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Forked from iethree/mb-jars.mjs
Created February 5, 2025 09:51
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Metabase jar helper

Metabase jar helper


you'll need to install google's zx command line tool and be running node 16 or later

npm i -g zx

Save this script in its own directory somewhere like


Then add an alias to your .zshrc or .bashrc or whatever

alias mb-jar="cd ~/projects/mb-jars && zx mb-jars.mjs"


Simply give it the version you want to run and it will download and run that jar

mb-jar 47.2

Will download and run the enterprise 47.2 jar on port 3472, and create a database for metabase v47

mb-jar 46.8 oss

Will download and run the oss 46.8 jar on port 3468, and create a database for metabase v46

const version = process.argv[3];
const edition = process.argv[4] === 'oss' ? 'oss' : 'ee';
const [major, minor] = version.split('.');
const jarName = `metabase-${edition}-${version}.jar`;
const fileExists = fs.existsSync(jarName);
if (!fileExists) {
console.log(`Metabase ${edition} ${version} does not exist, downloading...`));
const downloadPath = edition === 'oss'
? `${version}/metabase.jar`
: `${version}/metabase.jar`;
await $`curl -L -o ${jarName} ${downloadPath}`;
console.log(`Downloaded Metabase ${version}`);
const port = `3${major}${minor || 0}`;
console.log(`Starting Metabase ${edition} ${version} on port ${port}`));
await $`MB_JETTY_PORT=${port} MB_DB_TYPE=h2 MB_DB_FILE=metabase-${major}.db java -jar ${jarName}`;
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