AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 |
Parameters: |
ServiceName: |
Type: String |
Default: RestaurantService |
Description: Name for the service, used in the code repository, Lambda function, and pipeline names |
CodeBuildEnvironment: |
Type: String |
Default: "sapessi/aws-lambda-go18-codebuild:latest" |
Description: Name of the image to use for the CodeBuild container |
Resources: |
# Code repository for the service |
CodeRepository: |
Type: AWS::CodeCommit::Repository |
Properties: |
RepositoryName: !Sub '${ServiceName}_repo' |
RepositoryDescription: !Sub 'Repository for the ${ServiceName} service' |
# CodeBuild project and resources (S3 Bucket for build artifacts, Role, Project) |
BuildArtifactsBucket: |
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket |
CodeBuildServiceRole: |
Type: AWS::IAM::Role |
Properties: |
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Action: |
- 'sts:AssumeRole' |
Effect: Allow |
Principal: |
Service: |
- codebuild.amazonaws.com |
Path: / |
Policies: |
- PolicyName: CodeBuildAccess |
PolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Effect: Allow |
Resource: |
- !Sub 'arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/codebuild/${ServiceName}_build' |
- !Sub 'arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:log-group:/aws/codebuild/${ServiceName}_build:*' |
Action: |
- 'logs:CreateLogGroup' |
- 'logs:CreateLogStream' |
- 'logs:PutLogEvents' |
- Effect: Allow |
Resource: |
- !Sub 'arn:aws:s3:::${BuildArtifactsBucket}/*' |
Action: |
- 's3:GetObject' |
- 's3:GetObjectVersion' |
- 's3:PutObject' |
CodeBuildProject: |
Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project |
Properties: |
Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}_build' |
Artifacts: |
Environment: |
Image: !Sub '${CodeBuildEnvironment}' |
EnvironmentVariables: |
Value: !Ref BuildArtifactsBucket |
ServiceRole: !GetAtt CodeBuildServiceRole.Arn |
Source: |
# Integration tests function |
StartTestsFunctionExecutionRole: |
Type: AWS::IAM::Role |
Properties: |
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Action: |
- 'sts:AssumeRole' |
Effect: Allow |
Principal: |
Service: |
- lambda.amazonaws.com |
Path: / |
Policies: |
- PolicyName: InvokeAsync |
PolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Action: |
- 'lambda:InvokeAsync' |
- 'lambda:InvokeFunction' |
- 'cloudformation:DescribeStacks' |
- 'codepipeline:*' |
- 'logs:*' |
Effect: Allow |
Resource: '*' |
StartTestsFunction: |
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function |
Properties: |
FunctionName: !Sub '${ServiceName}_start_tests' |
Description: !Sub 'Starts integration tests function ${ServiceName}' |
Handler: index.lambda_handler |
MemorySize: 128 |
Role: !GetAtt StartTestsFunctionExecutionRole.Arn |
Runtime: python2.7 |
Timeout: 10 |
Code: |
ZipFile: > |
import json |
import boto3 |
import uuid |
cp = boto3.client("codepipeline") |
cf = boto3.client("cloudformation") |
lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda") |
def lambda_handler(event, context): |
print json.dumps(event, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) |
job_id = event["CodePipeline.job"]["id"] |
user_parameters = event["CodePipeline.job"]["data"]["actionConfiguration"]["configuration"]["UserParameters"] |
stack_name = user_parameters.split("|")[0] |
test_stack_name = user_parameters.split("|")[1] |
stage = user_parameters.split("|")[2] |
print("looking for ApiUrl in {} Stack".format(stack_name)) |
api_url, error = _get_property_from_stack(stack_name, "ApiUrl") |
if not api_url: |
_fail_job(job_id, error) |
return |
print("looking for TestFunction in {} Stack".format(test_stack_name)) |
test_function, error = _get_property_from_stack(test_stack_name, "TestFunction") |
if not test_function: |
_fail_job(job_id, error) |
return |
lambda_client.invoke_async( |
FunctionName=test_function, |
InvokeArgs=json.dumps({ |
"job_id": job_id, |
"api_url": api_url |
}) |
) |
def _get_property_from_stack(stack_name, property_key): |
stack_data = cf.describe_stacks(StackName=stack_name) |
if not stack_data or len(stack_data["Stacks"]) == 0: |
return None, "Could not find stack" |
current_stack = stack_data["Stacks"][0] |
if "Outputs" not in current_stack: |
return None, "Could not find outputs in stack" |
for cur_output in current_stack["Outputs"]: |
if cur_output["OutputKey"] == property_key: |
return cur_output["OutputValue"], None |
return None, "Could not find {} output property in stack".format(property_key) |
def _complete_job(job_id): |
cp.put_job_success_result(jobId=job_id) |
def _fail_job(job_id, failure_reason): |
cp.put_job_failure_result( |
jobId=job_id, |
failureDetails={ |
'type': 'JobFailed', |
'message': failure_reason, |
'externalExecutionId': uuid.uuid4().hex |
} |
) |
# CodePipeline definition and required roles |
CFNPipelinePolicy: |
Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy |
Properties: |
Description: CloudFormation Pipeline Execution Policy |
Path: "/" |
PolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
Effect: Allow |
Action: |
- 'cloudformation:CreateStack' |
- 'cloudformation:DescribeStacks' |
- 'cloudformation:DeleteStack' |
- 'cloudformation:UpdateStack' |
- 'cloudformation:CreateChangeSet' |
- 'cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet' |
- 'cloudformation:DeleteChangeSet' |
- 'cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet' |
- 'cloudformation:SetStackPolicy' |
- 'cloudformation:SetStackPolicy' |
- 'cloudformation:ValidateTemplate' |
- 'codebuild:StartBuild' |
