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Integration and loading public holiday from Google Calendar into Fullcalendar rails4
1. Add rails4 Fullcalendar gem to Gemfile
gem 'fullcalendar-rails'
Then run command: bundle install
2. Copy & pasted into assets/stylesheet/application.css.scss (By default application.css, so just rename)
*= require fullcalendar
3. Copy & pasted into assets/javascript/application.js
//= require fullcalendar
//= require gcal
4. then create a new view and put a tag
5. Put this script into the same view
// defined instance of the dialog
$( "#dialog" ).dialog( {
autoOpen: false,
title: "Input Holiday"
// user click, then dialog popup
header: {
right: "prev,next, today",
center: "title",
left: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay"
events: {
url: ''
eventSources: [{
url: "/posts",
dayClick: function() {
theme: true,
height: 600,
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