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Created November 20, 2019 21:47
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[New LWP 102051 of process 76788]
[Switching to LWP 102048 of process 76788]
Thread 10 hit Breakpoint 2, compile_data (dctx=0x803192a00) at ../src/sass_context_wrapper.cpp:18
18 sass_compile_data_context(dctx);
(gdb) print *dctx
$3 = {<Sass_Context> = {<Sass_Options> = {<Sass_Output_Options> = {<Sass_Inspect_Options> = {output_style = SASS_STYLE_NESTED, precision = 5, in_selector = false}, indent = 0x80573e0d8 " ", linefeed = 0x80573e0e0 "\n",
source_comments = false}, source_map_embed = false, source_map_contents = false, source_map_file_urls = false, omit_source_map_url = false, is_indented_syntax_src = false,
input_path = 0x805ac5ec0 "/home/saper/sw/node-sass-segfault-repro/src/complex.scss", output_path = 0x0, include_path = 0x80625b3f0 "/home/saper/sw/node-sass-segfault-repro", plugin_path = 0x0, include_paths = 0x0,
plugin_paths = 0x0, source_map_file = 0x0, source_map_root = 0x0, c_functions = 0x0, c_importers = 0x8031a9c20, c_headers = 0x0}, type = SASS_CONTEXT_DATA, output_string = 0x0, source_map_string = 0x0,
error_status = 0, error_json = 0x0, error_text = 0x0, error_message = 0x0, error_file = 0x0, error_line = 0, error_column = 0, error_src = 0x0, included_files = 0x0},
source_string = 0x8031d5540 "$base-color: #036;\n\n// this needs to run longer than the FaultyComponent.scss compiler\n@for $i from 1 through 10000 {\n ul:nth-child(3n + #{$i}) {\n background-color: lighten($base-color, $i % 20 * "..., srcmap_string = 0x0}
(gdb) print dctx->c_importers
$4 = (Sass_Importer_List) 0x8031a9c20
(gdb) print *dctx->c_importers
$5 = (Sass_Importer *) 0x80573f720
(gdb) print dctx->c_importers[0]
$6 = (Sass_Importer *) 0x80573f720
(gdb) print dctx->c_importers[1]
$7 = (Sass_Importer *) 0x0
(gdb) print *dctx->c_importers[0]
$8 = {importer = 0x8066f8090 <sass_importer(char const*, Sass_Importer*, Sass_Compiler*)>, priority = 0, cookie = 0x803193700}
(gdb) cont
[Switching to LWP 102046 of process 76788]
Thread 8 hit Breakpoint 2, compile_data (dctx=0x803192500) at ../src/sass_context_wrapper.cpp:18
18 sass_compile_data_context(dctx);
(gdb) print *dctx
$9 = {<Sass_Context> = {<Sass_Options> = {<Sass_Output_Options> = {<Sass_Inspect_Options> = {output_style = SASS_STYLE_NESTED, precision = 5, in_selector = false}, indent = 0x80573e150 " ", linefeed = 0x80573e158 "\n",
source_comments = false}, source_map_embed = false, source_map_contents = false, source_map_file_urls = false, omit_source_map_url = false, is_indented_syntax_src = false,
input_path = 0x805755340 "/home/saper/sw/node-sass-segfault-repro/src/faulty.scss", output_path = 0x0, include_path = 0x8056d93a0 "/home/saper/sw/node-sass-segfault-repro", plugin_path = 0x0, include_paths = 0x0,
plugin_paths = 0x0, source_map_file = 0x0, source_map_root = 0x0, c_functions = 0x0, c_importers = 0x8031a9bf0, c_headers = 0x0}, type = SASS_CONTEXT_DATA, output_string = 0x0, source_map_string = 0x0,
error_status = 0, error_json = 0x0, error_text = 0x0, error_message = 0x0, error_file = 0x0, error_line = 0, error_column = 0, error_src = 0x0, included_files = 0x0},
source_string = 0x805ac6880 "@import './breakpoints.scss';\n", srcmap_string = 0x0}
(gdb) print *dctx->c_importers[0]
$10 = {importer = 0x8066f8090 <sass_importer(char const*, Sass_Importer*, Sass_Compiler*)>, priority = 0, cookie = 0x8031940a0}
(gdb) cont
Thread 8 hit Breakpoint 1, sass_importer (cur_path=0x7fffdf3f6ff1 "./breakpoints.scss", cb=0x80573f520, comp=0x80691f0c0) at ../src/binding.cpp:10
10 void* cookie = sass_importer_get_cookie(cb);
(gdb) next
11 struct Sass_Import* previous = sass_compiler_get_last_import(comp);
(gdb) print cookie
$11 = (void *) 0x8031940a0
(gdb) cont
The expected error occurred. Exiting now which may trigger the segmentation fault error in the still running process(es).
[LWP 102040 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102027 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102033 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102032 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102039 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102046 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102047 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102051 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102048 of process 76788 exited]
[LWP 102043 of process 76788 exited]
[Inferior 1 (process 76788) exited normally]
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