- prefer using ulid for all file and folder in the index: this avoids rewriting entries in case of rename
- have s3 url separately created than file and folder index, so that move doesn't require s3 moves
- limit folder depth to 3 or 5 from ui and back-end : to avoid bulky folder level operations
- pk:
- sk:
parentPath + "___" + ulid
(to make uniq rows use ULID strings in the sk which are sorted by time) - root is just
; there is no row for root. - path separator is
is all folders from root- s3 url can be flat within acc-id: s3 key is uuid -> store it in db row
pk:a123, sk:/___ulid1 => {type: file, name: "file1", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
pk:a123, sk:/___ulid2 => {type: file, name: "file2", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
pk:a123, sk:/___ulid3 => {type: folder, name: "folder1"}
pk:a123, sk:/ulid3___ulid4 => {type: file, name: "file3", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
pk:a123, sk:/ulid3___ulid5 => {type: file, name: "file4", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
pk:a123, sk:/___ulid6 => {type: folder, name: "folder2"}
pk:a123, sk:/ulid6___ulid8 => {type: file, name: "file5", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
pk:a123, sk:/ulid6___ulid8 => {type: folder, name: "folder3"}
pk:a123, sk:/ulid6/ulid8___ulid9 => {type: file, name: "file6", s3: "url", tags: [t1, t2, t3 upto 5 tags], description: " bla bla 10 words"}
ls dir: ddb.query(pk=accId, sk=starts_with(parentPath + "___"))
create: ddb.updateItem(pk=accId, sk=parentPath + "___" + ulid)
edit details: ddb.updateItem(pk=accId, sk=exactKey_known_from_ui)
del file: ddb.deleteItem(pk=accId, sk=exactKey_known_from_ui)
- then s3 del too
move file: create in dest folder then delete in current folder
- no need to move in s3
upload new file version: upload to s3 in same location
- (s3 bucket configured to have say 3~5 versions)
download file: ddb.getItem(pk=accId, sk=exactKey_known_from_ui) => get s3 url
- prefer sending s3 url and let it download from browser
move/del folder: costly as need to update all child entries
- do a recursive ls of folder and operate in async`
- limit folder depth to say 3~5
- some eventual consistency if during move someone created new file in old path -> can prevent by maintaining a a folder lock entry in db