Run each jet for the selected input and choose the worst case amongst those inputs. For example, when running Add32, we run bench 50 random inputs and select the worst case amongst those
- Verify, Random inputs,
- Low32, Random inputs,
- Eq32, Both numbers equal,
- Eq256, Both numbers equal,
- Le32, Random inputs,
- One32, Random inputs,
- Add32, Random inputs,
- Subtract32, Random inputs,
- Multiply32, Random inputs,
- FullAdd32, Random inputs,
- FullMultiply32, Random inputs,
- FullSubtract32, Random inputs,
- ParseLock, Random inputs,
- ParseSequence, Set the first bit to zero to only consider valid sequences for worst case,
- Sha256Iv, Random inputs,
- Sha256Block, Random inputs,
- Sha256Ctx8Init, Random inputs,
- Sha256Ctx8Add1, random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that block is processed,
- Sha256Ctx8Add2, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add4, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add8, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add16, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add32, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add64, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add128, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add256, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8Add512, Random context object with len = 512 - 8 such that sha block is completed.
- Sha256Ctx8AddBuffer511, Random object object with len = 512 - 8 and variable byte array len = 511,
- Sha256Ctx8Finalize, Random object with len = 512 - 8.
Scalar = Random 32 byte arrays, ge = valid secp points, gej = (ge, fe), fe = random 32 bytes, point = valid secp point
- FeNormalize, Random Fe point,
- FeNegate, Random Fe point,
- FeAdd, Two random Fe points,
- FeSquare, Random Fe point,
- FeMultiply, Two random Fe points,
- FeMultiplyBeta, Random Fe point,
- FeInvert, Random Fe point,
- FeSquareRoot, Random Fe points,
- FeIsZero, Zero value,
- FeIsOdd, Random Fe value,
- ScalarNormalize, Random scalar,
- ScalarNegate, Random Scalar,
- ScalarAdd, Random two scalars,
- ScalarSquare, Random Scalar,
- ScalarMultiply, Random two scalars,
- ScalarMultiplyLambda, Random Scalar,
- ScalarInvert, Random Scalar,
- ScalarIsZero, Zero scalar,
- GejInfinity, Random Gej point,
- GejRescale, Random (gej, fe) pair,
- GejNormalize, Random gej,
- GejNegate, Random gej,
- GejDouble, Random gej,
- GejAdd, Random gej pair,
- GejGeAddEx, Random (gej, ge) pair,
- GejGeAdd, Random (gej, ge) pair,
- GejIsInfinity, Random (gej, fe_zero) pair,
- GejXEquiv, Random fe gej pair,
- GejYIsOdd, Random gej,
- GejIsOnCurve, Random gej,
- GeIsOnCurve, Random ge point,
- Scale, Random (scalar, gej) pair,
- Generate, Random Scalar,
- LinearCombination1, ((Scalar, gej), scalar),
- LinearVerify1, Random (((Scalar, ge), scalar), ge),
- Decompress, Random point,
- PointVerify1, Random (((Scalar, point), scalar), point),
- Bip0340Verify, Valid signatures,
- CheckSigVerify, valid signatures,
The jets below just read data from pre-computed cache which is fixed regardless of the input data. That is, we just read hashed values from the cache and return them. Random environment refers to env with 0th input index having:
25% chance of having first input pegin
25% chance of having first input issuance
25% chance of having a first input non-pegin, non-issunce, but a confidential spend
25% chance of having a first input non-pegin, non-issuance but explicit spend Number of inputs and outputs in the tx = 3 inputs and 6 outputs, the current index is 0 and genesis hash is random number. We only add annex for jets that directly depend on annex. RATIONALE: One input to spend a asset, one input to pay fees, one input to interact with the contract. Two outputs for asset(dest, change), two outputs for bitcoin (dest, change). One output for fees, and one output for the contract
SigAllHash, Random Environment,
TxHash, Random Environment,
TapEnvHash, Random Environment,
InputsHash, Random Environment,
OutputsHash, Random Environment,
IssuancesHash, Random Environment,
InputUtxosHash, Random Environment,
OutputAmountsHash, Random Environment,
OutputScriptsHash, Random Environment,
OutputNoncesHash, Random Environment,
OutputRangeProofsHash, Random Environment,
OutputSurjectionProofsHash, Random Environment,
InputOutpointsHash, Random Environment,
InputSequencesHash, Random Environment,
InputAnnexesHash, Random Environment,
InputScriptSigsHash, Random Environment,
