UPDATE 2023-01-22 21:34:33
This guide was last tested on an Intel MacBook 2017. Since then it's unmaintained and won't be updated (I quit the game and bought a life-time crossover licence).
This has been forked from https://gist.github.com/Alex4386/4cce275760367e9f5e90e2553d655309
For the latest discussion, see the comments there.
- Install dependencies: Xcode developer tools (Command Line); cmake; gcc or clang to compile C code; bison >= 3.0 (can be upgraded via homebrew); xquartz; flex; mingw-w64; pkgconfig; you might also need freetype with
brew install freetype
- Make sure the right version of bison is in path:
brew upgrade bison
then check version andcd /usr/local/Cellar/bison/<version>/bin
andexport PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
then check withwhich bison
- Download source (CodeWeavers CrossOver FOSS version Source) and extract it (double click the file in Finder or untar it:
tar -xz source.tar.gz
) - Add missing
file with this content:
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* distversion.c
* Copyright 2013, CodeWeavers, Inc.
* Information from DISTVERSION which needs to find
* its way into the wine tree.
* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define WINDEBUG_WHAT_HAPPENED_MESSAGE "This can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check <a href=\"http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/\">http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/</a> for tips about running this application."
#define WINDEBUG_USER_SUGGESTION_MESSAGE "If this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the \"Save As\" button, then <a href=\"http://www.codeweavers.com/support/tickets/enter/\">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report."
- Create this script and run:
## https://www.codeweavers.com/crossover/source
## https://media.codeweavers.com/pub/crossover/source/crossover-sources-20.0.0.tar.gz
echo Compiling LLVM...
cd clang/llvm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cd bin
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
cd ../../../..
echo LLVM Compile done
echo Compiling Clang...
cd clang/clang
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cd bin
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
cd ../../../..
echo CLang compile done
echo Compiling Wine...
cd wine
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
CC="clang" CXX="clang++" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 ./configure --enable-win32on64 -disable-winedbg --without-x --without-vulkan --disable-mscms
If you are lazy enough, or you are really fan of Wine project.
How about supporting wine development by supporting Crossover.
They claim that they support the WineHQ project, and it seems they do so. (shrug) WineGitRepoSearch
To install, you need following dependencies to be installed on your Mac machine.
- Xcode developer tools (Command Line)
- cmake
- gcc or clang to compile c codes.
- bison >= 3.0 (can be upgraded via homebrew) (@sarimarton: after installing a newer version via brew, it doesn't switch the default one to that newer version automatically. An additional command is needed for the system to see the newer version:
export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/bison/<version>/bin:$PATH
) - xquartz
- flex
- mingw-w64
- pkgconfig
(If more dependencies are found, the list will be updated)
Go to CodeWeavers CrossOver FOSS version Source and download the source.
This guide is strictly for Compiling on Mac.
use command tar -xz whatever_the_filename_is.tar.gz
to untar it.
Go to llvm directory and create build
directory with command mkdir build
cd build
to go there and run cmake ../
to configure build directory.
When cmake
is done, you can run make
to compile.
This will take a long time... Take your time and have a break.
(Build Time: 1h 25m 45s on 2018 Macbook Pro with intel Core i9 Processor)
now cd bin
and add binaries to PATH via export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
Go to clang directory and create build
directory with command mkdir build
. (PATH setup from llvm required!!)
cd build
to go there and run cmake ../
to configure build directory.
When cmake
is done, you can run make
to compile.
This will take some time... Take your time and have a break.
(Build Time: 34m 36s on 2018 Macbook Pro with intel Core i9 Processor)
now cd bin
and add binaries to PATH via export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
(@sarimarton: cd /wine
before compiling Wine)
(@sarimarton: Add file wine/include/distversion.h
with the content given below in the notes)
The custom build of wine by codeweavers have special flag called --enable-win32on64
Use that to when you setup with ./configure
Use command
(@sarimarton: Use this command instead (see notes below): CC="clang" CXX="clang++" ./configure --enable-win32on64
CC="clang" CXX="clang++" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 ./configure --enable-win32on64 -disable-winedbg --without-x --without-vulkan --disable-mscms
Then compile with make
The compile without the insertions will fail with these errors:
- missing file distversion.h:
programs/winedbg/resource.h:23: error: distversion.h: No such file or directory
programs/winedbg/crashdlg.c:31: note: resource.h was first included here
config.status: error: could not create Makefile
@sarimarton I'm the maintainer of wine in MacPorts. I reported the missing distversion.h to CodeWeavers back in 2013 and reminded them of it in 2018. I guess they're never going to add it. But they provided its contents to me; it's here, in patch form:
Content of the file:
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* distversion.c
* Copyright 2013, CodeWeavers, Inc.
* Information from DISTVERSION which needs to find
* its way into the wine tree.
* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define WINDEBUG_WHAT_HAPPENED_MESSAGE "This can be caused by a problem in the program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check <a href=\"http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/\">http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/</a> for tips about running this application."
#define WINDEBUG_USER_SUGGESTION_MESSAGE "If this problem is not present under Windows and has not been reported yet, you can save the detailed information to a file using the \"Save As\" button, then <a href=\"http://www.codeweavers.com/support/tickets/enter/\">file a bug report</a> and attach that file to the report."
It will still fail. Solution is another suggestion about disabling some packages: https://gist.github.com/Alex4386/4cce275760367e9f5e90e2553d655309#gistcomment-3241084
A bunch of the modules don't build, just disable them (IIRC I ended up using --disable-winedbg --without-x --without-vulkan --disable-mscms)
Now the build will be fine, but win32on64 will fail to execute files due to out of segment DLL errors. Solution is to Build wine with the environment variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 - https://gist.github.com/Alex4386/4cce275760367e9f5e90e2553d655309#gistcomment-3293682
I know this is listed for mac but could this guide also be used to help compile it for linux?