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Created July 5, 2012 09:50
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// Queue to qmail-queue
var childproc = require('child_process');
var netBinding = require('net');
//var netBinding = process.binding('net');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
exports.register = function () {
this.queue_exec = this.config.get('qmail-queue.path') || '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue';
if (!path.existsSync(this.queue_exec)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find qmail-queue binary (" + this.queue_exec + ")");
exports.hook_queue = function (next, connection) {
var plugin = this;
// TODO: This will not work on 0.6 so we need to do something about that
// var messagePipe = netBinding.pipe();
// var envelopePipe = CreatPipe();
var qmail_queue = childproc.spawn(
this.queue_exec, // process name
[], // arguments
// { customFds: [messagePipe[0], envelopePipe[0]] }
{ stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe','ignore'] }
var finished = function (code) {
// qmail_queue.stdin.Close();
if (code !== 0) {
connection.logerror(plugin, "Unable to queue message to qmail-queue: " + code);
else {
next(OK, "Queued!");
qmail_queue.on('exit', finished);
var i = 0;
var write_more = function () {
if (i === connection.transaction.data_lines.length) {
//return fs.close(messagePipe[1], function () {
//we should convert it to equivalent for stream
return fs.close(qmail_queue.stdio[0], function () {
// now send envelope
// Hope this will be big enough...
var buf = new Buffer(4096);
var p = 0;
buf[p++] = 70;
var mail_from = connection.transaction.mail_from.address();
for (var i = 0; i < mail_from.length; i++) {
buf[p++] = mail_from.charCodeAt(i);
buf[p++] = 0;
connection.transaction.rcpt_to.forEach(function (rcpt) {
buf[p++] = 84;
var rcpt_to = rcpt.address();
for (var i = 0; i < rcpt_to.length; i++) {
buf[p++] = rcpt_to.charCodeAt(i);
buf[p++] = 0;
buf[p++] = 0;
//fs.write(envelopePipe[1], buf, 0, p, null, function () {
fs.write(qmail_queue.stdio[1], buf, 0, p, null, function () {
// now we just wait for the process to exit, which happens above
var buf = new Buffer(connection.transaction.data_lines[i]);
//fs.write(messagePipe[1], buf, 0, buf.length, null, write_more);
//fs.write(qmail_queue.stdio[0], buf, 0, buf.length, null, write_more);
//this part is wrong we need to fix
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