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Created January 21, 2012 03:32
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Streaming multiple files (multipart/form-data) PUT uploads to Tornado (uses a fork that supports body streaming)
This example requires the body-streaming tornado fork at
Refer to
Supports uploading an unlimited number/size of files in a single
PUT multipart/form-data request. Each file is processed as the stream
finds the part in the form data.
After starting this test tornado instance using the fork
at, this can be tested
using the curl command:
curl -X PUT -F file=@/path/to/file#1 -F file=@/path/to/file#2 http://localhost:8888
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.httputil
import tornado.escape
import tempfile
import cgi
class MultipartFormdataHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
"""Process a multipart/form-data data stream"""
# flag to only accept form parts with file data (has a filename)
files_only = True
def initialize(self):
# currently processing form part
self.current_part = None
# bytes left to process in the stream
self.bytes_left = int(self.request.headers.get("Content-Length", 0))
# buffer needed to accurately identify form data parts
self._buffer = ""
# requires multipart/form-data content
content_type = self.request.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
if not self.bytes_left or not content_type.startswith("multipart"):
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(405)
# extract the multipart boundary
fields = content_type.split(";")
for field in fields:
k, sep, v = field.strip().partition("=")
if k == "boundary" and v:
if v.startswith(b'"') and v.endswith(b'"'):
self.boundary = tornado.escape.utf8(v[1:-1])
self.boundary = tornado.escape.utf8(v)
raise tornado.httpserver._BadRequestException("Invalid multipart/form-data")
def put(self):
# directory to put uploaded files to
self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="multipart-uploads-")
# setup callbacks for each part of the multiform data
self.onpart = lambda filename, header: open("%s/%s" % (self.tmpdir, filename), "w")
self.ondata = lambda file, chunk: file.write(chunk)
self.onclose = lambda file: (file.close(), self.write("Finished upload of %s" %, self.flush())
self.onfinish = lambda: self.finish()
# initialize streaming
def onpart(self, name, content_type):
raise NotImplementedError("Required onpart callback")
def ondata(self, part, data):
raise NotImplementedError("Required ondata callback")
def onclose(self, part):
raise NotImplementedError("Required onclose callback")
def onfinish(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Required onfinish callback")
def stream_data(self):
# don't like needing to access the iostream private read_buffer_size variable
# but it is needed to ensure we always consume as much as is available to avoid
# overflowing the max read buffer size on large uploads, max(4096,, self._stream)
def close(self):
if self.current_part:
def _stream(self, data):
self.bytes_left -= len(data)
data = self._buffer + data
delimiter = data.find(b"--%s" % self.boundary)
delimiter_len = len(b"--%s" % self.boundary)
eoh = None
if delimiter != -1:
data, self._buffer = data[0:delimiter], data[delimiter:]
eoh = self._buffer.find("\r\n\r\n")
# leave the end of the chunk so the boundary does not get lost if
# it cutoff part-way
endlen = len(self.boundary) + 4
data, self._buffer = data[0:-endlen], data[-endlen:]
# stream data to part handler
if data:
if self.current_part:
self.ondata(self.current_part, data)
# move on to the next part (or start) if we have a header in the buffer
if eoh >= 0:
self._buffer = self._buffer[eoh+4:]
# check if the stream finished
if delimiter != -1 and self._buffer[delimiter_len:delimiter_len+2] == "--":
if self.current_part:
self.current_part = None
return self.onfinish()
# continue streaming
def _header(self, header):
# close any open parts as they are done
if self.current_part:
self.current_part = None
header_check = header.find(self.boundary)
if header_check != -1:
logging.warning("multipart/form-data missing headers")
header = header[header_check:]
# convert to dict
header = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders.parse(header.decode("utf-8"))
disp_header = header.get("Content-Disposition", "")
disposition, disp_params = tornado.httputil._parse_header(disp_header)
next = False
if disposition != "form-data":
logging.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data")
if not disp_params.get("name"):
logging.warning("multipart/form-data value missing name")
if self.files_only and "filename" not in disp_params:
# this part is invalid, move on to the next one
logging.warning("multipart/form-data part missing required file data")
# stream files non-blocking to the handler one file at a time
self.current_part = self.onpart(disp_params["filename"] if self.files_only else disp_params["name"], header.get("Content-Type", "application/unknown"))
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MultipartFormdataHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
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I may be using this wrong, but it fills my RAM pretty fast when uploading 3x100MB files and Tornado process gets killed.

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