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Created March 7, 2019 03:27
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show electron app notification according to OS
* author: [email protected]
* purpose: show native notifications accroding to os
import { ipcMain, BrowserWindow } from 'electron';
import * as notifier from 'node-notifier';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as elog from 'electron-log';
function handleRes(e: any, data: any, err: any, response: string, metadata: any) {
if (err) {'error from notification', err);
let window = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();'notification', response);
// commented due to default focus on app in ubuntu when notification recieved
// if (!response) {
// if (window[0]) {
// window[0].focus();
// }
// e.sender.send('push-info-recieved', data);
// return;
// }
if (response && response === 'activate') {
if (window[0]) {
e.sender.send('push-info-recieved', data);
ipcMain.on('trigger-push-notification', (e: any, data: any) => {
let opts: any = {
title: data.title,
message: data.message.content,
icon: path.join(__dirname, '/assets/icon/icon.png'),
sound: true,
timeout: 5
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
const NotificationCenter = require('node-notifier').NotificationCenter;
const mac = new NotificationCenter({withFallback: true});
opts.appIcon = '';
opts.icon = '';
opts.sound = 'Tink';
mac.notify(opts, (err: any, response: string, metadata: any) => {
handleRes(e, data, err, response, metadata);
} else {
notifier.notify(opts, (err: any, response: string, metadata: any) => {
handleRes(e, data, err, response, metadata);
// response: string 'timeout' | 'closed' | 'replied' | 'activate'
// response: undefined in case of windows
deliveredAt: '2018-08-03 15:58:47 +0530',
activationType: 'replied',
activationAt: '2018-08-03 15:59:04 +0530',
activationValue: 'Am replying 😊 ' }
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