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Created May 12, 2014 13:05
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lab graph search d3.js
// variables
var width = 512; // viewport width
var height = 512; // viewport height
var cellwidth = 32;//128; // cellWidth
var cellheight = 32;//128; // cellHeight
var mode = false // toggle mode on mousedown/mouseup
var cellcountx = width/cellwidth; // cell count x
var cellcounty = height/cellheight; // cell count y
var xs = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, cellcountx]).rangeRound([0, cellcountx * cellwidth])
var ys = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, cellcounty]).rangeRound([0, cellcounty * cellheight])
var G = 'g';
var S = 's';
var tab_goal = [5,7]
var tab_start = [0,0]
var goal = coord(tab_goal);
var start = coord(tab_start);
var states = [];
// Functions
function coord(p){return coord(p[0],p[1]);}
function coord(x, y) {
// returns the grid number starting from 0
return coord[x +','+ y] ||
(coord[x +','+ y] = cellcountx * ((cellcounty + y) % cellcounty) + ((cellcountx + x) % cellcountx));
function logcoord(x,y){console.log('('+x+','+y+') = '+coord(x,y));}
function issimplecell(d){ return (d != S && d != G);}
function issimplecoord(c){ return (c != start && c != goal);}
function isgoal(d){ return (d==G);}
function isstart(d){ return (d==S);}
function coloralleven(){
// change color of the grid for even cells
nstate = [];
for(var i = 0; i<cellcountx;i++){
for(var j = 0; j<cellcounty;j++){
c = coord(i,j)
nstate[c] = (c%2)==0;
return nstate;
function colorallrandom(){
// change color of gird for random cells
nstate = [];
for(var i = 0; i<cellcountx;i++){
for(var j = 0; j<cellcounty;j++){
c = coord(i,j)
nstate[c] = Math.random() > .5;
return nstate;
function colorstates(query){
// color a state by poping cell from var Path.
if(path.length == 0){
var c = path.pop();
if(issimplecoord(c)){states[c] = true;}
.data(states = states)
.classed('life',function(d){if(issimplecell(d)) {return d;} });
function initgoal(goalcoord){
// initilize goal cell in grid
var cgoal = coord(goalcoord[0],goalcoord[1])
goal = cgoal;
states[cgoal] = G;
.data(states =states)
.classed('goal', function(d){ if(isgoal(d)) return d;});
function initstart(initcoord){
// initialize start cell in grid
var cstart = coord(initcoord[0],initcoord[1])
start = cstart;
states[cstart] = S;
.data(states = states)
.classed('start', function(d){ if(isstart(d)) return d;});
var updatecounter = 0;
function updategrid(){
if(updatecounter < 5){
.data(states = colorallrandom())
.classed('life', function(d){
if( issimplecell(d)) return d;});
// Search algorithms
// Directions Object
// Action Object
// Search Object
// DFS function
// DFS mesure time
var Directions = (function(){
//Direction object defines N,E,S,W
var _NORTH = 'North';
var _SOUTH = 'South';
var _EAST = 'East';
var _WEST = 'West';
var _STOP = 'Stop';
function Directions(){};
Directions.prototype.getNorth = function(){return _NORTH;}
Directions.prototype.getSouth = function(){return _SOUTH;}
Directions.prototype.getEast = function(){return _EAST;}
Directions.prototype.getWest = function(){return _WEST;}
Directions.prototype.getStop = function(){return _STOP;}
return Directions;
var Actions = (function(){
//Actions object defines direction methods from vector or direction
var _directions;
function Actions(){
directions = new Object();
var d = new Directions();
this._directions = directions;
Actions.prototype.vectorToDirection = function(vector){
//return direction (N,E,W,S) of var vector
var d = new Directions();
dx = vector[0];
dy = vector[1];
if(dy < 0){return d.getNorth();}
if(dy > 0){return d.getSouth();}
if(dx < 0){return d.getWest();}
if(dx > 0){return d.getEast();}
return d.getStop();
Actions.prototype.directionToVector = function(direction, speed){
//from direction and speed returns vector
//default values
speed = typeof speed !== 'undefined' ? speed : 1.0;
dx = this._directions[direction][0];
dy = this._directions[direction][1];
return [dx*speed,dy*speed];
return Actions;
var Search = (function(){
// Search object defines goal, start and successor function
// private vars
var _start;
var _goal;
var _walls;
function Search(vstart, vgoal){
_walls = this.getWalls();
_goal = vgoal;
_start = vstart;
Search.prototype.getStartState = function(){
return _start;
Search.prototype.isGoalState = function(state){
return areCellsEqual(state,_goal);
Search.prototype.getWalls = function(){
//cellcountx and cellcounty are the size of the grid
wall = [];
for(var i = -1; i <= cellcountx ;i++){
for(var j = 0; j < cellcounty;j++){
return wall;
Search.prototype.isWall = function(cell){
// is cell a wall cell?
