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Last active December 9, 2016 17:47
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module PPAP where
-- Objects are either a unit of something (Thing) or some combination (Union)
data Object = Thing String
| Union Object Object
instance Show Object where
show (Thing name) = name
show (Union a b) = show a ++ "-" ++ show b
-- Some simple constructors
-- unions merging the thing on the right with the left after flipping the thing on the right
-- this is the same as combining left to right, pivoting on the left, and "reading" top to bottom
union :: Object -> Object -> Object
union a b = Union (flip b) a
where flip :: Object -> Object
flip (Thing t) = Thing t
flip (Union a b) = Union b a
thing = Thing
-- simple method for describing objects
describe :: Object -> IO ()
describe (Thing s) = putStrLn $ "I have a " ++ s ++ "..."
describe ab@(Union a b) = putStrLn $ show ab ++ "..."
-- simple description of the act of combining
combine :: Object -> Object -> IO Object
combine a b = do
let ab = union a b
describe a
describe b
putStrLn "*Unh*"
putStrLn $ show ab ++ "!"
putStrLn ""
return ab
-- sample program which combines a bunch of objects
main = do
let pen = thing "Pen"
let apple = thing "Apple"
let pineapple = thing "Pineapple"
putStrLn "PPAP"
putStrLn ""
ap <- combine pen apple
pp <- combine pen pineapple
combine ap pp
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