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Created January 12, 2012 04:07
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Elastic BeanStalk settings for Live Env
Live Environment Configuration on Elastic Beanstalk
Ec2-instance type - c1.medium
Ec2 Security Groups - elasticbeanstalk-default, default, GSUI-Base
Monitor Interval - 1 minute
Http Listener port -80
Https Listen ort -443
SSL Certificate ID - rn:aws:iam::228576831886:server-certificate/GeneralSentiment-SSL
Application Health Check URL - /
Health Check Interval (seconds) - 30
Health Check Timeout (seconds) - 5
Health Check Count Threshold - 3
Unhealthy Check Count Threshold - 5
Checked the Enable Session Stickness in checkbox
Cookie Expiration Period (seconds) - 0
Auto Scaling
Minimum Instance Count - 1 (which i want to make it 2, would that be kool)
Maximum Instance Count - 4
Availability zone - any 1
Scaling cool down (seconds) - 360
Scaling Trigger
Trigger Measurement - CPU Utilization
Trigger Static - Average
Unit of measurement - Percent
Measurement Period (minutes) - 5
Beach Duration - 5
Upper Threshold - 70
Upper Breach Scale Increment - 1
Lower Threshold - 10
Lower Breach Scale Increment - -1
Initial JVM Heap Size (MB) - 256MB
Maximum Heap size (MB) - 512MB
Maximum JVM Permanent Generation Size(MB) - 512MB
JVM command line Options - -Duser.timezone=America/New_York
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