#Things to install on new MacBooks to make moar awesome
##Install these
- iTerm - terminal replacement
- Alfred - spotlight replacement and uber useful tool
- Git - Because you do version control the right way
- Oh My Zsh - Lets make your bash usable
- Sublime Text 2 - Best text editor ever (unless you're a vim gimp)
- Package Control - Package manager for ST2
- Virtual Box - VMs that work pretty well
- CyberDuck - General purpose SFTP/FTP/S3/Whatever client
- Spectacles - Organise your windows
- iStat Menus - really useful system metrics
##Do these things
- Generate an 4096 bit SSH key
ssh-keygen -b 4096
- Create an SSH config file - See (here)[http://nerderati.com/2011/03/simplify-your-life-with-an-ssh-config-file/] for an example