IssuanceAssetAmountsHash, Random Environment,
IssuanceTokenAmountsHash, Random Environment,
IssuanceRangeProofsHash, Random Environment,
IssuanceBlindingEntropyHash, Random Environment,
InputAmountsHash, Random Environment,
InputScriptsHash, Random Environment,
TapleafHash, Random Environment,
TapbranchHash, Random Environment,
- BuildTapleafSimplicity, Random input
- BuildTapbranch, Random input
- CheckLockHeight, Random environment,
- CheckLockTime, Random environment,
- CheckLockDistance, Random environment,
- CheckLockDuration, Random environment,
- TxLockHeight, Random environment,
- TxLockTime, Random environment,
- TxLockDistance, Random environment,
- TxLockDuration, Random environment,
- TxIsFinal, Random environment,
Jets with no environment required, but no custom sampling required
- CalculateIssuanceEntropy, Random inputs,
- CalculateAsset, Random inputs,
- CalculateExplicitToken, Random inputs,
- CalculateConfidentialToken, Random inputs,
- ScriptCMR, Random Environment,
- InternalKey, Random Environment,
- CurrentIndex, Random Environment,
- NumInputs, Random Environment,
- NumOutputs, Random Environment,
- LockTime, Random Environment,
Each jet has worst case dependent on whether it is pegin or issuance or none
- CurrentPegin, First input pegin,
- CurrentPrevOutpoint, Random environment,
- CurrentAsset, Random environment,
- CurrentAmount, Random environment,
- CurrentScriptHash, Random environment,
- CurrentSequence, Random environment,
- CurrentAnnexHash, Random environment with annex added to the tx,
- CurrentScriptSigHash, Random environment,
- CurrentReissuanceBlinding, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentNewIssuanceContract, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentReissuanceEntropy, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentIssuanceAssetAmount, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentIssuanceTokenAmount, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentIssuanceAssetProof, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- CurrentIssuanceTokenProof, Environment with confidential issuance tx,
- TapleafVersion, Random inputs,
- Version, Random inputs,
- GenesisBlockHash, Random inputs,
For sampling asset and amount, we take
50% of time explicit and 50% of time confidential
nonce is 50% time null or 50% confidential
annex is present or absent 50% of time.
OutpointHash, Random outpoint but ctx8 is chosen such that sha2 block is processed upon adding these bytes
AssetAmountHash, Random (asset, amount) but ctx8 is chosen such that sha2 block is processed upon adding these bytes
NonceHash, Random nonce but ctx8 is chosen such that sha2 block is processed upon adding these bytes
AnnexHash, Random annex but ctx8 is chosen such that sha2 block is processed upon adding these bytes
- Issuance, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceAsset, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceToken, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceEntropy, Current Index with issuance tx,
- OutputAsset, Random valid output index with Random env,
- OutputAmount, Random valid output index with Random env,
- OutputNonce, Random valid output index with Random env,
- OutputScriptHash, Random valid output index with Random env,
- OutputNullDatum, Random valid output index with Random env, // This is the only thing that I know which is not correct
- OutputSurjectionProof, Random valid output index with Random env,
- OutputRangeProof, Random valid output index with Random env,
- InputPegin, Current Index with pegin transaction env,
- InputPrevOutpoint, Random input index with random environment,
- InputAsset, Random input index with random environment,
- InputAmount, Random input index with random environment,
- InputScriptHash, Random input index with random environment,
- InputSequence, Random input index with random environment,
- InputAnnexHash, Current Index with random envionrment but current input having annex,
- InputScriptSigHash, Random input index with random environment,
- ReissuanceBlinding, Current Index with issuance tx,
- NewIssuanceContract, Current Index with issuance tx,
- ReissuanceEntropy, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceAssetAmount, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceTokenAmount, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceAssetProof, Current Index with issuance tx,
- IssuanceTokenProof, Current Index with issuance tx,
- Tapbranch, tapbranch at the 0th index,-