosaad President Obama Former President George W Bush Premier Wen
JiaBao Baroness Thatcher Read more:
Dear George Soros Thanks for the commercial "The Net
Delusion"... as you know she was not my mind having a delusion of
grandeur she was very much a "human being" whom I loved more than
anyone on the planet (until I met her sister after she was
presumed dead)... I want to raise the Exon-Valdez accident .. I
have become suspicious that this too was an arranged accident by
Sylvester/Napier and their Occult syndicate who use stolen
intellectual property-science to commit acts of terrorism and
then blame other people. Mr Napier was the subject or a
corruption scandal between Ford and Exon... I think he is a ve ry
very dangerous man and needs to be taken to Tel Aviv for
questioning... he is definitely part of the former WW2 Gestapo
families group aka The Occult from Woking Surrey UK, he lives in
Pyrford Woods West Byfleet Surrey not far from "Newark" Abbey a
ruined monastry that was the subject of satanic rituals in or
around 1973. He may have been part of this satanic group when the
police arrested these people for satanism and black magic. I
heard you have located my son Edward Jason Young date of birth
7th June 1995 (or 96) in New York State and are taking car of
him... is this true ???? I worry about him nobody has revealed
his location to me I do not know why. Regards Erik J C Young
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I lived in Bangkok from 2001 to 2009. In 2004 some British ex-pats who I knew about 4 of them came and warned me that Shinawtra had planned to make an example of an ex-pat living it up in Thailand he was only going to pick on one person and this person was going to go through hell on earth my ex-pat friends so scared they closed down their businesses in Bangkok and moved elsewhere in Asia rather than find themselves Shinawatra's target. (This all turned out to be lies Shinawatra hadn't arranged to terrorise the hell otu of an ex-pat he was just the scapegoat for these British people who must have told me 50 times they worked for Shinawatra).
Everything went fine until 2004 when some British ex pats started terrorising me and my family. They first started on my 11 year old daughter Rachinee. From an apartment above they psycho-terrorised her every night for nine months until she became suicidal. She didn't tell us about it until six months after she'd moved back to England with her mother. Whilst it was going on I woke up at 3.00a.m. and my bedroom door was open I looked up and saw a man of about forty years old coming out of her bedroom I jumped up to try and catch him but he got away before I caught up with him. According to her three British men were terrorising her every night so she only got about two hours sleep a night for nine months.
Some six months later some British people started terrorising me claiming I was a pedophile. They were broadcasting these allegations and horrific claims for everyone who could understand English to hear. They claimed they worked for PM Shinawatra (I later found out to be all lies) and he hired them to terrorise me. They turned thousands of Thais against me claiming they were old friends of mine but not anymore because they had found out I sexually abused my children and beat up my two former Thai wives. They had obtained a key to my 10 million Baht Range Rover and were stealing things out of the car including a fake hand gun I had hidden under the drivers seat. In 12 months I had 45 mobile phones stolen and over 5 years I was robbed 4500 times (that is three times a day). They stole everything. They also set my home on fire the placed was wrecked and I had to move into another one of my properties. They had been going around broadcasting to people that I was a pedophile. Then I rented a serviced apartment and a girl came to visit me she seemed very very angry and had two containers with her. I told her I am not a pedophile if she's been told this someone is lying to her. She calmed down and showed me what was in the containers. One was full of razor blades cut up into 2mm strips and the other was full of concentrated hydrochloric acid. She told me these British men had told her I was a pedophile and asked her to visit me and put the razor blades in my food and the acid in my drink. She left but I was visited by two more girls one after the other both armed with razor blades and hydrochloric acid.
On another occasion I booked a room in a small hotel not far from The Malaysia Hotel off Sathorn and when I came back to the room the manager looked really angry and stopped me. He told me not to go to my room but to use the vacant room opposite and look through the spyhole and I'd find out why he didn't want me to use my room. After 5 minutes of looking through the spyhole a little boy of about 10 years old came to the door of my room and started knocking on the door. Eventually he went away then another 10 year old boy did the same thing and over 45 minutes 7 10 year old boys came to my room. It looked suspiciously like these boys had been sent and told to get into my room to make me look like a pedophile.
I got hauled into Yannawa Police Station and seated at a table with benches either side then 2 young boys about 10 years old came in and sat opposite me. I thought oh no the police are going to accuse me of sexually abusing these boys but the boys told the police they had never seen me before.
I was being told by people that they'd heard I was a pedophile. I walked past a building site and a builder dropped a 10Kg concrete block off a second floor scaffold platform and it just missed my head he had been told I was a pedophile.
These people terrorising me came up with such shockingly horrendous allegations about me I could not believe it was humanly possible to dream up such terrible stories. I was driving down Thanon Chalong Kreung at about mid-night and all the way down the road I could hear someone shouting "fuck off fuck off" time and time again. Then the car in front of me stopped and two men Asians got out and walked up to my car and asked me why I'd been shouting fuck off as I was driving behind them I explained it wasn't me then a third man came to my drivers window who was as white as a sheet and European with a face that looked like he was me but 25 years older and he violently punched me in the head three times I sped off to The Bangkok Nursing Home for medical assistance covered in blood by the time I arrived.
These people behind this campaign against me appeared to be British but Thais were involved as well but not doing the terrorising just the robbing and cheating.
No girls could cope with keeping me company they got so distressed about what was being said about me in the background.
What it was all about is in 1972 the King of Denmark who owned a lot of land in Thailand he bought off the King of Siam 140 years ago died and left my mother all his land in Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Sri Lanka and Brunei. Believe it or not our family forgot about all the land and it wasn't until 2005 that I remembered it. We can own land in Thailand because it has been foreign owned for over 140 years. These British people terrorising me trying to drive me and my family out of Thailand thought they could get their hands on the land if I was no longer around. They'd obtained stolen Thai passports to make themselves look like Thai citizens so they could own land in Thailand. I believe they may have then been selling the land to third parties claiming it to be their land when they stole it.
I am returning to Thailand soon and hope they don't start terrorising me again. I am going to buy a gun and if they do terrorise me I'll shoot them I won't get arrested because I am what is known as one of the untouchables in Thailand the police will not arrest me.
They were using a broadcast system when they were stating terrible defamtory comments about me including claiming I was a pedophile so many people heard their lies.
If you have any idea who these people are who were using false IDs when they were terrorising me and my family please send an email to Police General Suwat Jangyodsuk, Commissioner-General at [email protected] with any details you have about them. I know some of them have been involved in the Heroin business and had people offering Heroin to Thais telling them it was a new non addictive Heroin quite safe to use when in fact it was the same highly addictive Heroin that has been around for years. These British people who terrorised me and my family are dangerous criminals and need to be brought to justice. They threatened to hurt my 11 year old son and what they did to him is they grabbed him then while two of them held his arms behind his back they smashed him face first into a concrete playground base intending to disfigure his face for life. They are really evil people why did they have to target the children???????
I have turned our land into an independent State known as The State Of Thailek with 85 of it's own laws and it's own Court of law "The King's Court" which for now is based at The Grand Palace Administration Building The Grand Palace Bangkok
Erik JC Young

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