- 'codebuild:BatchGetBuilds' |
Resource: "*" |
CloudFormationExecutionRole: |
Type: AWS::IAM::Role |
Properties: |
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
Action: |
- 'sts:AssumeRole' |
Effect: Allow |
Principal: |
Service: |
- cloudformation.amazonaws.com |
Path: / |
ManagedPolicyArns: |
- 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess' |
PipelineExecutionRole: |
Type: AWS::IAM::Role |
Properties: |
AssumeRolePolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Action: |
- 'sts:AssumeRole' |
Effect: Allow |
Principal: |
Service: |
- codepipeline.amazonaws.com |
Path: / |
ManagedPolicyArns: |
- 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeCommitFullAccess' |
- 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess' |
- !Ref CFNPipelinePolicy |
Policies: |
- PolicyName: CodePipelineAccess |
PolicyDocument: |
Version: '2012-10-17' |
Statement: |
- Action: |
- 'iam:PassRole' |
- 'lambda:InvokeFunction' |
- 'lambda:ListFunctions' |
- 'lambda:InvokeAsyc' |
Effect: Allow |
Resource: '*' |
Pipeline: |
Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline |
Properties: |
ArtifactStore: |
Location: !Ref BuildArtifactsBucket |
Type: S3 |
Name: !Sub ${ServiceName}_pipeline |
RoleArn: !GetAtt PipelineExecutionRole.Arn |
Stages: |
- Name: Source |
Actions: |
- Name: CodeCommitRepo |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Source |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CodeCommit |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RepositoryName: !Sub '${ServiceName}_repo' |
BranchName: master |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: SourceZip |
RunOrder: 1 |
- Name: Build |
Actions: |
- Name: CodeBuild |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Build |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CodeBuild |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
ProjectName: !Ref CodeBuildProject |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: SourceZip |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: BuiltZip |
- Name: DeployTests |
Actions: |
- Name: CreateChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Tests' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Tests' |
TemplatePath: BuiltZip::test-output_sam.yaml |
Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: BuiltZip |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: TestChangeSet |
RunOrder: 1 |
- Name: ExecuteChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Tests' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Tests' |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: ExecutedTestChangeSet |
RunOrder: 2 |
- Name: Beta |
Actions: |
- Name: CreateChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Beta' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Beta' |
TemplatePath: BuiltZip::app-output_sam.yaml |
Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: BuiltZip |
RunOrder: 1 |
- Name: ExecuteChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Beta' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Beta' |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}BetaChangeSet' |
RunOrder: 2 |
- Name: IntegrationTests |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Invoke |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: Lambda |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
FunctionName: !Ref StartTestsFunction |
UserParameters: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Beta|${ServiceName}-Stack-Tests|beta' |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}BetaChangeSet' |
RunOrder: 3 |
- Name: Gamma |
Actions: |
- Name: CreateChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Gamma' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Gamma' |
TemplatePath: BuiltZip::app-output_sam.yaml |
Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: BuiltZip |
RunOrder: 1 |
- Name: ExecuteChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Gamma' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Gamma' |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}GammaChangeSet' |
RunOrder: 2 |
- Name: IntegrationTests |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Invoke |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: Lambda |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
FunctionName: !Ref StartTestsFunction |
UserParameters: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Gamma|${ServiceName}-Stack-Tests|gamma' |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}GammaChangeSet' |
RunOrder: 3 |
- Name: Prod |
Actions: |
- Name: DeploymentApproval |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Approval |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: Manual |
Version: 1 |
RunOrder: 1 |
- Name: CreateChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Prod' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Prod' |
TemplatePath: BuiltZip::app-output_sam.yaml |
Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM |
InputArtifacts: |
- Name: BuiltZip |
RunOrder: 2 |
- Name: ExecuteChangeSet |
ActionTypeId: |
Category: Deploy |
Owner: AWS |
Provider: CloudFormation |
Version: 1 |
Configuration: |
RoleArn: !GetAtt CloudFormationExecutionRole.Arn |
StackName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-Stack-Prod' |
ChangeSetName: !Sub '${ServiceName}-ChangeSet-Prod' |
OutputArtifacts: |
- Name: !Sub '${ServiceName}ProdChangeSet' |
RunOrder: 3 |
import "C"
statement is no more needed 😉handler.zip
and no morepackage.zip
python script which can assist you in injecting the shim into your final zip.