for(var i =0; i < _walls.length;i++){
if(areCellsEqual(_walls[i],cell)){ return true;}
return false;
Search.prototype.costFn = function(x){return 1;}
Search.prototype.getSuccessors = function(state){
// successor function
var a = new Actions();
var successors = [];
var d = new Directions();
var actions = [d.getNorth(),d.getSouth(),d.getEast(),d.getWest()];
for( var i = 0; i<actions.length;i++){
action = actions[i];
x = state[0];
y = state[1];
dtv = a.directionToVector(action);
dx = dtv[0];
dy = dtv[1];
nextx = x + dx;
nexty = y + dy;
if (!this.isWall([nextx,nexty])){
nextState = [nextx,nexty];
cost = this.costFn(nextState);
return successors;
return Search;
var Stack = (function(){
var _list;
function Stack(){
this._list = [];
Stack.prototype.push = function(item){
Stack.prototype.pop = function(){
return this._list.pop();
Stack.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
return this._list.length == 0;
return Stack;
function areCellsEqual(c1,c2){
if( c1.length != c2.length){return false;}
for(var i = 0; i <c1.length;i++){
if(c1[i] != c2[i]){ return false;}
return true;
function contains(item,container){
for(var i = 0; i < container.length;i++){
if(areCellsEqual(item,container[i]) ){
return true;
return false;
function depthFirstSearch(problem){
//DFS retuns an array of items [coord,action] by looking the tree by DFS
solution = [];
walked = [];
node = [problem.getStartState(),'',1,[]]
if( problem.isGoalState(problem.getStartState()) ){
return solution;
explored = [];
frontier = new Stack();
found = false;
count = 0;
while(! found){
return [];
node = frontier.pop();
children = problem.getSuccessors(node[0]);
for(var i =0;i<children.length;i++){
var child = children[i];
if(!contains(child[0],explored) ){
var current_path = node[3];
//current_path.push(child[1]); old method for having only actions in solution vector
current_path.push([child[0],child[1]]);// [coords, action]
var child_temp = child;
if( !contains(child_temp[0],explored)){
if( problem.isGoalState(child_temp[0])){
found = true;
solution = child_temp[3];s
return solution;
function breadFirstSearch(s){
return [];
function mesureTimeDFS(v){
var start = new Date().getTime();
var s = new Search([0,0],v)
sol = depthFirstSearch(s);
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = end - start;
console.log('Execution time: ' + time);
return sol;
// Main
// initialize state grid
d3.range(cellcountx * cellcounty).forEach(function(c) {
states[c] = false;
// append grid structure
var vis ='.dfs').append('svg:svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
// fill visualisation element
.attr('width', cellwidth)
.attr('height', cellheight)
.attr('x', function(d, i) { return xs(i % cellcountx); })
.attr('y', function(d, i) { return ys(i / cellcountx | 0); })
.on('mouseup', function() { mode = false; })
.on('mousedown', function() { mode = true; })
.on('mousemove', function(d, i) { if (mode) states[i] = !states[i]; })
.classed('life', function(d) {
if(issimplecell(d)) return d;});
// initialize grid
// search initialize
var s = new Search(tab_start,tab_goal)
var output_dfs = depthFirstSearch(s);
var path = []; // path of indexes to color
for(var i = 0;i<output_dfs.length;i++){
// display in intervals
//updateId = setInterval(updategrid,1000);
//var f = colorstates;
//f.prototype.query = function(){return '.dfs';}
var setIntervalColorId = setInterval(function(){colorstates('.dfs')},70);
/*states_bfs = [];
d3.range(cellcountx * cellcounty).forEach(function(c) {
states_bfs[c] = false;
// append grid structure
var vis_bfs ='.bfs').append('svg:svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
// fill visualisation element
.attr('width', cellwidth)
.attr('height', cellheight)
.attr('x', function(d, i) { return xs(i % cellcountx); })
.attr('y', function(d, i) { return ys(i / cellcountx | 0); })
.on('mouseup', function() { mode = false; })
.on('mousedown', function() { mode = true; })
.on('mousemove', function(d, i) { if (mode) states_bfs[i] = !states[i]; })
.classed('life', function(d) {
if(issimplecell(d)) return d;});
// initialize grid
// search initialize
var s = new Search(tab_start,tab_goal)
var output_bfs = depthFirstSearch(s);
var path_bfs = []; // path of indexes to color
for(var i = 0;i<output_bfs.length;i++){
// display in intervals
//updateId = setInterval(updategrid,1000);
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